Top 75 Hassle Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Hassle quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
We are an asset-light transformative platform that converts sub-standard unbranded hotels/unutilized vacation homes into quality living spaces, with easy to book, hassle-free check-in experience.
Being a football manager is no fun at all. You have to put up with all the hassle. It is not surprising that so many turn grey or have heart attacks.
I can't begin to tell you what a pleasure it was to work with Vikram. He is such a brilliant actor and so hassle-free. — © Abhimanyu Singh
I can't begin to tell you what a pleasure it was to work with Vikram. He is such a brilliant actor and so hassle-free.
I like writing non-fiction - and when you pick a [non-fiction] subject, it saves you the hassle of coming up with a plot.
I thoroughly believe that shaving is the best way of hair removal, as it's the most convenient and hassle free of all the methods.
The amount of hassle involved in travel can be overwhelming.
Treating your users as co-developers is your least-hassle route to rapid code improvement and effective debugging.
The world is a dangerous place and I've had a nice fanbase without any of the hassle.
Thanks to the social web, we can share and trade to use a whole universe of things we once had to buy ourselves. From cars to solar panels, people are realizing they can reap the benefits of ownership without the expense and hassle of buying.
Because our daughters have school and it's just such a hassle going down to New York all the time, we can really only go on the weekends, we kind of... Steve came up here and worked out stuff for the second half of the record.
Going out is such a hassle. The singles club scene where you sit down, talk, get to know each other, hang out-it's such a big ordeal.
Miso makes a soup loaded with flavour that saves you the hassle of making stock.
You can obviously roam in public, but you can't do that with complete abandon. At the back of your mind, you are always worried if someone's watching you. But then, it's something that comes with the job profile. People approach you because they like you, and I don't see it as a hassle. It's a blessing.
There's got to be a role for an experienced football person helping the manager; not being a threat to the manager, but helping and sorting out a lot of the hassle he has, you know? Letting him concentrate on managing the football side.
Airports drive me mad. I don't mind the flying; it's all the hassle before you get on the plane and afterwards, including walking five miles through corridors to the point where you queue for ages to check passports and hope your luggage has arrived safely.
The funeral business is so manipulative emotionally. I would want to be thrown into the sea or burned - something that's not a big hassle.
It's much more work for the mother of an autistic child to have a job, because working with an autistic child is such a hassle until they go to school.
The computer industry began with home-brew boxes that everyone had to program for themselves, but that was a huge hassle. The computer revolution didn't explode until the first Macintosh arrived, with its point-and-click simplicity.
You should definitely have a travel agent. Why go through all the hassle of dealing with airlines, hotels, and rental-car agencies yourself, only to see the arrangements get all screwed up, when with just a single phone call you can have a trained professional screw them up for you?
The way you deal with bullies is you change their economic equation. Make it more expensive for them to hassle you. — © Reid Hoffman
The way you deal with bullies is you change their economic equation. Make it more expensive for them to hassle you.
Customers who have to come back and spend, or customers who just don't want the hassle of leaving - those are the ones who are most worth attracting.
You're going to have to settle on one eventually. Why not save us both the hassle, close your eyes and point. Whoever you're pointing at will be our winner." "I've played that game once before. Ended up--" Paris shuddered. "Never mind. It's not good to wander down that particular memory trail. So no. Just no.
Avocados, it's a food that ain't worth injuring yourself for. If it's a hassle to get into, leave it to the experts.
Making music is a total hassle, really.
Flying is just such a hassle. If I had a million dollars, I would teleport.
If this glorious birth to death hassle is the only hassle we are ever to have ..if our grand exhilarating fight of life is such a tragically short little scrap anyway,compared to the eons of rounds before and after-then why should one want to relinquish even a few precious seconds of it?
I am not a villain.I'm an only-child narcissist monster, but I wish no ill, nor do I wish for world domination; what a hassle that would be!
I didn't have to leave Celtic and go to England for money. It wasn't worth the hassle, and my wife and children felt settled in Glasgow.
Ironically, for the mega-rich, recession brings with it the ability to live well at a lower cost and with less of a hassle.
I have long believed that celebrity, the way we worship and package and sell our pop stars, is what filled the need for gods that was once filled by the pictures in stained glass. Hollywood is post-Christian Venice - in other words, a pantheon of saints without the hassle and heartache of religion.
Deep in the wild mountains, is a strange marketplace,where you can trade the hassle and noise of everyday life, for eternal Light.
When I'm in my studio, it usually feels like a hassle to actually press all the buttons and make music come out the other end.
If I see someone I'm in awe of I'm like, 'Oh my God. Oh. My. God.' But on the outside I'm very calm. I'd never run up and hassle anyone.
Any society where it's a crime or a hassle to be different is a society based on psychological fascism.
People don't tend to hassle me because when I've got a hat on, I look like a banker. I'm just a plain guy.
There're a lot of Republicans in the state of Texas that vote by mail, probably more than Democrats. We make it an incentive to make it easier for seniors to be able to vote. I do believe, from a personal experience, it discourages people from voting. It's the hassle of getting the stamp that is my biggest concern.
We have to continue to raise awareness as the Voting Rights Caucus... make sure people call into their state legislators. Let us know that they've decided they weren't going to vote because they heard it was a hassle.
I'm no atheist - I'm lazy. I really do like hassle-free Sunday mornings. I have a problem with organized religion, so I've simply opted out. Live and let live, I figure.
I don't take on projects that are a hassle or when someone comes in and says, 'We really need this design,' and I'm like, 'OK, fine, I'll do it.' It really has to be something that I personally feel intrigued and excited about - any product, as long as I'm excited by it. It doesn't have to be a car.
One does not become an atheist out of a desire for hassle-free Sunday mornings. People come to atheism because they have a problem with organized religion - usually a problem they consider to be of moral urgency.
I wrote a lot about the need for an information appliance. I think we've pretty much arrived at one: the iPad. A child could figure out how to use it quickly. Compare it to a DOS computer or even an Apple II; it's no longer nearly as much of a hassle or a mystery.
We'd done a couple of road trips with my big chair, and it was such a hassle if we didn't have the van with the foldout ramp. I figured: There's got to be some option that I can use on the go. Now I can go anywhere with my friends, which is a big, life-changing thing. I can sit on it for as long as I need to.
It's too bad about 'Dark of the Sun.' It was really about Tshombe. When I read the script, I thought it was going to be a political movie, and I thought we might even have a hassle. But the director simplified it to brutality and bad taste.
It's just hassle of having friends and family an' that. — © Karl Pilkington
It's just hassle of having friends and family an' that.
I find donating stuff to be the biggest hassle.
People don't hassle me. It's always very friendly anywhere in the world.
There is so much headache and hassle involved in starting a business or running a business.
The advantage of trains over planes is that there is much less hassle. You can get up from your seat and stroll about; you're more likely to meet people, and, particularly if you're making a long journey, you can actually see the terrain.
The older you get and the wealthier you get, the more complicated life becomes. That's why I have as few material assets as possible. Every material thing you have is more hassle.
Make an effort to do the things that you enjoy instead of being lazy about it. Life is worth the hassle.
The lowest stress environment is the radio show. I am not on camera and I can let the music do the talking. The rest is more highly pressurized or in the case of writing, time intensive task. I say yes to all of it and like all of it but the radio show, by nature of what it is, is the least hassle.
Every time you play one old-time picture along with today's kind of work, and they throw in the computers and the guns and the this and the that and the God-almighty, it gets to be a hassle and you wonder who the hell's doing what!
I grew up in an area of Ireland where there weren't many black or mixed-race children. But I never had any hassle; maybe I've blocked it out, but I don't think so.
I masturbate. A lot. And yet, I don't floss because it's too much of a hassle. Ten seconds of joy over a lifetime of tooth decay, that's what I've chosen.
All my records were dance-oriented, and all the hassle with major labels about changing my records, release dates, videos - everything was out of my hands. I always had to deal with somebody else, and I had a different perspective on a lot of things.
Look at the Bethlehem birth. A king ordered a census. Joseph was forced to travel. Mary, as round as a ladybug, bounced on a donkey's back. The hotel was full. The hour was late. The event was one big hassle. Yet, out of the hassle, hope was born. It still is.
I was never a Lime Wire guy because it's too much hassle to find the song. — © Trent Reznor
I was never a Lime Wire guy because it's too much hassle to find the song.
The United States is considered a puritanical society by many Western nations. For example, they can't believe we hassle public servants like General David Petraeus because he had a mistress. In France, if a powerful man doesn't have a mistress, he's considered a wimp.
Considering all the legal hassle child stars can be, I won't be surprised when they are phased out by CGI children voiced by adult actors.
I was never part of that cliquey girl drama. Most of my friends were guys growing up, so I was never part of that whole toxic energy. It seemed like way too much hassle.
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