Top 410 Hardship Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Hardship quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Whenever I write about immigration, I hear heart-wrenching stories of computer workers who are unemployed and facing severe hardship.
The carer of the disabled person is always in the background. People don't want to hear about the sleaze and the nitty-gritty and the hardship.
You may go through difficulty, hardship, or trial—but as long as you are anchored to Him, you will have hope. — © Charles Stanley
You may go through difficulty, hardship, or trial—but as long as you are anchored to Him, you will have hope.
Human behavior in the midst of hardship caught my attention very early on, and my first stories were all pictures, no words.
I believe that anybody with Mandela's capacity to endure hardship and then forgive is a born leader and example to us all.
I'm not going to experience the reality of hardship that sometimes my characters live in. I'm very cautious about that.
I have been maligned as taking advantage of others' hardship in order to make a buck. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Anyone can keep going in an easy situation, but do you have a philosophy which can enable you to meet the worst hardship?
The noblest people are those despising wealth, learning, pleasure and life; esteeming above them poverty, ignorance, hardship and death.
Maybe it's the music that enables them to function like that, to always take everything as it comes and never complain about the misery, hardship or injustice.
Its shocking how many people believe hardships are a punishment from God! Every hardship is good for you-if it brings you closer to Him!
Ease and luxury, such as our affluence brings today, do not make for maturity; hardship and struggle however do.
I'm sure there are many more people who can identify with failure and hardship in life than with the success of an Alexander Hamilton or a John D. Rockefeller. — © Ron Chernow
I'm sure there are many more people who can identify with failure and hardship in life than with the success of an Alexander Hamilton or a John D. Rockefeller.
The texture and hardship of poverty and eviction is something that I think left the deepest impression on me, and I hope that I try to convey a little bit of that to the reader.
Happiness does not lie in amusement; it would be strange if one were to take trouble and suffer hardship all one's life in order to amuse oneself.
For me, football is a quest. Quests entail overcoming hardship, trials of adversity in the pursuit of true joy.
Fate has never ladled out hardship very evenly, and this frequently trips our often infantile sense of justice.
Many of Mississippi's veterans and their families know the hardship associated with driving long distances to access VA healthcare benefits.
We need leaders who are able to vividly remember how it feels to experience hardship, trauma and pain, who make us feel less alone.
After my father died, we faced hardship but never asked anybody for help. We were self-sufficient.
I think whenever any kind of hardship or tragedy comes along, it usually pulls a family closer together or, at least, hopefully.
While salvation is a free gift, the 'winning Christ' can only be through unreserved consecration and unquestioning obedience. Nor is this a hardship, but the highest privilege.
Hardship is vanishing, but so is style, and the two are more closely connected than the present generation supposes.
So we need people who will remain steadfast in any hardship and who have a high degree of resistance.
People had no tolerance for your particular hardship unless you knew how to entertain them with it.
Prison is no hardship, really. I'm in the art room as an assistant to the tutor, and basically, I'm doing what I like.
The fact that a baby can be born today and condemned to a life of hardship, struggle, and discrimination simply because of sex is enraging.
Many 'natural' events - like early death, disease, hardship - are neither desirable nor necessary.
Explorers like to pretend that they are a select breed of people with iron nerve and an ability to endure terrible hardship.
As to hanging, it is no great hardship. For were it not for that, every cowardly fellow would turn pirate and so unfit the sea, that men of courage must starve.
As I grew older, I came to feel more responsible for any hardship or trouble my career caused my family.
At times I experience hardship in trying to find the proper point of balance between traditional things and my own personality.
During the financial crisis and bailouts of 2008, it probably occurred to very few average people that we were entering a period of hardship for billionaires.
Be grateful even for hardship, setbacks, and bad people. Dealing with such obstacles is an essential part of training in the Art of Peace.
Just as the blessings of God are unutterably great, so their acquisition requires much hardship and toil undertaken with hope and faith.
The bond between the United States and Britain has always been strong. It has survived through war and peace, periods of prosperity and economic hardship.
With patience and calm, persistence and stoicism, good handwriting and careful labeling, they would meet persecution, indignity, and hardship head-on.
I have learned that most of us must face some form of challenge in our lives. But without hardship, we wouldn’t learn and grow. — © Julianne MacLean
I have learned that most of us must face some form of challenge in our lives. But without hardship, we wouldn’t learn and grow.
One thing we're doing with the Economic Hardship Reporting Project, the nonprofit I direct, is providing financial support to journalists who were formerly middle-class.
For all the hardship, I was still excited to be on the trail, testing my endurance, feeling especially alive as strength and fatigue flowed alternately through my limbs.
Courage is the ability to conquer fear or despair, to be brave or have a quality of mind or temperament that enables you to stand fast in the face of opposition, hardship or danger.
I identified in a very deep way with the individuals I was writing about because the theme that runs through this story is of extraordinary hardship and the will to overcome it.
Yes, hardships come. But I see in my life and in the lives of others how often something that does not have to be held as a hardship is dealt with by the mind as though it is.
In a delightful garden, sowing, planting or digging are not hardship but are done with a zeal and a certain pleasure.
I think any hardship is better than pretending to do what one is paid for, and never really doing it.
I can see Obama trying to be the president who suggests solutions for everyone who has experienced economic hardship.
The suburban cycle which began a hundred years ago is nearly over. We are in for a period of contraction and economic hardship.
When you're playing somebody who's going through a lot - frustration and hardship - you're just purging all your emotions, and it feels really good to do that. — © Amanda Seyfried
When you're playing somebody who's going through a lot - frustration and hardship - you're just purging all your emotions, and it feels really good to do that.
Most men ebb and flow in wretchedness between the fear of death and the hardship of life; they are unwilling to live, and yet they do not know how to die.
The greatest things in life all require commitment, sacrifice, some struggle and hardship. It's not easy. But absolutely worth it.
In war and in peace, in prosperity and times of economic hardship, America has no better friend or more dependable ally than the United Kingdom.
Coming from N.Y.C., I learned that with every hardship that you face, things are always going to get better once you put your mind to it.
In the mind engaged in struggling with hardship, one always finds something delightful. The sorrow of disappointment arises in the complacency of satisfaction.
There are a lot of times where actors can be a little precious sometimes, and then it's difficult to put them in a situation where there is true hardship.
We're all fascinated by the way other people live their lives, how they cope with hardship and triumph, what they put in their home movies and family albums.
We assume that celebrities have it easy and so love to watch them having to endure a bit of hardship.
It really seems as if failure and hardship make more of a human being of folks than success.
The highest form of success comes to the man who does not shrink from danger, from hardship or from bitter toil, and who, out of these, wins the splendid ultimate triumph.
I think men, growing up, you have to go through some form of hardship. You've got to harden the metal.
One of the big tensions in my life is that I have known the stresses of financial hardship since I was a little kid, and it is the cancer for which I am seeking a cure.
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