Top 1200 Happiness And Sadness Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Happiness And Sadness quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
I felt a tremendous sadness for men who can't deal with a woman of their own age.
I turned sadness into an anthem for not letting anything or anyone slow you down.
Remember: success does not lead to happiness - it's the other way around. Greater happiness is what leads to greater success. — © Jeff Olson
Remember: success does not lead to happiness - it's the other way around. Greater happiness is what leads to greater success.
I came of age during AIDS and the terror of that and the sadness and the death and the overwhelming despair.
The response that comes from chanting is in the form of bliss, or spiritual happiness, which is a much higher taste than any happiness found here in the material world. That's why I say that the more you do it, the more you don't want to stop, because it feels so nice and peaceful.
Happiness and the absurd are two sons of the same earth. They are inseparable. It would be a mistake to say that happiness necessarily springs from the absurd discovery. It happens as well that the felling of the absurd springs from happiness. "I conclude that all is well," says Oedipus, and that remark is sacred. It echoes in the wild and limited universe of man. It teaches that all is not, has not been, exhausted. It drives out of this world a god who had come into it with dissatisfaction and a preference for futile suffering. It makes of fate a human matter, which must be settled among men.
Nobody but a Southerner knows the wrenching rinsing sadness of the cities of the North.
Seek happiness for its own sake, and you will not find it; seek for duty, and happiness will follow as the shadow comes with the sunshine.
Sadness flies on the wings of the morning, and out of the heart of darkness comes the light.
I don't know whether there is anyone else at all who remembers my noble father with such sadness
I find sadness and strife to be so much more interesting with an upbeat melody.
Our happiness consists in sharing the happiness of God, the perfection of His unlimited freedom, the perfection of His love.
It's strange how sometimes you can be so happy it goes all the way round to sadness. — © David Walliams
It's strange how sometimes you can be so happy it goes all the way round to sadness.
I don't know whether there is anyone else at all who remembers my noble father with such sadness.
I think you have to deal with grief in the sense that you have to recognize that you have it, and say that it's OK to have all the sadness.
The human animal, like others, is adapted to a certain amount of struggle for life [and] the mere absence of effort from his life removes an essential ingredient of happiness. [. . .] He forgets that to be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.
Unhappy is he to whom the memories of childhood bring only fear and sadness.
Love comes quietly... but you know when it is there because suddenly... you are not alone anymore... and there is no sadness in you.
Misery is what happiness rests upon. Happiness is what misery lurks beneath.
There is a great probability that our loss of capacity for enjoying the positive joys of life is largely due to the decreased sensibility of our senses and our lack of full use of them. All human happiness is sensuous happiness.
In my deepest parts of sadness, I'm always making a joke or being sarcastic.
My aim in life isn't so much the pursuit of happiness as the happiness of pursuit.
By asking the question 'Am I happy?,' and via the answer setting out what I mean by happiness, there is a political route that can be taken, by asking another question - 'Can politics deliver happiness, and should it try?'
The meditative state is the highest state of existence. So long as there is desire, no real happiness can come. It is only the contemplative, witness-like study of objects that brings to us real enjoyment and happiness.
The real sign of His blessings is if you can have more and more happiness inside. Learn always to be happy; to be happy with the happiness of God. Even- minded and cheerful. This is the fastest route to divine bliss.
Dear young people, the happiness you are seeking, the happiness you have a right to enjoy has a name and a face: it is Jesus of Nazareth, hidden in the Eucharist. Only he gives the fullness of life to humanity! With Mary, say your own "yes" to God, for he wishes to give himself to you.
Avoiding fear, sadness, or anger is not the same thing as being happy.
I think a lot about the poems I wasn't able to write...I masturbrated...Solitude is essentially a matter of pride; you bury yourself in your own scent. The issue is the same for all real poets. If you've been happy for too long, you become banal. By the same token, if you've been unhappy for a long time, you lose your poetic power...Happiness and poverty can only coexist for the briefest time. Afterword either happiness coarsens the poet or the poem is so true it destroys his happiness.
What I like about cooking is that, so long as you follow the recipe exactly, everything always turns out perfect. It’s too bad there’s no recipe for happiness. Happiness is more like pastry—which is to say that you can take pains to keep cool and not overwork the dough, but if you don’t have that certain light touch, your best efforts still fall flat. The work-around is to buy what you need. I’m talking about pastry, not happiness, although money does make things easier all around.
True happiness is not out there. True happiness lies within.
In the West, for example, people believe they must 'pursue happiness' as if it were some kind of a flighty bird that is always out of reach. In the East, we believe we are born with happiness and one of life's important takes, my mother told me, is to protect it.
When you grow up around sadness, it affects the way you see the world.
Isolation of the caretaker role is a real danger. That way lies sadness.
I love sad. Sadness makes you feel more than anything.
Even in times of great sadness, there are always moments where we crack up.
Happiness perches on misery. Misery crouches beneath happiness.
Real artists take the misery and sadness of life and translate it into art.
Sadness takes up the pen more readily than joy. — © Henri Frederic Amiel
Sadness takes up the pen more readily than joy.
Feel no sadness because of evil thoughts: it only strengthens them.
What protects you in this world from sadness and from the loss of an ability to do something? ... Work and love.
One's suffering disappears when one lets oneself go, when one yields - even to sadness.
Action may not bring happiness but there is no happiness without action.
That is why I write - to try to turn sadness into longing, solitude into remembrance.
A lot of people need happiness in their lives... those who have lost their loved ones, those who have lost jobs and other things. Let your smile be a source of happiness to them and everyone else you meet.
I think happiness is a choice. If you feel yourself being happy and can settle in to the life choices you make, then it's great. It's really, really great. I swear to God, happiness is the best makeup.
In vain do they talk of happiness who never subdued an impulse in obedience to a principle. He who never sacrificed a present to a future good, or a personal to a general one, can speak of happiness only as the blind speak of color.
There is a crisis that is not political - an epidemic of loneliness, of sadness - and we're completely unequal to dealing with it.
First, accept sadness. Realize that without losing, winning isn't so great. — © Alyssa Milano
First, accept sadness. Realize that without losing, winning isn't so great.
We never do anything consciously for the last time without sadness of heart.
Meditative state is the highest state of existence. So long as there is desire, no real happiness can come. It is only the contemplative, witness-like study of objects that brings to us real enjoyment and happiness. The animal has its happiness in the senses, the man in his intellect, and the god in spiritual contemplation. It is only to the soul that has attained to this contemplative state that the world really becomes beautiful. To him who desires nothing, and does not mix himself up with them, the manifold changes of nature are one panorama of beauty and sublimity.
It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that have to announce that I ate kale and liked it.
I'm a poet,' the young man said, 'And it's my job to remember the sadness of things.
It is something you can't predict, and it is the huge sadness in your life, losing a child.
First, accept sadness. Realize that without losing, winning isn't so great
Nothing can rightly compel a simple and brave man to a vulgar sadness.
You know that saying 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing'? That's so true of positive psychology. Our latest research tells us that the pursuit of happiness is a delicate art. Certain approaches to seeking happiness are now known to backfire, whereas others are effective.
Success does not necessarily create happiness. I could take you on a tour of West Lost Angeles. You would be surprised that happiness does not blossom in Beverly Hills any more than it does in most places.
Always there's that space between what you feel and what you do, and in that gap, all human sadness lies.
Sadness isn't an emotion that most cool bands want to talk about.
The word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
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