Top 1200 Hair Dye Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Hair Dye quotes.
Last updated on December 12, 2024.
My hairstylist taught me a trick for my hair. You section off your hair and put them up in these crazy little knots and then it looks like you curled your hair. It's saved me so much time 'cause on the road you don't have time or plugs to plug your curling iron in.
I tried perming my hair by myself in lockdown. It came out looking ridiculous - my hair was so damaged and crispy.
It's not the hair on your head that matters. It's the kind of hair you have inside. — © Garry Shandling
It's not the hair on your head that matters. It's the kind of hair you have inside.
Hair is really where we can be creative. I have my "game hair," which is always different than how I'd wear it at practice.
I've always been a strong believer that you were born with the hair you've got, but have the ability to get the hair you want.
I try to always have a hair cut that I don't have to style every day, so I'll usually just let my hair air dry.
My hair looks like it had been purchased at a rummage sale after all the real hair was gone.
To protect my hair from breaking, I never comb my hair when it's wet.
My hair is always a big topic. It is just hair.
I was not confident about my hair before films happened. But today, my hair is something people like the most in me.
I have crazy, curly, big hair, so,if I have time to try to make myself look presentable, I usually spend it doing my hair.
With summer in Chennai, I am struggling with my long hair. I do my own hair-dos which are comfortable.
The weather was so cold in Lisbon when I arrived. I decided, 'Let's grow the hair to hide my ears.' And after that, it became nice hair. — © David Luiz
The weather was so cold in Lisbon when I arrived. I decided, 'Let's grow the hair to hide my ears.' And after that, it became nice hair.
I really liked Deadheads and the whole Dead concert scene: the tailgating, the tie-dye uniforms, the camaraderie it was like NASCAR for potheads.
I lost my hair, and went around wearing a hair piece.
I wash my hair with Pantene every other day unless I have gorgeous hair left over from an event.
And all the zig-zags and lines in my hair? I used to do that myself. I just thought it was cool that you could actually do that with your hair.
I didn't have any hair anywhere for almost seven months. So now finally I've got some hair, I'm gonna keep it.
I used to be very insecure about my curly hair, because I lived in a country where everybody had blonde straight hair.
I don't know about the hair. I've had it since I was a kid, and when I look at myself in the mirror, it looks quite normal. But then when I look at myself in a photo, I realise that my hair is basically bigger than my head! There's quite a lot of interest in my hair, which is strange, as for me, it's normal!
My hair has never been my greatest feature, so that was funny enough unto itself that my hair became so focused on.
I shampoo and condition my hair regularly. Hair spas too are very relaxing, but I hardly get time to go for them.
Oh, I've got glitter in my hair. That's not all that's in my hair, I'll tell you that. I glue it on every morning, whether I need to or not.
I have never known courage to be judged by the length of a man's hair. Or, for the matter of that, whether he has any hair at all.
Hair is a huge part of who I am and what I obsess over - I've had long hair my entire life.
My hair is pure. It stands for purity because no foreign chemicals or substances has ever touched my hair.
As for facial hair, I think I decided it was a good look after graduate school. I always shave it myself and trim my own beard. I change the look depending on the role. For 'Million Dollar Baby,' I had no facial hair. For 'Men in Black 3,' I had no facial hair but did wear a wig.
I've waited my whole life to be able to have body hair - but I never thought I'd have back hair. But what are you going to do, right?
I never wash my hair the night before an event - I call it second day hair, and it holds better.
If you watch '90210,' you see my hair changing every episode - I've chopped it off, and I've kept it long. I've done it all to my hair on that show.
I don't wash my hair every day, which may sound gross, but it's actually really bad for my hair.
I don't perm my hair anymore, but I'm not a natural hair expert just because it grows out of my head like that.
I shaved a quarter of my hair one time, and my poor nana was crying when I FaceTimed her, but I was like, 'It's just hair! It's fun.'
When I first colored my hair, my mother loved it. I got kicked out of school when I was 15, just for my hair.
Often hair is the way we are differentiated in this culture. To me the decision to straighten your hair is deeply political.
To be honest with you, I literally don't even know how to style my hair unless I'm doing an event because I rely on hair stylists.
I don't have a specific favorite product, but I deep condition my hair regularly. When I can, I'll avoid heat styling and wear my hair in a bun.
When I went to prom, I wore my hair down. But I love the idea of a long dress with your hair up. It's just gorgeous. — © Bethany Mota
When I went to prom, I wore my hair down. But I love the idea of a long dress with your hair up. It's just gorgeous.
For me, hair is an accoutrement. Hair is jewelry. It's an accessory.
I guess I've maintained my hair. I'm like a Donald Trump. I have a good, solid head of hair, and that's been my trademark all these years.
People who work with me think I should cut my hair. They say casting directors are less likely to hire me with long hair - that they don't have imaginations and can't picture me looking normal. People literally have conference calls about my head when I'm not around. I mean, obviously I would cut my hair for an amazing part.
In the past, I have approximated the look of monkey fur and yak hair with human hair because it's inexpensive, and it lasts a long time.
I use egg whites and an olive oil-based hair mask that deep-conditions the hair and adds incredible shine.
I've straightened my hair for many years. I've never felt comfortable wearing my hair natural on air.
My parents owned a hair salon, so I learned a few tricks there. I can cut people's hair - if they let me.
I at least have to cut my hair. I can't do the whole man bun, funky long hair thing anymore.
My hair is an aesthetic choice… At the same time, how you wear your hair is a political statement as well.
I was every mother's nightmare - I was a hair model from 14, and I started coming home with red, blue, green hair. — © Toyah Willcox
I was every mother's nightmare - I was a hair model from 14, and I started coming home with red, blue, green hair.
I am the man who put the hair in hair metal.
I really think that to a lot of people hair is everything. Bad hair takes over everything, it really does. I think if somebody has bad hair it doesn't matter what else is happening.
I respect a lot the players: their hair and their hair colour.
It is so expensive to take care of my hair and keep it looking like I was born with it, when my real hair is the color of rat fur.
I mix various oils, heat it and apply it on my hair. After washing, my hair feels and looks amazing.
What do you do to your hair?" "Dust, hair gel, and a little gun oil." "Ever thought of patenting the recipe?" "No.
Being blonde is definitely a different state of mind. I can't really put my finger on it, but the artifice of being blonde has some incredible sort of sexual connotation. Men really respond to it. I love blonde hair but it really does something different to you. I feel more grounded when I have dark hair, and I feel more ethereal when I have light hair. It's unexplainable. I also feel more Italian when my hair is dark.
I have made myself two or three caps to wear of evenings since I came home, and they save me a world of torment as to hair-dressing, which at present gives me no trouble beyond washing and brushing, for my long hair is always plaited up out of sight, and my short hair curls well enough to want no papering.
I feel like I'm a really artsy person. I love to tie-dye shirts and bake and just do nerdy and fun stuff.
For a long time, my dad was always on me about cutting my hair. 'Get a haircut. Gel your hair. You've got to do something to get your hair to stay down. It's too big; get it down! It's too crazy.'
The two times I have cut my hair shorter, I've ended up out of work - so short hair is not an option.
He knew that hair couldn't feel; he kissed her hair.
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