Top 1200 Gym Training Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Gym Training quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
My first experience with gymnastics was when I was in daycare. We took a field trip to a gym, and I was hooked.
When I go to the gym I sometimes don't wear any makeup and just have moisturizer on my skin.
Do you go to gym and exercise to music? Before Chubby Checker, that never happened. — © Chubby Checker
Do you go to gym and exercise to music? Before Chubby Checker, that never happened.
If there is one abiding theme in the gym, it's the withering work in the ring. Those not fit do not survive.
All actors are insecure. And I've got my insecurities, which is why I go to the gym all the time.
I go down to the gym unwashed, like something dragged in from behind a truck.
Just being in the gym every day with someone with goals in common is special.
I have worked hard in the gym lifting heavy weights and doing a lot of exercises.
I don't go to the gym on a daily basis because it makes my muscles tight when I get in the game.
When I get time after pack up, I try hitting the gym or go for a jog.
Going to the gym on my own I struggle with, but when I'm in there with a teammate or a group of guys, it's the ultimate environment.
If things get slow, I can always drop around to the gym and dunk a few.
I get up 5:30-6 every morning. I'm in the gym. I run a couple miles. — © Magic Johnson
I get up 5:30-6 every morning. I'm in the gym. I run a couple miles.
Gym memberships and personal trainers can be very expensive, but they're not required for getting the body you want.
Decorating the gym can't mask the fact that it smells like a mix between corsage and balls.
I would never go to a gym. How could I do it? So I tried to do it in my house and it doesn't work.
Mothers have not always had the most important role in their children's upbringing, when they had other economic roles to play. Inpast centuries, fathers were the key parent in the upbringing of the next generation, because moral training, not emotional sensitivity, was thought to be central to successful child-rearing. Mothers were thought to corrupt their little ones with too much affection and not enough stern training.
As a man may be born with a mathematical faculty, and by training that faculty year after year may immensely increase his mathematical capacity, so may a man be born with certain faculties within him, faculties belonging to the soul, which he can develop by training and by discipline.
My 4 key ingredients for success are my coach, my Forza supplements, my daily food deliveries and my gym.
I always eat breakfast as I've just come out of gym and I'm ravenous for protein.
I'm actually going to the gym, working on getting not fatter, just a bit bulkier.
I feel best when I get to go running or hit the gym, but sometimes I just have no time.
I was a cardio bunny and spent hours in the gym a day working up a sweat.
I am a sporty person who loves to go to the gym, train, play football.
There have been auditions where they've said nicely, 'Would you be willing to go to the gym for this role?'
I went to the gym six days a week, three hours a day, and it was part - and it was my life.
I have months where I go to the gym all the time, but sometimes I choose long walks instead.
I'm already a tiny person, so now I'm trying to go to the gym to add muscle. I need it!
I have a gym membership, but that's always been more about muscle building for roles.
I shoot all kinds of shots. I just don't stay on the block and do layups and dunks when I'm in the gym by myself.
My brother and I used to laugh and say, 'Normal kids went to day care, and we went to the gym.'
Take a walk in the park. It is not necessary to just go to a gym to stay fit.
I've been training like crazy with my trainer Decker Davis all the time, and we've been doing this new thing called Danger Train. It's kind of storytelling about the offseason training, there's a lot more to come with that. More than anything, from a nutrition aspect to the speed aspect to the strengthening aspect and, most importantly, to the mental aspect, we're always trying to grow exponentially. We're continuing to find new ways to do that.
If you're a gardener you don't need a gym. [...] You're always carrying large sacks of manure all over.
I always say to myself right before a tough set in the gym, Ain't nothin' to it, but to do it.
I used to pretend that my Peugeot driving to the gym in the rain in Dublin was a Ferrari on the Vegas strip.
I work way too hard in the gym to woo the judges and just skate by.
After being in a gym, you're super hungry all the time because you're burning all these calories. — © Jessica Szohr
After being in a gym, you're super hungry all the time because you're burning all these calories.
Frankly, I am boring. My life is all about the film set, gym classes, and home.
My brother Dash hit me on the head with five textbooks in a gym bag.
I have never thought of myself as a gym bunny, but I just couldn't get into working out at home.
I love to get out there and sweat and mix things up, whether I'm on the field or in the gym.
If it's a healthy day, I'll head to the gym, then have a steak salad at the cafe next door.
In my home gym, I'll do targeted exercises like pilates, light weights and stretching.
I could have gone to the gym for three hours a day and bought into all that, but I just wasn't interested.
I wanted a NBA basketball gym at my house and that's what I worked hard for and I was able to achieve that.
When I'm at the gym, I think about chicks, going to the beach, and looking good. I do it for the girls.
In sport, mental imagery is used primarily to help you get the best out of yourself in training and competition. The developing athletes who make the fastest progress and those who ultimately become their best make extensive use of mental imagery. They use it daily as a means of directing what will happen in training, and as a way of pre-experiencing their best competition performances.
If I can be an advocate for people to get healthy that's good, and it's not about just needing to go to the gym. — © Craig David
If I can be an advocate for people to get healthy that's good, and it's not about just needing to go to the gym.
The gym is one of the few places where I can just be myself without any hindrances and inhibitions.
I like swimming or go to the gym, but I am alone a lot, and that can get a little depressing.
From the ages of 18 to 50 I ran, rowed and lifted weights at my home gym.
I love to keep fit, so I swim everyday and hit the gym for an hour daily.
I feel eating healthy is more important than working out in the gym.
I'm the kind of guy that grows, and that's what I do everyday in the gym. Work on new stuff and stay relevant.
I'm not a gym person, but I eat well and go for long jogs and that works for me.
If you don't go the gym, you don't look good. If you don't tan, you're pale. If you don't do laundry, you don't got no clothes.
If I can be an advocate for people to get healthy, that's good, and it's not about just needing to go to the gym.
When you do hit the gym, you should push yourself. This is what makes fitness phenomena so interesting.
I slag off people I see coming out of the gym with a can of Red Bull or a Lucozade!
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