Top 1200 Hard Work And Dedication Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Hard Work And Dedication quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
Dedication to quality, community, and originality without exception.
I like to really spend the time and figure it out and rehearsal is to try something that doesn't work. It's hard to do that, because you always want to go with your impulse thought and you wonder if that's the one, did that work, you know?
Anxiety and conscience are a powerful pair of dynamos. Between them, they have ensured that I shall work hard, but they cannot ensure that one shall work at anything worthwhile.
Happiness does not fall out of the blue and dreams will not come true by themselves. We need to be down-to-earth and work hard. We should uphold the idea that working hard is the most honorable, noblest, greatest and most beautiful virtue.
I think that acting is no fun unless it's hard. I'm not titillated by acting or being an actor unless I have to work hard. — © Bob Odenkirk
I think that acting is no fun unless it's hard. I'm not titillated by acting or being an actor unless I have to work hard.
All these freshmen have come in here and worked hard from the beginning. I can't say enough good things about them. They were the No. 1 recruiting class in the country and they're confidant. They know they are the best. That doesn't mean they slack off. They work really hard. Now it's time to go out there and compete.
Hard-earned achievement brings a sense of self-worth. Work builds and refines character, creates beauty, and is the instrument of our service to one another and to God. A consecrated life is filled with work, sometimes repetitive, sometimes menial, sometimes unappreciated but always work that improves, orders, sustains, lifts, ministers, aspires.
There's a lot of people that have great ideas and dreams and whatnot, but unless you're willing to work really, really hard, and work for what you want, it's never going to happen.
We don't want to share our personal problems or personal journey, it's too private - but we should be proud to be carers; it's hard work, it's true work, it's unconditional love.
Honestly, I have had to live like a high priestess in this show. It is a very, very lonely life. When you work the way I work - that means hard - there's no time for play.
Doing anything with dedication impacts life positively.
I used to think hard work made me come alive, honestly. I used to have a daily work schedule with millions of things on it and I thought, "This is wonderful!"
I dont take my fans love and dedication for granted.
You start out with big dreams and I mean, big dreams artistically. You want to work with the greatest living directors, make a great movie. I wanted to make a great love story, I wanted to make a great epic and then you realize that the truth of it is that it's so hard to make a great film. It's hard to get a great role. Those big expectations change to realism pretty quickly. But what's never changed is my desire to work with great directors and to find projects that push me out of my comfort zone and keep me alive. I still don't think I've done my best work
I come from a place where getting a call to do a film is a big thing. I would work double hard to better a partly-convincing film than be without work. — © Vijay Deverakonda
I come from a place where getting a call to do a film is a big thing. I would work double hard to better a partly-convincing film than be without work.
My friends seem to think that an hour and a half effort a day is all they need to bring to the altar to make things work for them. I couldn't do that. I thought that if you didn't work at least as hard as the guy who runs a gas station, then you had no right to hope for achievement. You certainly had to work all day, every day.
I don't have any idols, I owe it all to hardwork, dedication and competence.
I wanted to make a movie, because the whole life of the movies appealed to me. You work hard for three or four months, then you don't work at all for a couple of months.
Television is not like making records. I wanna tell all you kids, do not try this at home, 'cause it's hard. It takes a lot of hard work, a lot of practice, and a lot of different takes.
I tend to eat pretty healthy, though, and I work out - I work out hard.
I feel like I have a lot of dedication to the acting profession.
I've had to work so hard in my career to get to this point, from leaving City and going to the Championship to work my way back up. I believed I could do it, and I'm grateful to Burnley and Tottenham for letting me do it in the Premier League.
Art or no Art, 2015 was already going to be the busiest year of my life. I'm not sure how I'll make it all work yet but I'm feeling like a warrior and I'm prepared to work hard.
I try not to have expectations because they can tend to tear you apart. I expect to work as hard as I can possibly work and I expect to give every ounce of a hundred percent.
Hard work - I mean, does anybody use that term anymore? Laziness doesn't fly. It's all in the practice. It does take work and it ain't easy - but man, the rewards!
My career is the sum of the decisions I have made. Everyone can work hard, but I work on my own terms. I stand my ground, and once I have committed to anything, I give my 150 per cent. I don't take my work for granted, ever. I know that, forget me, no matter where anyone is, everyone is dispensable. Why would I think I am indispensable then?
a wild dedication of yourselves To undiscovered waters, undreamed shores.
Reading [Judd Apatow] book, about his background, I think there's a great similarity. What gives him the fire to work hard? He worked hard, researching the comedians of the time, what touched him about it.
Hard work. Well, that=s all right for people who don=t know how to do anything else. It=s all right for people who aren=t lucky. But once you==re lucky, you don=t have to work for other people. You make them work for you.
When you're from an unknown place, I think it's hard for you to believe it's possible. You think you have to go to L.A. or New York to make it, but I don't think that's true. I'm glad to be an example that you can make it from where you are. All you need is talent and hard work.
Anyone can carry their burden, however hard, until nightfall. Anyone can do their work, however hard, for one day.
We live in a world of careers. Work, as Sri Krishna points out in the Bhagavad Gita, is a necessary path for everyone attaining enlightenment. It is something that we all do. Some people work very hard at not working.
Dedication: For all the girls who walk and read at the same time.
The operations were big ones, so I knew it'd take a lot of hard work. It's hard, you know? You're in the gym for hours on end doing strengthening exercises, and that's just so you are able to start running again. You can't even think about getting on the pitch to start with.
I actually believed if you work hard enough it was inevitable you'd succeed. Then I lived the 'Social Network' movie, but only the first half. The hardest part is the grueling work of constantly being wrong.
Sometimes, you're going to have to work hard, sometimes extra hard, and sometimes you still won't get that recognition. That's life. That's the way it is. But if you keep working, eventually you'll get the prize you're seeking.
A small nation can fight a superpower with determination and dedication.
The France family is locked and loaded in its dedication to Nascar.
Movies are hard work. The public doesn't see that. The critics don't see it. But they're a lot of work. A lot of work.
There can be no dedication to Canada's future without a knowledge of its past. — © John Diefenbaker
There can be no dedication to Canada's future without a knowledge of its past.
I've seen guys come along with more ability - they've been faster or bigger or stronger - but they never worked hard to develop themselves. Sometimes I've wondered what I could have done with their talent. On the other hand, the tag that I was too small and slow made me work hard.
All My Children taught me a great work ethic; you work so hard on a soap opera! It is a good way to start in the business, get success without getting a big head and learn your craft.
Just because you're part of 'Twilight' does not mean you're a superstar. It means that you're given the opportunity to maybe become one later if you work hard. Once fandom goes away, which it will very soon, it's all about having your priorities straight and working hard.
I never went into it [the business] thinking 'I'm a female sports reporter'. I just went into it thinking 'I'm a sports reporter'. No chip on the shoulder, no feeling like a victim when you walk in, no feeling entitled when you walk in. You've just got to do your job and work extremely hard. I think it's very basic. There's no magic to it. I think honestly it comes down to how badly do you want it. How hard are you willing to work?
I find it hard to act unprofessionally because I can't do drama at school, it's hard for me to do drama out of school, I don't have time any more. I dance as well. I don't have time to work and dance and still have a good social life. I miss that security but I'm hoping that this is a good time for me. I'm trying to do as much as possible to get myself out there and hopefully it will work out.
People mistakenly believe that if you do nothing but train you can only get better. You've got to work hard, but the harder you work the harder you must rest and relax.
I do have great memories from when my pops got inducted. Obviously, knowing him and knowing how hard he worked in pro football for so long and what he sacrificed, the physical side of it, the injuries, and the grinding and now eight years into the NFL you know what hard work that is.
A good short story is a work of art which daunts us in proportion to its brevity.... No inspiration is too noble for it; no amountof hard work is too severe for it.
Thinking can be lateral or "sweaty". For the latter you're better off in an office and following a routine but for the former you have to be "out of your mind", so to speak. So although I recognize the merits of hard work, I find that my work goes stale if I don't go off wandering around the world every few weeks. My friends think I'm a gipsy, but that's when I do "part 1" of my best work.
I'm lazy! I hate work! Hate hard work in all its forms! Clever shortcuts, that's all I'm about! — © Eliezer Yudkowsky
I'm lazy! I hate work! Hate hard work in all its forms! Clever shortcuts, that's all I'm about!
I don't have to work another day of my life, thank God, but I'm in a place where I probably work as hard or harder today than I ever have, but I do it because I want to, not because I have to. What is the difference between work and play? I think the difference is purpose. When your vocation becomes your vacation, the old quote, you know that's when you made it.
The key to success is dedication to life-long learning.
I know the M-word makes you nervous, but yeah. I'm talking about the big, permanent friendship. A little different from what Joe and Charles had, though. See, I want to be the kind of best friends who make love every night, who share all their darkest secrets and favorite jokes, and maybe even someday make babies together. I know that kind of friendship requires hard work, but you know, I'm pretty good at hard work. ~ Tom Paoletti, "The Unsung Hero
Barcelona is the best education possible. Training with Messi is something I will never forget - he was always the last off the pitch and working incredibly hard in the gym. If he is the best player in the world and works so hard, who are we? You can have all the crazy talent but you need to work.
It's hard to do it because you gotta look people in the eye and tell 'em they're irresponsible and lazy. And who's gonna wanna do that? Because that's what poverty is, ladies and gentlemen. In this country, you can succeed if you get educated and work hard. Period. Period.
We bow our heads in respect for those Soviet women who displayed exceptional courage in the severe time of war. Never before but during the days of the war the grandeur of spirit and the invincible will of our Soviet women, their selfless dedication, loyalty and affection to their Homeland, their boundless persistence in work and their heroism on the front manifested themselves with such strength.
What we need are positive, realistic goals and the willingness to work. Hard work and practical goals.
People work hard and save hard to own a car. They do not want to be told that they cannot drive it by a Deputy Prime Minister whose idea of a park and ride scheme is to park one Jaguar and drive away in another.
Though top executives may work as hard as ever-in part perhaps because, being trained in an earlier day, they can hardly help doing so-their subordinates are somewhat less work-minded.
I was taught from a very early age that I had to work twice as hard to get half as much. That was the world I grew up in - a very strong work ethic.
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