Top 1200 Happened Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Happened quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
I just know that what happened in the Clinton White House should never have happened to anyone.
What has happened has happened and it is now behind you. Take the best of it all as you move positively forward.
Everything that has ever happened to you has happened for you. Not one thing that has happened is wasted... You were building strength and strength x strength = POWER.
Memory is the diary that chronicles things that never have happened and couldn't possibly have happened. — © Oscar Wilde
Memory is the diary that chronicles things that never have happened and couldn't possibly have happened.
No one in my family has ever died of love. What happened, happened, but nothing myth-inspiring.
Sure, I had dreams of being a star when I was 18. I could've pushed it, too, but it wouldn't have happened any sooner. I'm lucky. What's happened has happened in spite of me.
All the bad things that have ever happened to me have always happened in Rome.
Here I come to one of the memoir writer's difficulties -- one of the reasons why, though I read so many, so many are failures. They leave out the person to whom things happened. The reason is that it is so difficult to describe any human being. So they say: 'This is what happened'; but they do not say what the person was like to whom it happened. And the events mean very little unless we know first to whom they happened.
Forgiveness ... is a willingness to get over what you think should have happened and an acceptance of the reality of what actually happened.
If I told you the whole story it would never end...What's happened to me has happened to a thousand woman.
Nothing changes what alreaday happened. It will always have happened. You either let it break you down or you don't.
You want to know what happened? YOU happened Rush. That's what happened.
It just happened that the public happened to, uh, appreciate the satirical quality of these crazy things.
Always behave as if nothing had happened, no matter what has happened. — © Arnold Bennett
Always behave as if nothing had happened, no matter what has happened.
Nothing really happened - I was elected in '86 - until 1992, and that's when the Anita Hill debacle happened.
I was portraying the family through my eyes. Everything that's happened in the strip has happened to me.
The events with Henry III happened, obviously the way it happened, liberties were taken.
Many of the good things would never have happened if the bad events hadn't happened first.
Isnt it the very last thing we feel grateful for - having happened? You needn't have happened. But you did happen.
My writing is a product of how I would interact with things that have happened to me or things that have not happened to me but have happened to somebody else.
You can choose to be a person who has resulted simply from what has happened, or from what you've chosen to be and do about what has happened.
The Holocaust would never have happened if black people lived in Germany in the 1930s and 40s … well, it wouldn't have happened to Jews.
Not all that is presented to us as history has really happened; and what really happened did not actually happen the way it is presented to us; moreover, what really happened is only a small part of all that happened. Everything in history remains uncertain, the largest events as well as the smallest occurrence.
History is not merely what happened. It is what happened in the context of what might have happened.
I have nothing negative to say because what happened to me has happened to many others and I need to always remember that it was not personal what happened to me.
Short stories do not say this happened and this happened and this happened. They are a microcosm and a magnification rather than a linear progression.
Everything that happened to me happened by mistake. I don't believe in fate. It's luck, timing and accident.
So, you could often say things are terrible and that accounts for what happened, or things are really bright, and that accounts for what happened. Often, the real explanation for what happened is much more subtle and interesting and involves maybe small shocks or what a couple people did on a Wednesday morning that changed the arc of history.
When I was trying to create this so-called Lav Diaz verité, it just happened. At some point, I became very comfortable with the one frame, with the single take. It just happened. I didn't plan it. I was looking for my own aesthetic, my own perspective, my own voice, and it happened.
If such a thing had happened once, it must surely have happened many times in this galaxy of a hundred billion suns.
Everything great that ever happened in this world happened first in somebody’s imagination.
Everything good that has happened to me has happened as a direct result of something bad.
People do not connect with what happened last week, let alone what happened 20 years ago.
What's happened has happened, so what can we do to make it better for tomorrow and the day after? That's why we're here
I sometimes wonder if I would have become a writer if what happened to my father hadn't happened.
Obvious things like The Deer Hunter. After that happened, the scripts got better. Opportunities happened.
I don't think there's such a thing as autobiographical fiction. If I say it happened, it happened, even if only in my mind.
Probably the best thing that happened to me was going nuts. Nobody knew who I was until that happened.
All the best things that happened to me happened after I was rejected. I knew the power of getting past no. — © Barbara Corcoran
All the best things that happened to me happened after I was rejected. I knew the power of getting past no.
Every good thing that has happened in your life happened because something changed.
It really doesn't matter if it happened exactly how I say it happened.
Just try to live in moment as much as you can each pitch, not worry about what happened after the past has happened.
I absolutely refuse to accept the fact that any country in the world goes into a kind of film-making crisis. What happens is they lose confidence, they lose focus and the young film-makers of any particular generation can very easily get lost in that mix. It's happened in Italy, happened in France, happened in the U.K. during my lifetime.
The Universe was a silly place at best...but the least likely explanation for it was the no-explanation of random chance, the conceit that abstract somethings 'just happened' to be atoms that 'just happened' to get together in ways which 'just happened' to look like consistent laws and some configurations 'just happened' to possess self-awareness and that two 'just happened' to be the Man from Mars and a bald-headed old coot with Jubal inside.
What happened to the good old days of "Woman as passive recipient?" What happened to being courted? What happened to sitting back under a parasol and granting someone a chance to try to win us over?
Whatever adults don't understand, because they didn't grow up with it, is the thing they're going to be afraid of and try to legislate out of existence. It happened with videogames, it happened with television, it happened with pinball parlours and rock and roll.
What's happened has happened, so what can we do to make it better for tomorrow and the day after? That's why we're here.
It is less the business of the novelist to tell us what happened than to show how it happened.
As a writer, I'm more interested in what people tell themselves happened rather than what actually happened. — © Kazuo Ishiguro
As a writer, I'm more interested in what people tell themselves happened rather than what actually happened.
What I don't like so much is to give explanations about people's behaviour... I'm not interested in making conclusions. I would never think about myself or anyone else, 'Well, this happened, this happened, this happened, so this must be the result.' It doesn't work like that with me.
But it seems that something has happened that has never happened before: though we know not just when, or why, or how, or where.
Until 'Bangalore Days' happened, a huge commercial success had not happened to me.
And my career, the things that have happened have happened because of my music education background.
My success happened pretty late in life. I can't even believe it happened.
Normally, the market peaks before bad news emerges. That's what happened in 1929, and that's what happened in 2000.
His mind worked fast, flying in emergency supplies of common sense, as human minds do, to construct a huge anchor in sanity and prove that what happened hadn't really happened and, if it had happened, hadn't happened much.
Had the Holocaust happened in Tahiti or the Congo, as it has; had it happened in South America, as it has; had it happened in the West Indies, as it has - you must remember that within fifty years of Columbus's arrival, only the bones remained of the people called the Arawaks, with one or two of them in Spain as specimens. Had the Holocaust committed under the Nazis happened somewhere else, we wouldn't be talking about it the way we talk about it.
Most of the bad things that have happened to me happened in Denver.
The same thing happened today that happened yesterday, only to different people.
The discrepancy between what actually happened and the version of what happened provided by sources is an enormous gray area.
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