Top 1200 Hard Core Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Hard Core quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I see it as my job to try to keep Bach in the mainstream and present his music with, rather than without, its emotional core.
Keep working hard and you can get anything that you want. If God gave you the talent, you should go for it. But don't think it's going to be easy. It's hard!
Whatever success people have in a field, it's a result of hard work. If you ultimately succeed in one place, you must have worked hard there or somewhere else. — © Cameron Diaz
Whatever success people have in a field, it's a result of hard work. If you ultimately succeed in one place, you must have worked hard there or somewhere else.
Self-knowledge, I guess, is hard. But I think pain is harder, personally. I think to be hopeless is very hard. I think to die without hope or to live without hope is very hard.
Sometimes we all work so hard to overcome various things, and we are very cruel as a society and tough on people who we think aren't trying hard enough.
Hard news really is hard. It sticks not in the craw but in the mind. It has an almost physical effect, causing fear, interest, laughter or shock.
For millions of Americans who happen to be black or brown, that core bond of trust with the government that governs closest to you, is too often broken.
I never understood when people go, 'Oh my gosh, it's so easy being pregnant.' No, it's hard. It's the most beautiful thing, yes, but it's hard.
If you're trying to write something that you don't understand and embrace at the very core of you, it's not going to turn out with quite the authenticity and passion it should have.
Vulnerability is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness, but it appears that it's also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love.
A core part of Teach For America's mission has always been affecting positive change in the traditional public school system.
I'm at the point in my life where I don't want to work as hard. Actually, I've had to take a good hard look at workaholism and it's effect on one's mental health.
The conservative movement was founded on core principles of liberty, individual freedom, limited government and building and promoting strong families. — © Margaret Hoover
The conservative movement was founded on core principles of liberty, individual freedom, limited government and building and promoting strong families.
Our core attention is to bring prosperity in the life of common man, and all-out resources have been used for his facilitation.
I think, more importantly, it's about who is your core team? Who are the people around you that are going to fight for you and make sure that's all protected?
It's hard to come into a new relationship with food unless you're engaged in an interactive way at an early age; it's hard to change your values.
Human relationships are the perfect tool for sanding away our rough edges and getting at the core of divinity within us.
We have now just enshrined, as soon as I sign this bill, the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their healthcare.
America, at its core, is a country of strong and resilient people who are prepared to confront the challenges posed by those who seek to do us harm.
When you're fit but you can't play, it's very hard, especially for the head, especially for a young player. But all you can do is train hard and give your best. Afterwards, it's the decision of the coach.
The central issue is never strategy, structure, culture, or systems. The core of the matter is always about changing the behavior of people.
Maybe this is the point: to embrace the core sadness of life without toppling headlong into it, or assuming it will define your days.
I try really hard to give my kids as much independence as I can, caring mostly about their character: Are they kind? Generous? Do they work hard?
I ain't going to sit here like, 'My neighborhood was hard, and I had to get out there and grind.' We made it hard for ourselves. We chose to stay on the streets.
For the vast majority of Americans who work hard and play by the rules, paying the bills may be hard some months, but it's something we always do.
It's hard to talk about childhood trauma. It's hard to talk about depression. It's hard to talk about anxiety. And we thought - I wonder if we just open up our subconscious and the things that we think about and hide from people every day and just let them come out in some of these lyrics.
I love acting as a passion. It's something that is really fulfilling to me. But the core of it, which is one of its most difficult aspects, is that it's commission-based.
Yeah, I'm a fan of the Blue Jays. It's hard. My sports interest has definitely decreased since we've been on the road. It's really hard to follow.
It must be hard being you,” she said. “Mr. Perfect on the outside. Dr. Evil on the inside.” “It’s not that hard. The rest of the world isn’t as insightful as you.
I believe you can have a much better life if you are true to your core self, and therefore guided by love and intuitive inner knowing.
Beyonce is a very hard-working woman. Astrologically, for whatever it's worth, she's a Virgo - like Michael Jackson, a hard worker.
The bad leaders are the ones that push hard so they can gain, who brow beat us so that they can receive the benefit of our hard work, not so we can enjoy the success
He sighed. It had come to this. He was a responsible authority, and people could use terms like "core values" at him with impunity.
Live Free or Die Hard may work better for an audience that doesn't know much about the series is than it will for Die Hard die hards, who will be wondering who that impersonator is and what he did with the real John McClane. The original Die Hard came out of nowhere to blitz the 1988 summer box office. The fourth installment arrives with a weight of expectations that Atlas would have trouble shouldering and, when the dust settles in September, it's unlikely that Live Free or Die Hard will be one of this year's big success stories.
But baseball was different... You stood and waited and tried to still your mind. When your moment came, you had to be ready, because if you f****d up, everyone would know whose fault it was. What other sport not only kept a stat as cruel as the error, but posted it on the scoreboard for everyone to see? ... You could only try so hard not to try too hard before you were right back around to trying too hard. And trying hard, as everyone told him, was wrong, all wrong.
The problem is, of course, that these interest groups are all asking for changes, but their enthusiasm for change rapidly disappears when it affects the core of their own interests.
In companies, there are three activities that should be labeled better. First there is the "CORE" which is the thing the company does that its customers pay it to do.
There's homophobia in every corner and pocket of this world but at the core you just love someone and want to make mixed tapes for them. — © Sara Quin
There's homophobia in every corner and pocket of this world but at the core you just love someone and want to make mixed tapes for them.
Human beings are such knotted, desperate pieces of work-it's a rare thing to know one completely, to the core, and still love him.
Economics is sometimes associated with the study and defense of selfishness and material inequality, but it has an egalitarian and civil libertarian core that should be celebrated.
So at the request of educators I wrote the World Core Curriculum, the product of the United Nations, the meta-organism of human and planetary evolution.
At its core, health is simple: eat the right amount for your body, don't ingest chemicals or fake foods, and move more.
Ballet Beautiful has made my pregnancy a joy. I've avoided back pain and swelling by keeping my core strong and body moving.
Prohibition is a hard sounding word, worthless as a rallying cry, hard as a locked door or going to bed without your supper.
I've worked hard throughout my entire life, but I don't think all the hard work could have produced the same results without all the genetics I was given.
That's a hard question, because I started skating when I was three, so I don't really remember life before it, and I don't know what it is like not to work hard at something.
Yeah, it's hard. It's really, really hard. But 'hard' is not 'impossible'.
eBay started with a core focus on the collector. At the time of its S-1, six or seven percent of its total sales were Beanie Babies. — © Jeff Jordan
eBay started with a core focus on the collector. At the time of its S-1, six or seven percent of its total sales were Beanie Babies.
It is part of me; I could definitely be that if I wanted to, I just choose not to. I mean, I am an actress at my core, and I think we're all a little crazy.
It's just racing. Sometimes you have difficult moments, and then you try to work hard, and you keep working hard, and you overcome the situation. It's as simple as that.
Obviously wrestling is a core component of MMA. And among UFC fighters, my take-down defence is considered quite high.
In the Senate, I will work to shrink the size of our federal government to its core Constitutional role so the private sector can thrive.
When we lose sight of God we become hard and dogmatic. We hurl our own petitions at God's throne and dictate to Him as to what we wish Him to do. We do not worship God, nor do we seek to form the mind of Christ. If we are hard towards God, we will become hard towards other people.
Hope and faith. You have to have hope and faith... Long ways to go. Grateful to survive. I's frustrating. Mentally hard. Hard work. I'm trying. Trying so hard to get better. Regain what I've lost... I will get stronger. I will return.
This God who, as the psalmist said, built His tabernacles in the sun, now establishes Himself in the very core of the flesh and the blood.
When my body, my energy is low, it's hard for me to be a good husband, hard for me to be a good father... hard for me to be a good artist.
I can't express enough to anyone who is fighting for whatever their dream is, whether it's to become a doctor, or a teacher, or a photographer - it doesn't matter - it's such a hard, hard road.
Before Churchill had done anything else, he was a writer. He believed to the core that words matter. They count. They can change the world.
When somebody's ego is in service of really brilliant, innovative work, it's hard to, cause I'm such an asshole, it's hard to criticize their failures as a human sometimes.
We embrace policies that have, first and foremost, the continued survival of the British people at their core, and in that respect I think we are beyond left and right.
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