Top 1200 Happy Memorial Day Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Happy Memorial Day quotes.
Last updated on October 24, 2024.
I was born with a happy heart, and I try to keep a good attitude. It's not true that I'm happy all the time because nobody is, and we all go through our things.
Poor Earthworm,' the Ladybird said, whispering in James's ear. 'He loves to make everything into a disaster. He hates to be happy. He is only happy when he is gloomy.
I was never used to being happy, so that wasn't something I ever took for granted. I did sort of think, you know, marriage did that. You see, I was brought up differently from the average American child because the average child is brought up expecting to be happy - that's it, successful, happy, and on time.
Happy Friday Night Fam! Time to free yourself from worries and stresses and focus on all of your blessings!! Spread LOVE & BE HAPPY this weekend! — © Tracey Edmonds
Happy Friday Night Fam! Time to free yourself from worries and stresses and focus on all of your blessings!! Spread LOVE & BE HAPPY this weekend!
Suffering has roused them from the sleep of gentle life, and every day fills them with a terrible intoxication. They are now something more than themselves; those we loved were merely happy shadows.
Chili, spice of red Thursday, which is the day of reckoning. Day which invites us to pick up the sack of our existence and shake it inside out. Day of suicide, day of murder.
I don't pretend to be happy all the time. I think to be human is to be happy and unhappy by turns. But I have a great capacity to enjoy myself, and it seems to grow as I get older.
Every coach has to put himself in his club and to try to become a really important coach for his club. The most important thing is that the club can be happy, the fans can be happy, and the players can be happy with your work. This must be our task. Then, if you are No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, this is not important.
You won't be happy anywhere until you're happy somewhere.
You cannot become Happy, You can only Be Happy.
I place us where we are a happy couple who are madly in love, and we are kissing the way people kiss on their wedding day. With joy and relief and love. Without guilt. Without Shame.
My parents even let me switch schools, to leave my regular school to go to the producer's school, because I told them producing is what I love to do, and it makes me happy to share my music and my passion with others. I was dreaming to go to that school. I begged them. They were like, 'Yah, know what? If you are happy, we are happy.'
There are no happy endings, there are only happy people.
He who, to be happy, needs nothing but himself, is happy. — © Berthold Auerbach
He who, to be happy, needs nothing but himself, is happy.
I'm so happy to be Tiffany Trump, happy to be in the family I'm in.
I see it every day: People trying to create a home that somebody else tells them they should have. I don't care if it's a magazine or a bossy friend - when somebody says, 'This is what's elegant, this is what's trendy,' if it doesn't represent you, you're not going to be happy.
I'm happy to be busy. I'm happy to have a wonderful family.
To be happy, make other people happy.
If you want to be happy, make others happy!
To the casual observer it looks like I have moved on since I go around wearing my little happy mask all day. I smile and laugh and carry on like my heart's still in one piece, but beneath it all, I am dying.
There is only one way to be happy, and that is to make somebody else so, and you cannot be happy by going cross lots; you have got to go the regular turnpike road.
If you're not happy, you can become happy. Happiness is a choice.
On the one hand, we all want to be happy. On the other hand, we all know the things that make us happy. But we don't do those things. Why? Simple. We are too busy. Too busy doing what? Too busy trying to be happy. This is the paradox of happiness that has bewitched our age.
A lost but happy dream may shed its light upon our waking hours, and the whole day may be infected with the gloom of a dreary or sorrowful one; yet of neither may we be able to recover a trace.
If an instrument similar to a geiger-counter could be invented that counted moral judgements instead, we would learn to duck as people became increasingly 'moral', since lethal force is usually imminent. So far from moral fervour being an alternative to force, it is frequently the overture, the accompaniment and the memorial to it.
...from this day forward until the day you are buried, do two things each day. First, master a difficult old insight, and second, add some new piece of knowledge to the world each day.
Most people believe they know what it is that would make them happy, and what it is that they should get rid of in order to be happy. Unfortunately, few actually do.
One is never alone with a book nearby, don't you agree? Every page reminds us of a day that has passed and makes us relive the emotions that filled it. Happy hours underlined in red pencil, dark ones in black.
I flew to New York to do a commercial back in the day when people could meet you at the gate, and the little agent when I came off the plane said, 'Oh, Miss Carr, we are so happy to have you here.' I went, 'Oh, for goodness sakes.'
We are really here to be happy and to make others happy.
If they would have told me when I was just 18 that I was going to have a career that would last so long, I'd have said it was impossible, that it was crazy that that could happen in my life, so I'm happy to be here. To be able to go out on stage every day.
We welcome all republican endorsements, no question. We'd be happy to have that. We'd be happy to have more fair treatment in the media. But I'm not going to find unicorns on my doorstep tomorrow either.
Above all, I want to be happy, and at Barcelona, I'm happy.
Mine is one of the most beautiful professions in fashion: making others happy with an idea... I am happy because I did the job I dreamt of as a child.
I am very happy at Milan: the coach and his staff have given me a lot of confidence, and I'm also happy with the relationship with my team-mates.
If my son is happy, then I am happy.
We've become an underground thing for kids, because we never got the love our peers got back in the day. Kids are loving discovering us, and I'm happy to be that band.
I love the life that I live, I love being who I am, and waking up every day and trying to better myself each and every moment I get. I'm happy for that. I'm blessed.
Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have. — © Zig Ziglar
Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have.
We're (Juan Gonzalez) like brothers. I'm sure he was very happy to see me get it done, and it's not very long from his day, so hopefully I'll see that and we'll be on the same team.
You're happy when you help others become happy.
My theory is, 'Happy mommy, happy baby.'
Unless you are happy with yourself, you will not be happy.
All human beings seek the happy life, but many confuse the means - for example, wealth and status - with that life itself. This misguided focus on the means to a good life makes people get further from the happy life. The really worthwhile things are the virtuous activities that make up the happy life, not the external means that may seem to produce it.
Can't we just pursue our lives With our children and our wives Till that happy day arrives How do you ignore All the witches All the curses All the wolves, all the lies The false hopes, the goodbyes . . .
The first sales meeting I made was for the television movie 'Farrell for the People.' I walked into a conference room at NBC that I had built. It was my memorial conference room. There were 10 people at the meeting, and by habit, I sat at the head of the table.
I wasn't happy the way I completed 'Asuran' or abandoned the film as it isn't complete. People are liking it and it's making money and I'm glad but I'm not happy with how I had to finish it.
For me, as long as my family's happy, I'm happy.
it follows that if you aren't happy with yourself, you won't be happy with others. — © Patti Page
it follows that if you aren't happy with yourself, you won't be happy with others.
I think there are some people who don't have dreams so much - they have a job and money they earn. That sounds sort of condescending, but I think having a dream just makes you more happy and hopeful and gives you a reason to have the next day.
The time to be happy is now, and the place to be happy is here.
That night we made love "the real way" which we had not yet attempted although married six months. Big mystery. No one knew where to put their leg and to this day I'm not sure we got it right. He seemed happy. You're like Venice he said beautifully. Early next day I wrote a short talk ("On Defloration") which he stole and had published in a small quarterly magazine. Overall this was a characteristic interaction between us. Or should I say ideal. Neither of us had ever seen Venice.
I would feel like my life was a success if my children grow into well-adjusted, happy, functioning members of society. Capable and happy and normal.
In a creative business, if you're happy, it will come out in your work. I don't see how you can be happy if you don't like the people you're working with and if they aren't a joy to have fun with.
No matter what it is, if you aren't happy striving for it, you won't be happy achieving it.
Misery makes you special. Misery makes you more egoistic. A miserable man can have a more concentrated ego than a happy man. A happy man really cannot have the ego, because a person becomes happy only when there is no ego. The more egoless, the more happy; the more happy, the more egoless. You dissolve into happiness. You cannot exist together with happiness; you exist only when there is misery. In happiness there is dissolution.
It is not merely the likeness which is precious... but the association and the sense of nearness involved in the thing... the fact of the very shadow of the person lying there fixed forever! It is the very sanctification of portraits I think - and it is not at all monstrous in me to say that I would rather have such a memorial of one I dearly loved, than the noblest Artist's work ever produced.
I know if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
My credo is etched on my mirror in my bathroom and I see it when I brush my teeth in the morning. It says, "Don't worry, Be Happy, Feel Good." When you see that first thing, and you reflect on it, the rest of the day seems to glide by pretty well.
You can become happy just by deciding to be happy.
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