Top 1200 Hands On Experience Quotes & Sayings - Page 16

Explore popular Hands On Experience quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
It's a very strange experience to watch yourself in a movie anyway. I most frequently don't do it, but if I was going to do it, I would do it in a private way, not at a public screening at a film festival, which is just an overwhelming experience.
The meaning of experience is typically one generation behind the experience. The content of new situations, both private and corporate, is typically the preceding situation.
You won't even take your bow? Are you planning to throttle a moose with your bare hands, then?" "I've a knife in my boot," she said, and then wondered, for a moment, if she could throttle a moose with her bare hands.
Peace isn’t an experience free of challenges, free of rough and smooth, it’s an experience that’s expansive enough to include all that arises without feeling threatened.
My high school experience was pretty good, but my middle school experience was god awful. It was horrible. I got picked on like no tomorrow. — © Zachary Levi
My high school experience was pretty good, but my middle school experience was god awful. It was horrible. I got picked on like no tomorrow.
Social psychology has, as a rule, dealt with various phases of social experience from the psychological standpoint of individual experience.
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.
If at large gatherings or parties, or around people with whom you feel distant, your hands sometimes hang awkwardly at the ends of your arms - i you find yourself at a loss for what do with them, overcome with sadness that comes when you recognize the foreignnes of your own body - it's because your hands remember a time when the division between mind and body, brain and heart, what's inside and what's outside, was so much less.
Experience will guide us to the rules. You cannot make rules precede practical experience.
With the single parent model, you experience betrayal differently. You experience lying from your kids differently.
And the whole schtick of the psychedelic experience, I think, is reclaim immediate experience, realize that you out vote all parliaments, police forces, and major newspapers on the planet because, who knows, they may be illusions.
The thing I love about Donald, it's time this country is run by a businessman and not people with their hands out, and Donald doesn't have his hands out. I not only consider him as a friend, but if people get to know Donald Trump, I think they'll know what I'm talking about. He's one of the greatest human beings I've ever met in my life.
It's not what you're faced with that's the problem, it's what you do with the situation. Your experience is not the important thing; what really matters is what you do with your experience.
Experience is only half of experience.
Experience is a poor guide to man, and is seldom followed. What really teaches a man is not experience, but observation. — © H. L. Mencken
Experience is a poor guide to man, and is seldom followed. What really teaches a man is not experience, but observation.
To come to faith on the basis of experience alone is unwise, though not so foolish as to reject faith altogether because of lack of experience ... the quality of a Christian's experience depends on the quality of his faith, just as the quality of his faith depends in turn on the quality of his understanding of God's truth.
A life of wholeness does not depend on what we experience. Wholeness depends on how we experience our lives.
I've always believed you go to literature to find the shared human experience, not the categorized human experience.
Every person on earth learns it’s lesson by making different mistakes. The only source of knowledge is experience. Experience avoiding the mistakes you already made.
...fiction is made out of the writer's experience, his whole life from infancy on, everything he's thought and done and seen and read and dreamed. But experience isn't something you go and get - it's a gift, and the only prerequisite for receiving it is that you be open to it. A closed soul can have the most immense adventures, go through a civil war or a trip to the moon, and have nothing to show for all that "experience"; whereas the open soul can do wonders with nothing.
The fact is that if you have not developed language, you simply don't have access to most of human experience, and if you don't have access to experience, then you're not going to be able to think properly.
It is always the same with me; only when I experience something do I compose, and only when composing do I experience! After all, a musician's nature can hardly be expressed in words.
Science merely amplifies the capabilities of human beings. Science gives us the ability to do ill and to do good more than we had, and to question science in this respect is like questioning whether people ought to have two hands or just one, because with two hands they could do more evil than they can with just one.
Whether my team-mate is someone with 15 years' experience or someone of one year's experience, my approach doesn't change.
"Don't let go!" he orders. Harper's hand is dry and soothing, while mine is sweaty with fear. We've never held hands before. I think about what it means in the village when boys and girls only a few years older then Harper and me wander around with their hands clasped together. They're always peering dreamily into each other's eyes, sneaking sky kisses...and soon after, there's a wedding.
Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can learn from our experience without being condemned by our experience.
You got used to running things on your own." "What could he do about it when he's in Iraq and the car breaks down in Kansas?" Beckett gave her a long, quiet look. "I'm not in Iraq." "No, and it has to be said, I'm not in Kansas anymore." She lifted her hands, then let them fall. "It's not that I've forgotten how to be a couple, but that my experience in being part of one is different from yours. Maybe from most people's. And I've been on my own a long time." "Now you're not. I'm not fighting a war, and I'm right here." Needed to be here, he realized, with her.
First you guess. Don't laugh, this is the most important step. Then you compute the consequences. Compare the consequences to experience. If it disagrees with experience, the guess is wrong. In that simple statement is the key to science. It doesn't matter how beautiful your guess is or how smart you are or what your name is. If it disagrees with experience, it's wrong. That's all there is to it.
The seventeenth century is everywhere a time in which the state's power over everything individual increases, whether that power be in absolutist hands or may be considered the result of a contract, etc. People begin to dispute the sacred right of the individual ruler or authority without being aware that at the same time they are playing into the hands of a colossal state power.
Acting is great. It's so much fun. It's a job where you literally get to do something that's a great experience, and then you try a new experience, and you take things from all of it.
What I have experienced, and experienced repeatedly, is the silence of God. For many years, this was a distressing matter for me. I did not consider it an experience, but the absence of an experience.
By silencing the mind, we can experience real peace. As long as various kinds of thoughts agitate the brain, we don't experience 100 percent peace.
Everyday ask yourself the question, "Do I want to experience Peace of Mind or do I want to experience Conflict?
'Heavy Rain' is really 'Fahrenheit' with more experience, more maturity, and probably a better vision and understanding of how this type of experience can be created.
The experience gathered from books, though often valuable, is but the nature of learning; whereas the experience gained from actual life is one of the nature of wisdom.
Two Rules for Happy Living: 1. Be able to experience anything. 2. Cause only those things which others are able to experience easily.
We are also very presumptuous to negate the possibility that an illness may be a gift. It's a neutral experience is what I'm trying to say. It should be viewed in some regard as no different than any other experience.
Cinematography is so much about instinct and intuition - you want the same range of experience going into behind the camera as what you see in front of it. Your life experience will come through the lens.
I have lots of experience in three clubs: I was at Chelsea, then Fiorentina, and then Roma. I have good experience.
To really understand a deaf person's experience, you need someone that is deaf to be able to tell you what their experience is. — © Millicent Simmonds
To really understand a deaf person's experience, you need someone that is deaf to be able to tell you what their experience is.
Travelling is an experience and you have to experience it as a whole.
My feeling is that writing is, for me, a pathological condition. That could sound like a mystical experience, and it may be a mystical experience, but I have learnt just to go with it.
Quidquid luce fuit tenebris agit: but also the other way around. What we experience in dreams, so long as we experience it frequently, is in the end just as much a part of the total economy of our soul as anything we "really" experience: because of it we are richer or poorer, are sensitive to one need more or less, and are eventually guided a little by our dream-habits in broad daylight and even in the most cheerful moments occupying our waking spirit.
Fascism says what you and I experience as facts or what reporters experience as facts are irrelevant. All that matters are impressions and emotions and myths.
Comedy is about talking about my own experience, and I'm a woman, and that's my experience, and just because it isn't yours doesn't invalidate it.
If you allow yourself to deepen with midlife, your experience of everything deepens, including your experience of God.
Happiness is not the same as pleasure. Pleasure is an immediate experience, very transient in nature, that's enjoyable, and if we experience a great deal of it - there's a sense of satiation.
Every work experience is a positive work experience, and if you're looking at it any other way I can't help you.
Sometimes experience is an obstacle because you cast your future based on your past experience.
So often we experience things in life, and yet never see the connections between them. When we are given hardship, or feel pain, we often fail to consider that the experience may be the direct cause or result of another action or experience. Sometimes we fail to recognize the direct connection between the pain in our lives and our relationship with Allah SWT
We must never forget that spiritual experience is above all a practical experience of love. And with love, there are no rules. — © Paulo Coelho
We must never forget that spiritual experience is above all a practical experience of love. And with love, there are no rules.
Before philosophy can teach by Experience, the Philosophy has to be in readiness, the Experience must be gathered and intelligibly recorded.
There is no way out of the experience except through it, because it is not really your experience at all but the baby's. Your body is the child's instrument of birth.
To be Catholic puts a lot of fear in you. It's a great religion, but also one that can limit your experience. You fear experience because everything is a sin.
You should *have* an experience; it shouldn't just *be* an experience.
To fully understand the black immigrant experience in the U.S., we must understand it not in contrast to the African-American experience, but central to it.
Poe tried alcohol, and any drug he could lay his hands on. He also tried any human being he could lay his hands on.
A painting is not a picture of an experience, but is the experience.
My observation continues to confirm me more and more in the opinion, that to experience religion is to experience the truth of the great doctrines of Divine grace.
Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't.
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