Top 1200 Habitat For Humanity Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Habitat For Humanity quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Humanity will be obsolete by 2050. This is the consensus at Google and Facebook and Twitter.
Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the struggle for equal rights.
There's a call to adventure. It's something in the inner psyche of humanity, particularly males. — © Gary Gygax
There's a call to adventure. It's something in the inner psyche of humanity, particularly males.
Learning to think rigorously, so as to act rightly and to serve humanity better.
Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another.
I'm searching for a shred of humanity in that shriveled tangle of arteries you call a heart.
Science fiction stories reflect major issues that concern humanity.
All the great things of humanity have been accomplished in the name of absolute principles.
Be certain that you do not die without having done something wonderful for humanity.
To reorganize society without God or King, by the systematic culture of Humanity.
Mercy is the true power that can save humanity and the world from sin and evil.
Where humanity sowed faith, hope, and unity, joy’s garden blossomed.
Religion is the everlasting dialogue between humanity and God. Art is its soliloquy. — © Franz Werfel
Religion is the everlasting dialogue between humanity and God. Art is its soliloquy.
When humanity measures wealth by love, truth and wisdom we will all be rich.
I'm tired of this back-slappin' "isn't humanity neat" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes.
Poverty must be eliminated or else the honour of humanity will vanish!
And that's how we ended up discovering the evil horses that threatened all of humanity.
Probably all the books I've ever written have been efforts to define the boundaries of humanity.
Humanity is the washerwoman of society that wrings out its dirty laundry in tears.
Humanity enveloped in entropy desperately seeking symmetry for peace of mind
When you're doing fantasy, you can get so caught up in the magic of it that you lose the humanity.
The unknown energy that can help humanity is that which lies hidden in the child.
Artists are the gatekeepers of truth. We are civilization’s anchor. We are the compass for humanity’s conscience.
The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here (pointing to himself) and you are out there.
I remember, when 9/11 went down, my reaction was, 'Well, I've had it with humanity.' But I was wrong.
I tried to express through red and green the terrible passions of humanity.
Humanity is now experiencing history's most difficult evolutionary transformation.
The world is not going to survive very much longer as humanity's captive.
A realistic view of humanity will stop the proliferation of impossible injunctions.
Humanity has been passing through a gray and desolate time of confusion.
Democracy is a destiny of humanity which cannot be averted. It can be delayed but not defeated.
If I saw someone in need and I did nothing, I'd be defacing my own humanity.
Humanity is always made up of more dead than living.
Harmony, liberal intercourse with all nations, are recommended by policy, humanity, and interest.
The most identifying trait of humanity is our abilty to be inhumane to one another.
There ought to be three traditions in the art of humanity: the realistic, the visionary and the wild.
What is a historian, anyway? It is someone who uses facts to record the development of humanity.
Something must be done to save humanity! A better world is possible! — © Fidel Castro
Something must be done to save humanity! A better world is possible!
The measure of man's humanity is the extent and intensity of his love for mankind.
Violence is a crime against humanity, for it destroys the very fabric of society.
The mysteries of Nature and of humanity are not lessened, but increased, by the discoveries of philosophic skill.
Humanity has gained its suit; Liberty will nevermore be without an asylum.
I really am only one infinitely small part of an aching humanity.
For me it was never about money, but solving problems for the future of humanity.
The anthropic principle is an unfortunate name as it implies something about humanity.
Humanity looks to me like a magnificent beginning but not the final word.
No circumstances can make it necessary for a man to burst in sunder all the ties of humanity.
Humanity is lost because people have abandoned using their conscience as their compass. — © Suzy Kassem
Humanity is lost because people have abandoned using their conscience as their compass.
The planet should not be used as a warehouse of resources to serve humanity's selfishness
We have to always hope in humanity that people will make the right choices.
The UN wasn't created to take mankind into paradise, but rather, to save humanity from hell.
It seems that humanity is incapable of putting a halt to the shedding of innocent blood.
A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.
The use of hunger as a weapon of political control is a crime against humanity.
Hatred of humanity and love of animals make a very bad combination.
In the name of certainty, the greatest crimes have been committed against humanity.
Communism has been the greatest and bloodiest illusion that humanity ever bore.
So long as you are ready to die for humanity, the life of your country is immortal.
Real 'imaan' is faith in humanity, so those who deny goodness are kafirs.
There are always great deals of humanity in the characters that have been offered to me.
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