Top 1200 Hath Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Hath quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Whoe'er imagines prudence all his own, Or deems that he hath powers to speak and judge Such as none other hath, when they are known, They are found shallow.
Better is the sinner who hath thoughts about God, than the saint who hath only the show of sanctity.
What Time hath scanted men in hair, he hath given them in wit. — © William Shakespeare
What Time hath scanted men in hair, he hath given them in wit.
That field hath eyen, and the wood hath ears.
Who so hath his mind on taking, hath it no more on what he taketh.
That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold; What hath quenched them hath given me fire.
If human love hath power to penetrate the veil--and hath it not?--then there are yet living here a few who have the blessedness of knowing that an angel loves them.
The heart which grief hath cankered, Hath one unfailing remedy - the Tankard.
Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath hath had no power yet upon thy beauty.
Above all, believe it, the sweetest canticle is Nunc dimittis, when a man hath obtained worthy ends and expectations. Death hath this also, that it openeth the gate to good fame, and extinguisheth envy.
...the act of eating,which hath by several wise men been considered as extremely mean and derogatory from the philosophic dignity, must be in some measure performed by the greatest prince, hero, or philosopher upon earth; nay, sometimes Nature hath been so frolicsome as to exact of these dignified characters a much more exorbitant share of this office than she hath obliged those of the lowest orders to perform.
Those whom reason hath equalled, force hath made supreme
The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good.
Pity is the virtue of the law, and none but tyrants use it cruelly. — © William Shakespeare
The hand that hath made you fair hath made you good. Pity is the virtue of the law, and none but tyrants use it cruelly.
Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars, its feet for the swords; it continueth, though an army lay waste the pasture; it comforteth when there are no medicines; it hath the relish of manna; and by it do men live in the desert.
He that hath lands hath quarrells.
Hee that hath right, feares; he that hath wrong, hopes.
Industry need not wish, and he that lives upon hopes will die fasting. There are no gains without pains. He that hath a trade hath an estate, and he that hath a calling hath an office of profit and honor; but then the trade must be worked at and the calling followed, or neither the estate nor the office will enable us to pay our taxes. If we are industrious, we shall never starve; for at the workingman's house hunger looks in, but dares not enter. Nor will the bailiff or the constable enter, for industry pays debts, while idleness and neglect increase them.
Only our love hath no decay; this, no tomorrow hath, nor yesterday, running it never runs from us away, but truly keeps his first, last, everlasting day.
The sea hath its pearls The heaven hath its stars But my heart, my heart Has its love.
Count no matron happy until she hath passed thirty, and hath not waxed fat.
See, what a ready tongue suspicion hath! He that but fears the thing he would not know, Hath, by instinct, knowledge from others' eyes, That what he feared is chanced.
Though sin may be in the Christian, yet it hath no more dominion over him; he hath an unfeigned respect to all God's commandments, making conscience even of little sins and little duties.
Science comforting man's animal poverty and leisuring his toil, hath humanized manners and social temper, and now above her globe-spredd net of speeded intercourse hath outrun all magic, and disclosing the secrecy of the reticent air hath woven a web of invisible strands spiriting the dumb inane with the quick matter of life.
The proud man hath no God; the envious man hath no neighbor; the angry man hath not himself.
Christmas hath a darkness; Brighter than the blazing noon; Christmas hath a chillness Warmer than the heat of June, Christmas hath a beauty Lovelier than the world can show: For Christmas bringeth Jesus, Brought for us so low
I tell you again, God hath not ordinarily decreed the end without the means; and if you will neglect the means of salvation, it is a certain mark that God hath not decreed you to salvation. But you shall find that He hath left you no excuse, because He hath not thus predestined you.
He who hath many friends hath none.
The law hath not been dead, though it hath slept.
He that hath a wife and children hath given hostages to fortune.
Laughter almost ever cometh of things most disproportioned to ourselves and nature: delight hath a joy in it either permanent or present; laughter hath only a scornful tickling.
Hee that hath patience hath fatt thrushes for a farthing.
He that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune; for they are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief.
Know, man hath all which Nature hath, but more, And in that more lie all his hopes of good.
He that hath one foot in the straw, hath another in the spittle.
Pittacus said, "Every one of you hath his particular plague, and my wife is mine; and he is very happy who hath this only".
No one hath seen beauty in its highest lustre who hath never seen it in distress.
The only effect of public punishment is to show the rabble how bravely it can be borne; and that every one who hath lost a toe-nail hath suffered worse.
The swifter hand doth the swift words outrun: Before the tongue hath spoke the hand hath done. — © Martial
The swifter hand doth the swift words outrun: Before the tongue hath spoke the hand hath done.
But on one man's soul it hath broken, / A light that doth not depart; / And his look, or a word he hath spoken, / Wrought flame in another man's heart.
O thou child of many prayers! Life hath quicksands, Life hath snares! Care and age come unawares!
The bee that hath honey in her mouth hath a sting in her tail.
He hath not eat paper, as it were; he hath not drunk ink; his intellect is not replenished; he is only an animal, only sensible in the duller parts. (Shakespeare, Love's Labor's Lost, IV)
Wealth is the Conjurer's Devil, Whom, when he thinks he hath, the Devil hath him.
Blessed the man that hath visited `Akká, and blessed he that hath visited the visitor of `Akká. Blessed the one that hath drunk from the Spring of the Cow and washed in its waters, for the black-eyed damsels quaff the camphor in Paradise, which hath come from the Spring of the Cow, and from the Spring of Salvan (Siloam), and the Well of Zamzam. Well is it with him that hath drunk from these springs, and washed in their waters, for God hath forbidden the fire of hell to touch him and his body on the Day of Resurrection.
Let us look upon a crucified Christ, the remedy of all our miseries. His cross hath procured a crown, his passion hath expiated our transgression. His death hath disarmed the law, his blood hath washed a believer's soul. This death is the destruction of our enemies, the spring of our happiness, and the eternal testimony of divine love.
Man hath still either toys or care: But hath no root, nor to one place is tied, but ever restless and irregular, about this earth doth run and ride. He knows he hath a home, but scarce knows where; He says it is so far, that he has quite forgot how to go there.
He that hath a calling, hath an office of profit and honor.
He who hath not a dram of folly in his mixture hath pounds of much worse matter in his composition. — © Charles Lamb
He who hath not a dram of folly in his mixture hath pounds of much worse matter in his composition.
A faithful friend is a strong defense; And he that hath found him hath found a treasure.
My master hath been an honorable gentleman; tricks he hath had in him which gentlemen have.
Hee that hath a Fox for his mate, hath neede of a net at his girdle.
Covetous ambition, thinking all too little which presently it hath, supposeth itself to stand in need of that which it hath not.
Who hath no faith to man, to God hath none.
He who feels contempt for any living thing hath faculties that he hath never used, and thought with him is in its infancy.
Fancy can save or kill; it hath clos'd up Wounds when the balsam could not, and without The aid of salves:--to think hath been a cure. For witchcraft then, that's all done by the force Of mere imagination.
He that hath a trade hath an estate; and he that hath a calling hath a place of profit and honor. A ploughman on his legs is higher than a gentleman on his knees.
If any man whatsoever hath carried on the design of deposing the King and disinheriting his posterity; or if any man hath yet such a design he should be the greatest traitor and rebel in the world; but, since the Providence of God hath cast this upon us, I cannot but submit to Providence.
Pursue not a victory too far. He hath conquered well that hath made his enemy fly; thou mayest beat him to a desperate resistance, which may ruin thee.
Nature hath no goal though she hath law.
He that hath a Trade, hath an Estate.
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