Top 121 Handicapped Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Handicapped quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The federal government is like a handicapped turtle trying to crawl around and keep up with the rabbit, which is technology.
I really believe the most handicapped [person] in the whole world is a negative thinker.
I didn't realise those spaces were for the emotionally handicapped. — © Jean-Louis Gassee
I didn't realise those spaces were for the emotionally handicapped.
India's future has to be built on the foundation of social protection of the economically and socially handicapped sections.
Without art, we're handicapped, and living a stifled, barren existence.
Live, work, and travel with handicapped people, so I can stay close to them. But since I am often busy with many things, it's a constant struggle to keep the handicapped members of our community in the center of my life.
I believe that if you are elderly, physically or mentally handicapped we have an obligation too you, but if you are able-bodied, you should be working.
Women are like parking spots, the best ones are handicapped.
In their poverty, the mentally handicapped reveal God to us and hold us close to the gospel.
What's worse in Hollywood, being handicapped or being a woman over 50?
I have discovered that most people who tell me that they cannot forgive a person who wronged them are handicapped by a mistaken understanding of what forgiving is.
A lawyer who does not know men is handicapped.
The difference in my body from pre-pregnancy to post-baby was night and day. I didn't have the strength, I didn't have the flexibility, I didn't have the stamina, I didn't have the mobility. I felt like I was handicapped.
Scarcely anyone ever wants to be anybody else. However handicapped or unhappy he feels himself, he would not change places with other more fortunate mortals. — © Gordon W. Allport
Scarcely anyone ever wants to be anybody else. However handicapped or unhappy he feels himself, he would not change places with other more fortunate mortals.
The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.
Maybe the truly handicapped people are the ones that don't need God as much.
My effort in the whole thing was the basic determination, the burning desire in me to prove to this world that a physically handicapped girl is in no way inferior.
To grow up in the neighborhood of handicapped people was an important experience for me. I learned back then to treat them in a very normal way.
But there is no equality of opportunity under existing laws and customs. In the race for wealth, which the economist seems as unable to define as to guide, the toiler is most heavily handicapped in the very start.
I think what we do best, in the artistic world, are the things where we're handicapped.
A handicapped person is a human being with the same heart as anyone else. It's not a misfortune if you can't hear-it's just an inconvenience.
The members - mentally handicapped people who are marginal in society and not useful in an economic sense - welcomed me into their lives. And I was loved, not because of what s doing but because of who I was.
Only the poor are handicapped by honor.
Parents of handicapped children are occasionally embarrassed or hurt by others who awkwardly express sympathy but cannot know or appreciate the depth of the parents love for a handicapped child. Perhaps there is some comparison in the fact that there is no less love in families for the helpless infant who must be fed, bathed, and diapered than for the older but still dependent members. We love those we serve and who need us.
My ambition is handicapped by laziness
Why is it illegal to park in a handicapped parking space but okay to go the bathroom in a handicapped stall?
Some white people are so accustomed to operating at a competitive advantage that when the playing field is level, they feel handicapped. have no idea how mentally handicapped I could be if push comes to shove.
A chemist who does not know mathematics is seriously handicapped.
Ever since I was quite young, I was in St. John's Ambulance or the Red Cross; latterly, I've been involved in voluntary work with the mentally handicapped and Abbeyfield Old People's Homes.
Men are handicapped when it comes to arguing, 'cause we have a need to make sense.
Let's face it, the great comedians now that are handicapped in the looks department are tremendous writers.
A week before shooting, they told me, You don't have the part, yet. We're still trying to find a handicapped kid who can act. Either that or we break your legs.
How come drummers leave their drumsticks on the dashboard of their car? So they can park in the handicapped spaces.
All professional men are handicapped by not being allowed to ignore things which are useless.
Dodge City is one town where the average bad man of the West not only finds his equal, but finds himself badly handicapped.
I am working on three things: on being a prayerful person; on staying close to the handicapped; and on my writing. These are my constant concerns.
My family believe you should never be flashy about anything. Maybe that handicapped me a little bit, that extreme humility. — © Kelly Reilly
My family believe you should never be flashy about anything. Maybe that handicapped me a little bit, that extreme humility.
Poets are regarded as handicapped writers whose work must be treated with a tender condescension, such as one accords the athletic achievements of basketball players confined to wheelchairs.
As you walk, hop, hobble, or wheel Meeting people of different kinds, Remember that being handicapped Is only a state of mind
Smart people in rural areas, the handicapped, people looking for companionship, they love it. But you have to be highly motivated to get on and learn to use it.
Every retarded, deformed, crippled, handicapped, or senile person, who has been baptized, is a powerhouse for good in a wicked world by reason of the grace of God that dwells in his soul.
We aren't handicapped in any way except by what other people think. Focus on people's abilities. I can't be on 'American Idol,' but there's all kinds of stuff I can do.
How come women are treated differently from men all the time? Not only handicapped people, but women - and handicapped women, forget it!
We develop social systems for the handicapped, but when you're handicapped in your mind, society doesn't handle those situations well. I think we don't recognize or acknowledge the power of messages and how deeply affected we all are by the messages we receive from the media.
My interest is to point out to you that you can walk, and please throw away all those crutches. If you are really handicapped, I wouldn’t advise you to do any such thing. But you are made to feel by other people that you are handicapped so that they could sell you those crutches. Throw them away and you can walk. That’s all that I can say. ‘If I fall....’ - that is your fear. Put the crutches away, and you are not going to fall.
It's very inconvenient being a sculptor. It's like playing the double-bass; one's so handicapped by one's baggage.
With the pervasive popularity of rap music and a black man sitting in the White House, there's no reason to pretend the NBA has been handicapped by the blackness of basketball.
I had a horrifying experience but what the world fails to understand is that the handicapped need no sympathy, they need to be encouraged in whatever they do. — © Sudha Chandran
I had a horrifying experience but what the world fails to understand is that the handicapped need no sympathy, they need to be encouraged in whatever they do.
I am somewhat handicapped in doing things with my hands.
There was both love and despair in his voice. He was truly handicapped when it came to emotions, and falling in love hadn't changed that.
I love it now that a large minority of people who are handicapped prefer to call themselves crippled. This is all part of the game, like queer theory.
I hate the words 'handicapped' and 'disabled'. They imply that you are less than whole. I don't see myself that way at all.
After I got married, the first child born to us was mentally handicapped.
I really hate having to put 'female' in front of any title, because it puts us in some kind of weird category for handicapped people or something.
Sometimes I park in handicap spaces while handicapped people make handicapped faces.
Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.
Experiments with animals have long been handicapped by our anthropocentric attitude: We often test them in ways that work fine with humans but not so well with other species.
Men are like parking spaces: all the good ones are taken, and the available ones are handicapped.
No one has advanced the argument that all-male fighting forces have been handicapped in their war-making abilities over the millennia because they did not include women in their ranks.
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