While I was in India, my yoga teacher asked me to start teaching, and my life became about that for years. I taught 18 classes a week, therapeutics, and traveled to study with other teachers.
Yog is not only about Rog Mukti but also Bhog Mukti. Yoga can be our cultural ambassador. We can reach out to the world through this medium.
Yoga teaches us both to let go and to have exquisite awareness in every moment. We remember our essential spiritual nature and life becomes more joyful, meaningful, and carefree.
Yoga, the physical part, brings health in your body; meditation works on the mind, realizing your self. And they both can be practiced at the same time.
Yoga should not be just an exercise, but a means to connect with the world and with nature. It should bring a change in our lifestyle and create awareness within us.
Im not a big fan of the gym, I do lots of outdoor aerobics - yoga, swimming, running - but I kinda hate talking about it. We have a term in Australia, it makes you sound like a wanker.
Yoga practices shift our identity away from the ego-personality and its struggles so that we can begin to reconnect with the essential nature of our being, which is bliss.
The Rig Veda defines yoga as a union or "yoking" of the material and spiritual worlds, and it doesn't describe any physical postures other than the traditional cross-legged meditation pose.
My path, my life, my career has really been a journey from moving from, in a sense, darkness to light. From pain to joy through the experience of yoga and meditation. It's an ongoing adventure that's unfolding every day.
I would advise dancers, musicians and others in the entertainment industry to take up yoga, as it clears the mind and creates a sense of balance and stillness which is important for any performing artist.
I shake all the time. It's exhausting and causes chronic pain in my joints and muscles. It is also the only life I have ever known. I use yoga, dance, nutrition, and breathing to help manage my symptoms.
It's a big part of me still, as is being athletic - although these days I find myself playing tennis, hiking, and doing yoga and Pilates rather than swinging a bat.
In yoga, you hold the positions, whereas in dance, you're constantly moving, extending, reaching through the legs and arms, which helps build long, lean muscles as opposed to shorter, tighter ones.
I don't stress about things I can't change, so if I have a day when I don't look great, I don't look in the mirror! I try to fit in one session of Bikram yoga and one run a week and, if I can, one swim, but that's pushing it.
I've always been into sports and yoga and running. I actually study a martial arts self-defense program called Krav Maga. I can't quite say it's easy, but it's fun for me and I love to do it.
I wanted to get really fit. I wanted to lose some weight. So I've been doing Pilates and yoga, trying to lean out my body so I won't be bulky.
There's nothing worse than when someone takes a community education course and becomes an expert on how yoga is the best way to burn the visceral fat that's housed deep in your abdomen.
Regardless of your age or current physical condition you'll laugh, cry, moan, groan, sweat and experience the most exciting, hard working and effective therapeutic yoga routine in the world.
In yoga practice, over time you use fewer muscles more efficiently. Expansion does require energy, but it should not require a great deal of effort.
Climbing is a process - like yoga or running. We want to go to the spots where we're barely able to hold on. Those are the climbs that force us to become better athletes and grow as climbers.
I've been working hard: lots of therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, yoga too.
The meaning of our self is not to be found in its separateness from God and others, but in the ceaseless realization of yoga, of union; not on the side of the canvas where it is blank, but on the side where the picture is being painted.
The means that make one qualified for enquiry are meditation, yoga, etc. One should gain proficiency in these through graded practice and thus secure a stream of mental modes that is natural and helpful.
The nurturing flow of life, extreme intelligence, beauty, and perfect harmony are active in every one of us. Yoga was developed in ancient wisdom culture to gently reveal what we already have. Read this book.
I love nothing more than taking my dog, Molly, for a long walk on Sunday morning. Then I'll indulge in some Bikram yoga or something fun like reflexology.
Truth be told, I would love to tell you that I work out every single day and I'm really into yoga and meditation, but it's just unrealistic. I truly could not keep up if I tried.
By embracing your mother wound as your yoga, you transform what has been a hindrance in your life into a teacher of the heart.
When I started, these [yoga] were very functional practices, as I said, productive to lose weight, or whatever, and now it has become a very spiritual kind of practice.
With all the yoga and meditation that I do, when the chaos happens it happens. But I'm not as affected as a lot of people - I don't react as much. I just let things drip off my back a little bit.
You know the bodysuit that I built my line on? . . .That was about me being able to go directly from work to yoga class. It just wasn't as accepted to talk about then.
When my son was small, he just came with me everywhere, whether it was going to yoga class or auditions or sleeping over at friends' houses. We came as a pair.
I've done a little yoga, not as a professional, and every time I have a good teacher I see the immense possibilities and subtleties in this discipline. It's a little bit like music.
Anyen Rinpoche is a compassionate embodiment of wisdom. The skillful teachings in The Tibetan Yoga of Breath will be a source of peace and happiness for many in these troubled times, for which I am very grateful.
Never did I imagine that a simple practice like yoga would benefit me in so many ways throughout a tough period like Covid.
Pilates and yoga, we always do those together. But I think it's a little bit easier for me, at 5-7, to be more flexible and to move a little better than him at 6-5.
Yoga practice seems to be used to access some deeper dimension or some enlightened state. Understand right now there is no connection between flexibility and enlightenment.
Im obsessed with vinyasa flow yoga and Pilates. And since I live in Sweden, and we have good seafood, I tend to cook a lot of fish, preferably with oven-roasted veggies and a cauliflower mash.
The world needs yoga. This stuff is powerful and intense. It has the power to harm when held tightly, studied without practice, and posed rigidly. Done right, it also has the ability to heal and cure.
Yoga makes you free. It makes you happy. It gets you out of the traps that create human misery. It makes you vibrate faster.
If I'm at home, I get up around 7:30. If I have time, I like to do some exercise. My current favourite is 'hot' yoga. If I'm filming, I will go to the office or set, and then take meetings.
In yoga we say 'you want to ground to the floor.' Getting yourself to motivate is about putting your feet on the floor, grounding and going. It's one of the most important forces we can have.
I go to yoga classes as well as practicing myself. I'm always open to new experiences and when I'm in different cities shooting, I try some local classes sometimes.
In the East they say suffering is avoidable and not necessary. Life is bliss! You know why? This is because wisdom, yoga and meditation are ways to avoid suffering which has not yet come.
I do an hour's yoga and go running every day. Then I see a picture of myself and I still look like a skinny, potbellied idiot - and I thought I had turned into this superhunk!
I love yoga. There's a lot of stretching involved, which helps with my flexibility and injury prevention. Vinyasa is my favorite as a recovery tool and for me to continue having my legs feel good.
I think Dogen can be a very good introduction for people who want to meditate in whatever way, whether it's yoga, qigong, or Tibetan. It can help widen and deepen anyone's meditation experience.
Yoga has brought me to the part of religion I really like - the positive sides of religion, the parts we all share, rather than the things that create separation.
It's becoming much more common to see yoga studios offer classes aimed exclusively at people of color who are searching for ways to cope with racism and fears around police brutality.
I've done archery for about six weeks, and rock climbing, tree climbing - and combat, running and vaulting. But also yoga and things like that, to stay catlike!
A lot of people over the years have been doing yoga and I think even more these days are expressing an interest in it. So there are a lot of manifestations of spirituality here in town.
I am not really into mediation etc. but I am more interested in physical benefits of yoga. I love the fact that it helps me keep a control on my body and muscles.
So many people are passive participants in their very short time of having a consciousness, and those who aren't inspire me. Like Malala Yousafzai or a ninety-two-year-old yoga instructor.
I dance a lot and I run and do yoga and play field hockey and tennis. I like to be active. I don't always have time for that stuff, but I do always feel better afterward.
Every day I try to do breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga. These things sound awfully cliche, but they help me slow down and try to point to a truth.
No yoga exercise, no meditation in a chapel filled with music will rid you of your blues better than the humble task of making your own bread.
When the mind is totally still, there's only bliss. I got a piece of that reality from my first yoga class, from smiling and breathing in every difficult pose. I went, "Oh my God! I'm clear! I love this!"
I've been more or less vegetarian for about 40 years. Health diet really helps. I do meditation every day, and either yoga or sport several times a week.
Yoga is really big - I'm actually a certified teacher, although I've never taught classes at a studio. I really find myself drawn to more traditional styles.
I'm a pretty active person. I love yoga, crossfit, Zumba, and got to get that occasional hike in at Runyon Canyon when I can. I also love mentoring youth.
I think it's interesting that the opposite of being active in yoga is not being passive. It's being receptive.
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