Top 188 Hacking Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Hacking quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
All art is a form of hacking, it's a kind of breeching open of a closed system.
China not only does not support hacking but also opposes it.
Growth hacking is the future of marketing. It has to be. — © Ryan Holiday
Growth hacking is the future of marketing. It has to be.
Playfully doing something difficult, whether useful or not, that is hacking.
The Russians stole from the Democratic National Committee with hacking.
I think of 'data science' as a flag that was planted at the intersection of several different disciplines that have not always existed in the same place. Statistics, computer science, domain expertise, and what I usually call 'hacking,' though I don't mean the 'evil' kind of hacking.
When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.
There is the possibility to be suddenly arrested for hacking.
Hacking into a victim of crime's phone is a sort of poetically elegant manifestation of a modus operandi the tabloids have.
I think hacking's important. Most Americans should worry about it no matter what side of the aisle you're on.
When I was hacking, it was more pushing the status quo and seeing how far you can go.
What has happened is that we have seen a shift in the past twenty years in the very concept of hacking. So hacking twenty years ago was a neutral, positive concept. Somebody who was a hacker was someone with advanced computer skills, which could expose vulnerabilities and could explain why systems worked well or worked badly and they were generally regarded as an asset. Over the past twenty years, a combination of media and law enforcement has changed the perception of the concept so that it has almost always, if not invariably, a pejorative sense attached.
Hillary Clinton has taught us really how vulnerable we are in cyber hacking. — © Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton has taught us really how vulnerable we are in cyber hacking.
I never get sick - not a cold, not a cough or sore throat. Everyone around me can be hacking up a lung, and I'm fine.
All of the coding and hacking stuff that we do and I talk about, I always have them explain what it means so I know what I'm saying.
I started by hacking around the back yard in Richmond.
Air warfare is a shot through the brain, not a hacking to pieces of the enemy's body.
I could have evaded the FBI a lot longer if I had been able to control my passion for hacking.
I was addicted to hacking, more for the intellectual challenge, the curiosity, the seduction of adventure; not for stealing, or causing damage or writing computer viruses.
Is hacking ever acceptable? It depends on the motive.
Growth hacking is a mindset, and those who have it will reap incredible gains.
In the hacking world, security is more of a response than a proactive measure. They wait for hackers to attack and then they patch, based on the attacks.
The thing that has disturbed me most about the Russian hacking episode is - and the thing that surprised me most has not been the fact of Russian hacking. The cyber world is full of information gathering, you know, propaganda, et cetera. I have been concerned about the degree to which, in some circles, you've seen people suggest that Vladimir Putin has more credibility than the U.S. government. I think that's something new.
It's kind of interesting, because hacking is a skill that could be used for criminal purposes or legitimate purposes, and so even though in the past I was hacking for the curiosity, and the thrill, to get a bite of the forbidden fruit of knowledge, I'm now working in the security field as a public speaker.
It is hard to write a simple definition of something as varied as hacking, but I think what these activities have in common is playfulness, cleverness, and exploration. Thus, hacking means exploring the limits of what is possible, in a spirit of playful cleverness. Activities that display playful cleverness have "hack value".
Hacking was the only entertainment that would occupy my mind - like a huge video game, but with real consequences. I could have evaded the FBI a lot longer if I had been able to control my passion for hacking.
People are running huge enterprises off of hacking and stealing data.
You have no idea whether the hacking even influenced the election.
What's hard, in hacking as in fiction, is not writing, it's deciding what to write.
Kate had never met a person she didn't want to protect, preferably by hacking at the hostile parties with her sword.
We need to do whatever we can to defend ourselves against hacking.
The hacking trend has definitely turned criminal because of e-commerce.
Hacking is exploiting security controls either in a technical, physical or a human-based element.
Hacking involves a different way of looking at problems that no one's thought of.
As a young boy, I was taught in high school that hacking was cool.
The United States Cyber Command was created partly in response to a Russian hacking attack that long predated the 2016 election.
Back in my era, hacking was all about messing with other hackers. It was a hacker war.
Flying down a tunnel of 1s and 0s is not how hacking is really done. — © Walter O'Brien
Flying down a tunnel of 1s and 0s is not how hacking is really done.
The Democratic Party would like to see an open independent bipartisan investigation [about hacking].
The intent of the individuals who created the DDoS attacks has nothing to do with hacking, and they are vandals, not hackers.
Artemis felt like he was six again and caught hacking the school computers trying to make the test questions harder
It shouldn't just be Russia we're concerned about, because many countries that are not our friends have been hacking into American accounts across the board.
My actions constituted pure hacking that resulted in relatively trivial expenses for the companies involved, despite the government's false claims.
With hacking getting more and more sophisticated, the hacking community has gone from the hobbyist in the basement to huge sophisticated companies that are essentially doing this, or groups of people or foreign agents inside and outside the United States.
Everybody has a hacking capability. And probably every intelligence service is hacking in the territory of other countries. But who exactly does what? That would be a very sensitive piece of information. But it's very difficult to communicate about it. Because nobody wants to admit the scope of what they're doing.
I'm interested to see what happens with Fox News and phone hacking. I really can't believe it just happens in Great Britain. Because really, who cares about just hacking phones over there?
[ Cyber hacking] that's probably the only thing that we've learned from Hillary Clinton.
A lot of hacking is playing with other people, you know, getting them to do strange things. — © Steve Wozniak
A lot of hacking is playing with other people, you know, getting them to do strange things.
Despair leads to boredom, electronic games, computer hacking, poetry and other bad habits.
Russian hacking of the DNC is a problem, not a scandal.
Problem-solving, inventing, hacking and coding is more of an adrenaline rush of endorphins rather than a feeling.
President-elect Trump says he's not even sure the Russians did the hacking.
Death is hacking away at my address book and party lists.
My primary goal of hacking was the intellectual curiosity, the seduction of adventure.
The administration [of Barack Obama] is going to have to figure out, you know, a tough response on the basis of this [Russian] hacking.
If Anonymous and Lulzsec are the id of hacking, then physical hackerspaces are the heart of the higher-minded hacking ideals: freedom of information, meritocracy of ideas, a joy of learning and anti-authoritarianism.
I was hooked in before hacking was even illegal.
It was a hobby I got into a long time ago, hacking cameras. I was able to make my own using different lenses.
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
We now see hacking taking place by foreign governments and by private individuals all around the world.
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