Top 1200 Gym Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Gym quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
What I do normally is I do the cardio, then I'll eat - protein shake, oatmeal, banana - then I'll hit the gym, and I'll be in the gym for two hours.
In high school, I had gym, and with me just being so competitive, I would go too hard in gym class.
I was a basketball player. I'm a gym rat. I'm always in the gym playing. — © Jim Caviezel
I was a basketball player. I'm a gym rat. I'm always in the gym playing.
The first thing I do when I walk into a hotel is find the gym, and if they don't have a gym, I start looking for a handhold where I can do my pull-ups. Sometimes if a shower curtain rod is sturdy enough, I'll do them there.
I have my own gym. When you do jokes and they sell, you get a gym.
As women, I think we lower our standards of what we expect of ourselves. Don't just stay at home and do jumping jacks and leave the gym space to the gym. You have every right to be in the gym - for your health, and so you've got energy for your kids.
I pretty much spend most of my time in the gym bulking up and staying fit and putting muscle on so I can play the part of Luke Cage, but I've never been a gym rat.
When you are a journalist in the music business, as I was, you end up dying or going to the gym - I chose the gym.
Actually, I'm not a gym rat. I'm not a gym person - I've never been. I've always been blessed to be thin. If I'm waiting for the kettle to boil, I'm doing 15 lunges.
I don't go to the gym. I've always been very athletic and kept very active. I used to run track. I literally have no desire to get a gym membership.
I go to the gym in the morning without any makeup on. Sorry, guys, if you think I'm ugly, but I don't know anybody who goes to the gym with makeup on.
I'm not a gym rat. I've got a gym membership, but my schedule is so crazy I just can't keep it regular.
Everything I do is in the gym, so I'm always in gym clothes. I'm excited to explore lifestyle clothes for a little bit. — © Simone Biles
Everything I do is in the gym, so I'm always in gym clothes. I'm excited to explore lifestyle clothes for a little bit.
It's not about what you do in the gym for an hour, it's about what you don't do outside the gym in those 23 hours!
I'm a gym rat, I have to admit. I live in the gym, and now that I don't have to get beat up for a living, I can truly enjoy taking care of myself without worrying about breaking my leg or getting paralyzed.
I really feel it when I can't get to the gym for a few weeks. I like to run on a treadmill in the gym so I can keep track of what I'm doing.
I am the kind of person who hates the gym. I am allergic to the gym. I want to run away from it.
MMA has been very accepting. I wouldn't say that every gym you go to is as open as the gym I'm a part of. But they just accepted me with open arms.
Remember that everything you do in the gym makes a difference in the way you live your life outside of the gym. The brownie tastes better when there's no guilt for eating it. Your relationships with other people are more satisfying.
It was so fun, 2006, 2007, 2008. I went into the gym and I felt like I was winning in the gym, which is important for an athlete.
I am not a gym person, so I do walk a lot. I find gym is incredibly boring. Other thing I do is to devour books because I feel we need to feed our mind as well.
From the beginning, what I was connecting with in the gym was a universal energy source. I would just feel it flowing. Even when I was twenty years old, I called the gym my church. When I was there, it wasn't about being social; it was about doing my practice. I was in it. I was in the zone.
I'm a guy who comes home: I'll play outside, go to this gym, that gym, see all these guys.
If you take away the last few years, from my last year in Washington, and you think about my career, there was nothing but hard work. I was in the gym three or four times a day, working on my skills. If we lost a game, and I thought I played bad, I'm staying in the gym to keep shooting. That's what I did. That's what I was known for: I was a gym rat.
The gym I used to train at is heavy-duty - it's a tough man's gym in Tottenham.
When I'm in the gym, I'm in the gym, and that is my focus. But when I'm not in the gym, I'm enjoying being a mom and taking care of those responsibilities .. They really do provide me with the balance that I need to be a more complete athlete.
Its so easy to feel bombarded by photos of people at the gym, and people telling you that you need a gym membership. You dont have to spend anything.
I'm in the gym - that's my full-time job. I leave it all in there. When I walk out of that gym I am now the husband, the friend and the father.
I have to be grateful I am in the gym. I'm just trying to plug away as much as I can before it might come to a point where I can't be in the gym at all.
We all have those moments where we realize how easily our lives could be so different, for better or for worse. I met my husband at a gym in NYC! What if I'd joined a different gym? What if I hadn't worked out in the afternoons? These questions are endless.
I don't need a gym. You can do a lot without the gym, so that's what I've chosen to do.
My waist can be a problem area every now and then if I get irregular at the gym. So I make sure that I visit the gym and go for a run regularly.
I like the gym; I need the gym.
I'm not a huge gym person, so I try to stay away from the gym. But I love to run on the beach or go for a walk. It's better than riding a stationary bike.
If any of you have seen my shows, you know that I don't skimp on them and the same is true for the gym. We spend what it takes to make a globally first-class gym.
I can't always get to the gym, but I make a gym wherever I am: on the floor or on a yoga mat with bodyweight-bearing exercises like sit-ups and crunches, push-ups, lunges, squats.
Every fight is won in the gym. The hard part of our job is getting in the gym every day, six days a week.
I met the man of my dreams at a gym, and then we got married in Vegas - because we're classy. When you meet at a gym, where else do you get married? — © Megan Hilty
I met the man of my dreams at a gym, and then we got married in Vegas - because we're classy. When you meet at a gym, where else do you get married?
I was gonna open a gym and was in negotiation to buy the gym I was working out at. It was a small mom-and-pop and (the owner) wanted to move back to the west coast. My wife at (that) time came down with skin cancer.
I was always good at gym! Gym classes were good, but school really wasn't my thing, but I did it, got through it. It's definitely important.
I'm really big on the gym and yoga. I'm at the gym at least six days. That is just getting there and creating those endorphins and sweating. And that routine also keeps me grounded in spite of whatever my life looks like.
On the days I am free, gym is the first place I visit on waking up. Even when I am travelling, I mostly manage to find a gym but on occasions when I don't, I pay more than usual attention to my diet.
My colleagues think I'm crazy but my motto is, never miss a day. If we're taping in L.A., I'll get up at 2 a.m. to go run. If I'm on the road and the hotel doesn't have a gym, I'll find a 24-hour gym. I don't know how to exist without my workouts.
When we first started in Huntington Recreation with John Capobianco, we put four kids in the Golden Gloves finals. We didn't even have a ring. We trained at Stimson Junior High School. They give us the gym three nights a week. We used to box in the gym - no ring, just on the gym floor.
...the gym is a kind of wildlife preserve for bodily exertion. A preserve protects species whose habitat is vanishing elsewhere, and the gym (and home gym) accommodates the survival of bodies after the abandonment of the original sites of bodily exertion.
I always train my weaknesses and work on my shortcomings - in the gym and outside the gym. Ha!
Dad always enjoyed sports, and he decided to join a Guadalajara gym to learn how to box. What he didn't realize was that they didn't teach boxing at that particular gym - they taught 'lucha libre.'
I mean, everyone walks into the gym on day one skinny or fat. Arnold Schwarzenegger walked into the gym skinny at 15 or 16, and I was that way, too. — © Joe Manganiello
I mean, everyone walks into the gym on day one skinny or fat. Arnold Schwarzenegger walked into the gym skinny at 15 or 16, and I was that way, too.
I went to a foreign land, New York City in 1982 and had no money, no respect in the gym. Everyone thinks you're full of it. The remit in those days was break his heart, get him out of the gym.
I used to own two gyms in Delhi called Breathe, so obviously I've entered a gym, but I don't use a gym for fitness.
I'm a big believer in exercise. I'm a bigger believer in eating right, which is simply with plenty of fruits and vegetables. I'm not a gym girl, though. I've never had a gym membership.
I used to work out in the gym a lot when I was younger. I was a competition body builder when I was 16 or something crazy like that for a short period of time. So, the gym is quite familiar and I know what I'm doing there.
I am not a gym person, and I keep myself fit by just being active and eating my meals in moderation. I can't stand going to the gym and running aimlessly on a treadmill; it's boring and monotonous.
Everything I do is in the gym so I'm always in gym clothes.
When I left rugby and bought my first commercial gym membership it was a shock to the system. I went in there and saw people training and thought 'I've got to get out of here and get in a proper gym.'
One of my brothers teaches karate at our gym and also handles the administrative side of the gym. My other brother is a fighter like me and teaches a class at the gym. So my brothers are always at the gym together training.
I don't like going into a clean gym. A gym is supposed to stink.
I love weights, but it's too far to get to the gym. So I make the farm my gym: I split wood and haul tires and do work on the farm, and that's sort of my weight training portion.
I think anything we do outside of Gym Class Heroes still falls under the Gym Class Heroes umbrella. There's really no method to the madness. With Gym Class, it's more of a democratic process, and when I'm working on solo stuff, it's just me, either working with producers or sitting in a room by myself. They balance and complement each other.
One thing about other people, when they come to the gym, they might waste time wrapping hands, doing stretching and things. I don't like that. If I come to the gym, if one hour - all work. If two hours - all. I don't want to do this stuff so I can stay like two hours in the gym training only one hour. I want to do my own - quick, quick.
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