Top 1200 Had A Bad Day Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Had A Bad Day quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
You know, when you see a haircut of yourself from around 12 or 13, it's rough. I also had really bad acne. Where I had to take this medicine - serious medicine - with warning on the label, like, "Do NOT take this if you are pregnant." Thank God I wasn't pregnant at the time. But yeah, I just had bad haircuts, bad acne, and bad clothes for a long time. And probably still right now.
China's stock market is not very big. And yet when stock market has a bad day in China, it seems, Europe has a bad day and then we have a bad day.
One bad day could turn into a bad year if you're not careful. Or, a bad rest of your life if you're not careful. Because of one day! — © Donald Faison
One bad day could turn into a bad year if you're not careful. Or, a bad rest of your life if you're not careful. Because of one day!
I've never met anybody who's had a flashback in my life and I took millions of trips in the Sixties, and I've never met anybody who had any problem. I've had bad trips, but I've had bad trips in real life. I've had a bad trip on a joint. I can get paranoid just sitting in a restaurant; I don't have to take anything.
I'm not going to do anything out my way to try to get somebody to watch me because I want to act a buffoon. I want to build a character that I want my kids to look up to. It's OK to be the bad guy when it's time to be the bad guy, but to live and be the bad guy all day, every day? It's like, 'No, come on, man, you're making us look bad.'
You're going to struggle. You're going to do well. You can't really let the past or the day before - whether you had a good day or bad day - dictate the day you have that certain day.
A bad day on the course doesn't have to mean a bad night and a bad week and you get to scream at your agent.
You want to bring it every day. But if you have a bad day in the theatre, a couple of hundred people see it. That sucked; we'll get back to it. You have a bad day on film, it's just on DVD for the rest of your life.
If you have something to get off of your chest, there is a proper way to do it. Everybody has a bad day, and, for some people, you're under a microscope and you have to deal with the consequences of having a bad day in front of people. But everyone has them.
At the end of the day, I write down an 'L' or a 'W,' whether or not the day was a 'Loss' or if it was a 'Win.' It really bothers you to have to write down an 'L.' An 'L' looks like a day I ate a lot of junk food, or I didn't work out when I was supposed to or train when I was supposed to train, or if I felt that I had a bad performance in the ring.
No one really has a bad life. Not even a bad day. Just bad moments.
At the end of the day, human beings are social people. If you have had a bad day, there is no escape when you are in a bubble.
I play every day. I had a bad back, but they fixed it.
If the Qur'an was the word of God, it had been dictated on a very bad day. — © Christopher Hitchens
If the Qur'an was the word of God, it had been dictated on a very bad day.
'Monday Night Football' has the good and the bad points. The bad point is you have to wait around all day, and it disrupts your schedule for the next week. Now you have one less day to prepare for the following week.
In football there for a long time, I knew even if it was a bad day, a bad day at the office, it was still going to be really good in most cases.
Can you see the power emotion has to distort our outlook? Makes you wonder, did you have a bad day, or did you make it a bad day." ~Fablehaven - Rise of the Evening Star
If you're having a bad day, get on with your job, because you having a bad day can affect everyone around you.
Sometimes you can have a reputation for not being relatable and nice because you had a bad day once.
I had bad days, and that means somebody else had a great day.
You can't put a title card at the head of the movie and say, "Well, we really had a bad problem. You know, the actor got sick and it rained this day and we had a hurricane."
I haven't really had too many bosses. Any bad boss I had probably was because I was a bad employee.
Kids are always writing me: 'I had a bad day too.' 'I got gum in my hair.' And the kids also write to me to pass on advice to Alexander. My favorite one of those being, 'The next time you have a bad day, blame your brothers.' I didn't expect this. It's certainly the most successful of my books.
Anyone can have a good day. The question is what do you do on a bad day. That's when you're being tested. In a very tangible sense, a bad day shows your innermost essence more than a good day.
I can get a black eye, a bloody nose. I can have a bad day in the gym. At the end of the day, I don't have a bad payday, and I don't have a bad night under the lights... I get bumps, bruises... but I don't have a bad night.
I don't think I've ever had a bad Valentine's Day, I mean... c'mon, y'all know I never get a bad Valentine. Nah. Um, no, I've never really had - I don't have a bad Valentine's Day. I never really think... it doesn't come up to my mind.
It was the cholesterol. I had two fried eggs a day for breakfast. I had no checkups for five years. I kept meaning to go. The doctor would probably say it was years of bad living. I've always had a good time. Maybe I've had too good a time.
When you have a bad day, a really bad day, try to treat the world better than it treated you.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
I've had good times and I've had bad times and I reminisce, maybe when I lay down, but throughout my day I keep myself engulfed in whatever moment I'm in because it could steer me into a depressed state.
When you have a lot of followers, you get the good and bad. So I had a career out of it. But unfortunately, I had people hating on me every single day.
If you're based in two places, on a bad day you see only the disadvantages everywhere. On a bad day, returning to Germany brings back all kinds of spectres from the past.
Whenever I have a bad day, I tell everybody around me, 'Just so guys know I am having a bad day and I am nervous about these things,' and that makes all the difference.
The 21st Century should be India's century but from 2004 to 2014 bad ideas and bad actions have affected the country adversely. Every day was a new bad day and there were new scandals. People were furious.
I'm so spoiled - I must have a Starbucks vanilla latte every day. Otherwise, it's going to be a bad day. I also love Jelly Bellies. But that's bad. Don't tell my mom.
This is about all the bad days in the world. I used to have some little bad days, and I kept them in a little box. And one day, I threw them out into the yard. "Oh, it's just a couple little innocent bad days." Well, we had a big rain. I don't know what it was growing in but I think we used to put eggshells out there and coffee grounds, too. Don't plant your bad days. They grow into weeks. The weeks grow into months. Before you know it you got yourself a bad year. Take it from me. Choke those little bad days. Choke 'em down to nothin'. They're your days. Choke 'em!
If you're having a bad day the main thing on the mental side is realizing that I'm having a bad day and thinking about why and then just kind of re-prioritizing and saying, "I'm going to let myself have this bad day, but tomorrow I'm going to get back on track." That's pretty much it. We all have them. You do have to let yourself have them and then go within and figure out why you're having it and prevent it from happening again.
I have had players who are good, and who know they are good; I have had players who are bad and know they are bad; I have had players who are good, but who don't know they are good; I have had players who are bad, but who don't know they are bad. It is this last group that has won more games for me than the first three groups combined.
I never have a bad night, bad day, bad moment. — © Nina Hagen
I never have a bad night, bad day, bad moment.
The lonely reality of the truth-that the most important person in your life suddenly ceased to exist. Which on a bad day meant maybe she had never existed at all. And on a good day, there was the other fear. That even if you were a hundred percent sure she had been there, maybe you were the only one who cared or remembered.
How do you have a think in pictures? Well, you have to sort the pictures into categories. You know, for example, a dog knows that, you know, there's good people and there's bad people. And I talked to a lady the other day where her dog was afraid of people with white beards because she had adopted him from an animal shelter and somebody with a white beard had abused him. And this dog was now afraid of everybody that had a white beard. That was the bad category.
I love Ron Howard, he's a wonderful director, incredibly prepared. But I have to criticize my performance in that movie. It all took place in one day. My character was having a bad day, so she's having a bad day throughout the whole movie. But this was a comedy, and I think I was too serious, too dense. Yes, I think that describes my failure there.
You have to remember that the hard days are what make you stronger. The bad days make you realize what a good day is. If you never had any bad days, you would never have that sense of accomplishment!
I don't stress at all. When other people say, 'I'm having a bad day,' I ask, 'How can you have a bad day for the entire 24 hours, or even 12 or eight hours?' Something bad might happen, but that can't make the entire day bad.
Everybody had a bad day. It's possible to have two bad days in a row. And in this sport, it's so unforgiving.
Bad day?" "Every day is a bad day here." "Eh, this place isnt't so terrible." "How are you always cheerful?" "Alcohol," he says with a sideways grin.
If you are at all successful in your business, be prepared to never have another good day or bad day at work. There will be so many things - good and bad - happening on any given day that you will be on a roller coaster of highs and lows. If that excites you, then go for it.
success in L.A. is completely arbitrary. One day you're the brilliant genius of life, the next day people act like there's a bad smell when you approach. Lots of expensive, late-model cars are offered in the L.A. Times every day by people who have suddenly begun to smell bad. The stakes are just too high for human dignity.
Love is about needing someone, about feeling as if the day isn't quite right if they're not there. Its about knowing that, no matter how bad a day you've had, the moment you see them again or hear their voice, the world is back in its place.
I'd spent my childhood thinking bad things, bad things every day. It had made me sick, but it had made me determined. — © Julian Cope
I'd spent my childhood thinking bad things, bad things every day. It had made me sick, but it had made me determined.
If you see a defense team with dirt and mud on their backs they've had a bad day.
When I was young, I had a favorite movie star. One day, I saw one of his movies, and it was bad, and he was bad in it. I could tell he didn't care and only did it for the money. I felt betrayed. I never watched another one of his movies again.
I didn't wake up one day and just couldn't hear. I woke up one day and realized I was having difficulty, and that I had overcompensated by lip reading, so that I didn't really understand how bad it was.
We are human beings, and it's okay if we have a bad hair day or bad day in general.
Sixty-five million years ago the dinosaurs had a bad day.
Everything in my life is in perspective. OK, perspective ebbs and flows. I've had bad days, but they weren't in the last years. A bad day is 2 October 1996: 'We've got bad news for you, you've got advanced testicular cancer and you've got a coin's toss chance of survival.' That's a bad day.
On a bad day, I'll still have a conscious thing in my mind reminding me that what I think of as a bad day is still a very good day in probably 90% of the world's population's eyes.
This is probably as bad a day as the court has had on social issues since Roe vs. Wade.
In college, I had bad hair, bad clothes, bad teeth, and bad skin. That was not a great combination for being a sports announcer.
I never had one day that I didn't want to be on the ice, because I always had an objective for that day. I had a rigorous plan and schedule in place that I had to adhere to. It was a step-by-step process of slowly but surely inching toward the Olympic Games and using every day as a series of goals to be accomplished.
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