Top 1200 Hard To Let Go Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Hard To Let Go quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
I do work too hard sometimes, but my mom is such an inspiration. She tells me to 'chill out' and not take things so seriously. She will say: 'Go and have a massage.'
When you are performing at the top level you don't get many chances to go back to basics as you are in elite performance mode. It's hard to break your technique or action down when it always needs to be at a match intensity.
I was dyslexic as a child and it took me years to get passed that. I read a lot but it was hard and that didn't go away until my early-to-mid-twenties. So really what I was looking at were the photographs and the illustrations in magazines.
I work very, very hard, so when I do get the chance to go out socially, it's a relatively big night. I also have hobbies on the side, and quite often, one runs into the other.
If you go into a shopping centre, there are phones and cameras everywhere, and if you're doing the wrong thing, ultimately you're going to get found out. So it's important you're living your life right, and that's hard for a young player.
If that many people recognize how hard I go every night and what I put into my game, to make myself and my team better, it means a lot to me. I'm fortunate; I'm blessed to be in the situation that I'm in right now.
It's a little hard to go out there and spend your money on a home, car, or goods and services if your wages are being garnished to make debt collectors rich. — © Ana Kasparian
It's a little hard to go out there and spend your money on a home, car, or goods and services if your wages are being garnished to make debt collectors rich.
Coming up with your own opinion is hard. When I go to see a movie I don't really know if I enjoyed it, so I ask my wife and listen to people talking on the way out. If they all say it was magnificent I'll agree!
cause it's a hard life, with love in the world. and i'm a hard girl, loving me is like chewing on pearls.
I worked hard to meet his eyes, even though they were the kind of pretty that's hard to look at.
If you go from being a kid at school to being on £60,000 a week, that can be hard to deal with. I didn't have that, and maybe that's kept me a bit more grounded than some players.
Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart, like Why are we here? And where do we go? And how come it's so hard? It's not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving, I'll tell you one thing, it's so much better when we're together.
I've never done acid, finding it hard to go willingly to a place that could be frightening, hellish, and totally beyond my control. A place much like high school.
It is hard, I found, to be called traitor. Strange how hard it is, for it's an easy name to call another man.
Plantation gospel music was the stuff I fell in love with when I was a kid - these beautiful melodies and these hard, hard stories.
Our neighbors who have fallen on hard times can use basic sanitary items, such as soap, socks and undergarments; when we go shopping for ourselves, how about adding an extra item for someone in need?
When there are hard times, the trend is to question yourself and to dig deep but when things go well you shouldn't relax and think things come easy or you need to put in less effort.
Centrist voters typically decide general elections, so hard-left or hard-right platforms don't help. — © William M. Daley
Centrist voters typically decide general elections, so hard-left or hard-right platforms don't help.
We don't realize how much we create reality through language. If we say that life is hard, it will be hard.
When you go through a hard period, When everything seems to oppose you, ... When you feel you cannot even bear one more minute, NEVER GIVE UP! Because it is the time and place that the course will divert!
I enjoy the pain my body goes through. If you're in a hard moment in a fight, there's a lot of things go through your mind. But the most important thing to me is family.
Hard men present hard choices - none more so than Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia.
If that many people recognize how hard I go every night and what I put into my game, to make myself and my team better, it means a lot to mean. I'm fortunate; I'm blessed to be in the situation that I'm in right now.
When I was producing 'Formula Vol. 2,' I knew I needed to come hard with the features and do something I hadn't done with Aventura. Collaborating with Drake was definitely one of those big steps that helped bachata go to the next level.
it's a funny thing about Hollywood. Once you've been out here awhile, it's hard to go someplace else, and it gets harder the longer you stay here. Takes some real propulsion to make you leave.
It's funny. No matter how hard you try, you can't close your heart forever. And the minute you open it up, you never know what's going to come in. But when it does, you just have to go for it! Because if you don't, there's not point in being here.
I'm a health nut, but when I eat, I go hard. I'm a Buffalo wing magnet, a sandwich fanatic, a cheesesteak guy. But I'll only get a cheesesteak in Philadelphia. No one else does it right.
It might look like it's easy, but no one really knows how hard it is. Especially when you go from a college bars routine that has four skills to elite with 10-12 or maybe even more. It's a big jump.
Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace.
Jazz is a hard music, and you have to really work hard and also have fun performing; that's the most important thing.
My 'act' was schoolwork. I was your basic, garden-variety, ambitious, upwardly mobile, hard-working Jewish boy from Brooklyn. I was bound to go beyond my parents. It was simply the way things were.
I didn't expect to enjoy my work as much as I do and when you enjoy something it's hard to say no. But I could sit on the sofa and do nothing for weeks. I'd watch telly, I'd eat, I'd go online, I'd be so happy!
When you feel stuck in a hard time, jump-start a pro-change attitude by letting go of possessions that no longer work for you - like old clothes and old shoes.
I think you have to work very hard and dedicate yourself and have the respect of your teammates before you're about to go out and just try to take a game over by yourself.
Our country offers such great opportunities for us all. Unfortunately, too many hard-working citizens go day to day without enough food to eat.
The command 'become hard! ', the deep conviction that all creators are hard, is the really distinctive sign of a Dionysian nature.
It makes it really hard to just go to a dinner party because, in my work life, I'm surrounded by the funniest people, ever. I'm really spoiled. I laugh a lot, in my day.
I don't try to focus on anything that doesn't affect me personally and how I go out there every single day. I'm just going to continue to work hard and focus on what I can control.
My mother and father were lovely parents, always quite hard up, but very hard-working.
So for me, it's just continue to go out and work hard and do what I've been coached and let the other guys take advantage of what they do successfully and then just let the chips fall where they may.
As we see in life, change is hard. Even if you genuinely want it and make the effort, sometimes it's hard to get it.
I don't ever feel like I have to stop myself from complaining about how hard it is to be an actress. I mean, it's not that hard. — © Busy Philipps
I don't ever feel like I have to stop myself from complaining about how hard it is to be an actress. I mean, it's not that hard.
The life of an actor is very hard irrespective of the continent you are in. It is doubly hard when you are only eligible for minority roles.
Even in merely reading a fairytale, we must let go our daylight convictions and trust ourselves to be guided by dark figures, in silence; and when we come back, it may be very hard to describe where we have been.
I was desperate to go back to New York and when 9/11 happened, I feared moving to the bulls-eye and that was very hard because I have a lot of family there and I really had to question what I didn't like about this community.
I make movies that I enjoy making and tell stories that I want to see, so it’s hard. You never reverse engineer those things and go, “What would appeal to this or that?” Even if I tried, I don’t know. I’m an all-American kid.
The worst, most insidious effect of censorship is that, in the end, it can deaden the imagination of the people. Where there is no debate, it is hard to go on remembering, every day, that there is a suppressed side to every argument.
I know it may be hard to imagine given how broken and gridlocked our politics truly are, but from the White House to, yes, Congress, the government is filled with hard-working, idealistic public servants working incredibly hard on tough issues, trying to make people's lives better and move the country, and our world, forward.
I could make up characters till the cows came home. Plot's what hard. Very hard.
I felt proud of myself. I worked out really hard, and the reason I wanted to do it the most is because I am posing for a purpose: a portion of the proceeds from each issue sold is going to go to my charity.
Just practice hard and stay grounded. Treat people like you want to be treated and work hard.
There are some people saying I'm a tweener - not tall enough for a power forward and not fast enough for a three. But I feel like if I go out there and play hard, it will eliminate all that.
You know, those of us who leave our homes in the morning and expect to find them there when we go back - it's hard for us to understand what the experience of a refugee might be like.
I've had to learn how to say no to things, and have people around me that don't push me too hard, because I'll go until I just crash. I don't have a stop button. — © Tove Lo
I've had to learn how to say no to things, and have people around me that don't push me too hard, because I'll go until I just crash. I don't have a stop button.
Science and math are hard for everybody, and it's usually not a matter or being born gifted at it or not. It's hard work, but it can be a lot of fun!
To experience real agony is something hard to write about, impossible to understand while it grips you; you're frightened out of your wits, can’t sit still, move, or even go decently insane.
It's always hard to deal with injuries mentally, but I like to think about it as a new beginning. I can't change what happened, so the focus needs to go toward healing and coming back stronger than before.
It's hard to brief in the Oval. You know, you can't - no visual aids, hard to roll out something in front of somebody.
In China, they appreciate someone who has worked hard. They say it is incredible to win seven world championships. I know it is, but it's a shame I have to go 10,000 miles to get the whole crowd behind me.
Why is this so hard?” I whispered. His pulse leaped crazily at my admission. “Everything worth fighting for is hard.
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