Top 1200 Hatha Yoga Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Hatha Yoga quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Have you ever seen the stereotype of the angry yoga teacher? There are some people that are at an 11 and yoga takes them down to a nine. That's me.
I do yoga weekly. I don't know who I'd be without yoga and running.
It is not yoga that injures, but the way one does yoga that leads to injury. — © B.K.S. Iyengar
It is not yoga that injures, but the way one does yoga that leads to injury.
A lot of people have questioned how yoga and their own spiritual beliefs can come together. Yoga actually pre-dates religion.
My father left our family for his 'yoga buddy' in 1984, when I was 15. I always stayed in touch with him - I had a deep need to be connected to my father, even though it could be painful at times. I shunned the yoga community because of his actions but eventually realized that yoga could be the antidote to my pain.
I like to do a couple of yoga classes during the week. Yoga for me is more of an elongating thing.
Awakening to who we really are is at the heart of yoga. . . .Yoga offers a path to this underlying field of being, which is the source of creativity, fulfillment, and abundance.
I love yoga. I do yoga when I have time, which is not very often.
I was a rhythmic and athletic gymnast for a little while. Then, when I quit gymnastics, I fell in love with yoga. So sometimes I think I'd like to open up a yoga studio.
Since yoga is a very slow and structured practice, I was able to keep up a routine throughout my Covid phase, and yoga really did wonders for me.
What I get on a yoga mat, and from a yoga teacher, has been more beneficial onstage than any other workshop I've ever done.
I have been doing yoga long before variants like power yoga became popular.
Yoga, an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. This evolution includes all aspects of one's being, from bodily health to self realization. Yoga means union - the union of body with consciousness and consciousness with the soul. Yoga cultivates the ways of maintaining a balanced attitude in day to day life and endows skill in the performance of one's actions.
Yoga means to bind back, unite. To bring the body and the soul together. For this reason the practice of yoga is a holy endeavor and the teaching of it to our people a very high calling.
When people come to Yoga, they are perhaps coming to it at the end of a long series of alternatives, and they're looking for something that's going to act very quickly. But Yoga is not a quick answer.
My yoga teacher is a guy from Michigan. 'Yoga Dan' - that's what he calls himself - he's been a big help for me. — © Andre Drummond
My yoga teacher is a guy from Michigan. 'Yoga Dan' - that's what he calls himself - he's been a big help for me.
I have had the great good fortune of working with a true genius of yoga, Karuna Erickson, in developing a new system called Heart Yoga.
We had one task where we had a yoga mat on a big hill and told them to get three yoga balls at the bottom of the hill onto the mat. We didn't think that one of them would bring the yoga mat down to where the balls were, so that was a reminder that sometimes these comedians can be smarter than us.
I practice Kriya Yoga, which is a form of meditation. I do that twice a day and regular yoga once a day.
I need to go to my yoga class - I love hot yoga!
Yoga, in its authentic form, is a system of health for the body, mind, and spirit. Neglecting an element transforms the practice into something that is not, in fact, yoga.
I guarantee you, yoga will compete with computers, music, sports, automobiles, the drug industry. Yoga will take over the world!
I cant wait to start yoga - I've never done yoga before so that should be really funny.
To practice jnana yoga, the yoga of knowledge and discrimination, it's necessary to have a highly developed mind.
My workout involves cardio, jogging, and yoga as well. I am a firm believer of yoga and meditation.
I thought yoga was easy - I went out and I bought a yoga video tape. I bought the beginners' yoga tape. I couldn't do anything on the whole hour - nothing - just fast forwarding: can't do that, can't do that - I know I can't do that. This woman in a soothing voice: 'Simply take the bottom of your right foot and place it on the small of your back.
I have always worked out, and I've gone through different phases of yoga, but the combination of Pilates three days a week with yoga is incredible.
Ashtanga yoga is a well known practice for keeping yourself fit and healthy. Yoga is good for my body.
I love yoga and I feel like yoga for me is incredible.
I do a lot of yoga. There's more and more guys getting into yoga these days, and I find that helps me as well.
I no longer say nice things about yoga. I was doing yoga so long before everybody else.
You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state.
Do yoga in order to know what to do when you're not doing yoga.
The word 'yoga' means union. It's like everything in yoga yokes or unites you to something higher, the highest part of yourself.
Yoga is nothing if it is not perfect harmonyof the body, senses, mind and intellect, reason, consciousness and self. When all these are integrated that is true yoga.
The goal in some types of yoga is to try and reconcile all the characters within a person, and, in fact, the word 'yoga' comes from the word 'union.'
Any of the yoga poses could be substituted in this analogy. How you practice is much more meaningful than what yoga moves you can or cannot do.
Yoga has been something that's always there to take with me and practice throughout any journey. There's no place I've ever been where yoga hasn't fit itself in. I currently work on a commercial fishing boat in Alaska and I am still able to find time to lay my mat on the deck and practice what makes me the best me I can be, thanks to yoga.
I had never done any sort of yoga before, and this epiphany was a little more esoteric. I walked into the yoga room and there was a voice from my soul that said out loud, This is it! I just knew. I just knew in that moment - I couldn't even straighten my legs. I couldn't sit cross-legged on the floor. I couldn't put my legs up the wall in the most gentle, restorative yoga pose, and yet, I knew.
I have been practising yoga for over a decade now, and it is a very important part of my life. It doesn't matter where I am or what I am doing, yoga gives me the opportunity to switch off and focus entirely on my body and my breath. Yoga allows me to meditate and reflect on what's important in my life. It is also great for core strength and maintaining agility.
Yoga helps me be a stronger runner. I can lose track of my form, and yoga reminds me how important it is. — © Danny Pudi
Yoga helps me be a stronger runner. I can lose track of my form, and yoga reminds me how important it is.
Yoga is not a new path to follow but a way to become conscious of the original impetus of life. Yoga is the movement and evolution of Life itself.
I'm a big foodie, I do a lot of yoga - I love yoga - I love running... I just enjoy being really active, and traveling.
Yoga is for internal cleansing, not external exercising. Yoga means true self-knowledge.
I do a lot of yoga. I practice yoga three or four times a week. It's an escape for me.
Your whole being should be symmetrical. Yoga is symmetry. That is why yoga is a basic art.
My diet - I eat nutritionally-balanced meals. I work out. I do yoga. I love my yoga. I do boxing training because it's fun.
Chanting is one of the most traditional and first Yoga practices. It helps to open the throat area and is a great way to learn some Sanskrit and the Yoga Sutra.
Dancing is my therapy. I also try to meditate every morning and take several two-hour yoga classes a week at my favorite yoga studio, Urban Flow.
I've done everything from traditional yoga to Bikram yoga to Pilates.
That's what I've found through yoga: yoga helps us to sort of rewire the mind so that we can literally become more mindful of the conversation we're having on the back end, what we're telling ourselves.
I studied Sanskrit for many years, and I've got all the coursework for my Ph.D. And a lot of what's going on in American Yoga is just made-up stuff. Smart people, even good people, Western therapists, Yoga therapists and other things, Western healthcare practitioners who love Asana and say, "Let's make up yoga therapy."
I picked up yoga. I tried to do cooking a little bit. I almost burned my house down, but it's all good. So I just stuck to yoga. — © Stefon Diggs
I picked up yoga. I tried to do cooking a little bit. I almost burned my house down, but it's all good. So I just stuck to yoga.
Yoga takes us to an unconditioned freedom, because yoga sees even good habits as a form of conditioning or limitation.
When there is no mind, you are in yoga; when there is mind you are not in yoga. So you may do all the postures, but if the mind goes on functioning, if you go on thinking, you are not in yoga. Yoga is the state of no-mind. If you can be without the mind without doing any posture, you have become a perfect yogi. It has happened to many without doing any postures, and it has not happened to many who have been doing postures for many lives.
I hate yoga so much. Like, if yoga was a person, I'd stab them.
The yoga of knowledge is the yoga of perfection. It is the end and the beginning of all things.
Buddhism is yoga. Yoga started, who knows when? A long time ago, when the first person found that they could still their thoughts and experience eternity and access the higher planes of mind.
My yoga practice was and will always be a spiritual experience. I can honestly say, "Yoga delivered me back to GOD!"
I've tried many other styles of yoga, but nothing has ever given me the same centeredness, energy, and internal balance that I feel when practicing Ashtanga Yoga.
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