Top 96 Harbour Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Harbour quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Our ex-wifes always harbour secrets about us that make them irresistable. Until, of course, we remember who we are and what we did and why we are not married anymore.
All men leave the harbour of youth, but only few reach the very far island of wisdom!
Instead of decaying in a safe harbour, sail to the unsafe oceans! — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
Instead of decaying in a safe harbour, sail to the unsafe oceans!
My father always tells me to be forgiving, as it purges you of pent-up negativity. I harbour no bitterness and malice towards anyone.
The votaries of nonviolence cannot harbour violence even in thought, let alone the question of doing it.
The last spectacle of which Christian men are likely to grow tired is a harbour. Centuries hence there may be jumping-off places for the stars, and our children's children's and so forth children may regard a ship as a creeping thing scarcely more adventurous than a worm. Meanwhile, every harbour gives us a sense of being in touch, if not with the ends of the universe, with the ends of the earth.
The brain and its satellite glands have now been probed to the point where no particular site remains that can reasonably be supposed to harbour a nonphysical mind.
When I'm not surfing or sailing, I am to be found at the harbour working on my boat.
Rock pools, so-named because they have been hammered out of rocks at the ocean's edge, are one of Sydney's defining characteristics, along with the Opera House and Harbour Bridge, though not as well known.
If 30 Australians drowned in Sydney Harbour, it would be a national tragedy. But when 30 or more refugees drown off the Australian coast, it is a political question.
Australia is an island surrounded by water. My fondest memories growing up were trips to the beach, walking around the harbour and playing in the beautiful parks.
There is a capacity for violence we all harbour, and under certain circumstances, it comes out.
Most of us harbour a significant amount of subconscious fear about death, and act out of this fear in our daily lives.
Some people harbour an awkward clash of feelings - homosexual attraction on the one hand and shame or embarrassment about that attraction on the other. It is well known that the mind struggles to sustain conflicting views.
Family is everything, although I've been fortunate enough to have worked with some of the most amazing minds over the years, including Renzo Piano, John Young, Graham Stirk and Ivan Harbour.
We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbour them. — © George W. Bush
We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbour them.
Anyhow, a philosophical turn of thought now was not amiss, else one's patience would have given out almost at the harbour entrance. The term of her probation was eight days.
I grew up in the suburbs of Sydney, an arid kind of place, but every day I took the ferry across the harbour to get to school. I'd watch the ships coming in and going out.
Africa is the one place on earth where Prince Harry can be truly himself. He describes Botswana as his 'second home,' but this magical country is even more than that - it is his haven, his safe harbour.
Harbour Island in the Bahamas is beautiful, with turquoise water and pink sand.
Certain foods, such as meat, appear to harbour toxic bacteria - known as endotoxins - that can trigger inflammation in your arteries, even when food is fully cooked.
9/11 changed America fundamentally, far more so than outsiders realised at the time. For Americans, it genuinely was a new Pearl Harbour: an attack on the homeland that made them feel vulnerable for the first time in 60 years.
Vigorous societies harbour a certain extravagance of objectives.
We all harbour a great sadness in our soul
Every painting is a voyage into a sacred harbour.
I like going for walks in the western harbour, a newly-built area of Malmo where the old harbour used to be. It is surrounded by canals and waterways and the architecture is modern and innovative - the landmark Turning Torso skyscraper, designed by Santiago Calatrava, is the star of the show.
I'll never forget the modelling shoot I did in the Bahamas on a pink sand beach at Harbour Island. It felt like I'd just landed in paradise; it was so beautiful.
How can I even secretly harbour the thought that my neighbour's faith is inferior to mine?
The truth about Pearl Harbour is obscured to this day. But it has been much studied.
One flesh. Or if you prefer, one ship. The starboard engine has gone. I, the port engine, must chug along somehow till we make harbour. Or rather, till the journey ends.
I cannot imagine not going home to animals. They are the closest thing to God. They don't harbour resentment.
I saw the film Pearl Harbour and it made me wish that the Japanese had bombed Hollywood instead!
I try to jog in every city I visit, and I particularly enjoy harbour-front paths that let me ogle big ships, railroad bridges and the ruins of factories and warehouses.
No matter how safe and lovely your harbour is, leave it to see the insecure and the ugly one; only then you can reach the truth!
With 'Broken Harbour,' a third of the way through, I worked it out and had to go back and bloody rewrite.
...If I continued to harbour any hope for music it lay in the expectation that a musician might come who was sufficiently bold, subtle, malicious, southerly, superhealthy to confront that music and in an immortal fashion take revenge on it.
As a Scot, representing a Scottish constituency for almost the past 25 years, I do not harbour an overweening ambition to pronounce on each and every matter exclusively English.
There's something uniquely unsettling about the unhinged woman on a single-minded mission. Especially when she's the last person you ever imagined to harbour a dark and seething soul.
Unfortunately I put the opening date on the 5th of December 1941 and on the 7th of December the Japanese bombarded Pearl Harbour. My dream of a theater in Washington D.C. came to a prompt end.
Harbour Island in the Bahamas is a wonderful little island with beautiful beaches, a great restaurant culture and friendly, welcoming atmosphere. — © Helena Christensen
Harbour Island in the Bahamas is a wonderful little island with beautiful beaches, a great restaurant culture and friendly, welcoming atmosphere.
In the deserted harbour there is yet water that laps against the quays. In the dark and silent forest, there is a leaf that falls. Behind the polished panelling the white ant eats away the wood. Nothing is ever quiet, except for fools
Jealousy is one of the wickedest of all the passions. It is that which has been the most fruitful mother of tragedies, murders, and wars. But reprehensible though it is, jealousy is almost rather to be pitied than blamed--its first victims are those who harbour the feeling.
Sydney has the world's best swimming pool. Walk through the Botanical Gardens and you come to the Andrew 'Boy' Charlton Pool on Mrs Macquaries Road, with incredible views of Finger Wharf and the Harbour.
I want to build a house in Indian Harbour, that's all.
I'm not a Bal Harbour Shops kind of guy.
A ship in harbour is safe, but it's not fulfilling its potential
I just crushed Stranger Things. It's got one of my favorite actors, David Harbour. And obviously Breaking Bad and stuff like that.
There's that old cliché which has a lot of basis in truth, that all music journalists are failed rock stars. They all harbour the inner feeling they should be up under the spotlight and the microphone is there for them.
The most amazing thing to me about the sea is the tide. A harbour like St. Ives is totally transformed in a very short space of time by the arrival or departure of the sea.
People sometimes forget that Sydney is a harbour and it's the ferries that make it unique.
There's an ease that I have living in Australia. The best things about Sydney are free: the sunshine's free, and the harbour's free, and the beach is free. — © Russell Crowe
There's an ease that I have living in Australia. The best things about Sydney are free: the sunshine's free, and the harbour's free, and the beach is free.
The feeling of being an underdog, not belonging, is very much me. You harbour a little feeling of resentment towards the 'upper dog'.
The Universe is a big ship and its captain is the Laws of Physics! The bad news is that there seems to be no safe harbour to dock and no lifeboats if we sink!
I know many people who are actually queasy about the idea that their kids may harbour sporting ambitions.
I had my first museum showing of my slide show in Rotterdam, in 1983. I love Rotterdam. I love harbour cities in general.
Man is not a ship in harbour; Earth is not a ship in harbour; even Universe is not a ship in harbour! No safe harbour for anything exists!
Ah, sweet Content, where doth thine harbour hold.
My great love is my home county of Cornwall, I love to sit and watch people enjoying themselves on the beaches and in the harbour towns of Cornwall.
I would rather drown myself in the waters of the Sabarmati than harbour hate or animosity in my heart.
Even though Bandos is one of the biggest islands in the Maldives, it only takes 20 minutes to walk round. All it has are some chalets and a little harbour centre with three restaurants and a bar. The food is magnificent.
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