Top 1200 Healing The Body Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Healing The Body quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
When I was a dancer, I felt this great sense of knowing my body and being in my body, and I think it's really easy as women to lose that and not really be one and loving it.
I have the best-ever body in 'Badrinath.' I have a six-pack body in this movie. I spent eight hours a day working out for the movie.
When you treat your body like a Bentley, you value yourself and you start to look at your body differently. — © Demi Lovato
When you treat your body like a Bentley, you value yourself and you start to look at your body differently.
Body language is so important, as is composition. You can not say something, and then the body reacts, and it says a lot of things dialogue can also say.
Cable is not a robot. The metal in his body is actually organic tissue. Ed and I have talked about this a lot. We liken it to a cancer that changes your body's cellular structure. Last time we saw him, his arm had been severed. It's back with a kind of force that will play a major role in this storyline. This is a battle inside Cable's body that he has waged since the first time he appeared.
Because I have been bullied and attacked about my body, body image has always been an issue for me.
In general, we are sort of conditioned to see a different body type as acceptable and maybe look away when the other body type arrives.
All I can say is I've been lucky with my body. Well done, little body. I praise it and say, 'You're very good.'
I have a body and I have a soul. And my body belongs to the faith - in fact, the church - into which it was born, the Methodist Church.
You can put a kidney in your body - and somewhere down the line, your body might reject it.
Primitive peoples tried to annul death by portraying the human body--we do it by finding substitutes for the human body. Technology instead of mysticism!
Your body is molecular structure your body is a massive energy at a very high speed of vibration.
I believe that the unity of mind and body is an objective reality. They are not just parts somehow related to each other, but an inseparable whole while functioning. A brain without a body could not think.
The body apologizes to the soul for its errors, and the soul asks forgiveness for squatting in the body without invitation. — © Gregory Maguire
The body apologizes to the soul for its errors, and the soul asks forgiveness for squatting in the body without invitation.
The body isn’t the foundation of your health. The body is the physical manifestation of the sum of your life experiences.
I had just 15 days to work on my body for the climactic fight of 'Bodyguard.' And I would work on every muscle of my body two/three times a week. I would have developed a superb body if I had three months, but squeezing it into 15 days can be harmful. Also, as you grow older, your metabolic rate slows down.
The soul is pure when it leaves the body and drags nothing bodily with it, by virtue of having no willing association with the body in life but avoiding it.......Practicing philosophy in the right way is a training to die easily.
Your own body is a manifestation of God, and if you honor your body everything will change for you
The female body is a masterpiece. Everyone likes to look at the female body, especially in dynamic, athletic sport.
My body can't put anyone in jeopardy of not making money anymore - my body is just not on the table that way anymore.
If you see a Renaissance body, this is completely ugly in this time. Everybody has to be skinny. But the Renaissance body with incredible flow of the meat everywhere, it was beauty.
I think it's important to find a line that suits your body, your body type, that you're comfortable in.
The poem is not a physical body. It's a textual body that has life only insofar as it can act symbolically. It cannot physically act.
Man consists of two parts, his mind and his body, only the body has more fun.
Just keep taking care of my body and all of that. Take care of your body, stay healthy. You'll be alright.
You’re just using me for my body.” “You don’t have a body,” I’d remind him. “Throw that in my face.” “Technically, you don’t have a face either.
When it comes to modeling, I always feel like my body is a myth or a story that is told by other people, and no one knows what my body really looks like.
Numerous Christians do not know how to glorify God in their eating and drinking. They do not eat and drink simply to keep their body fit for the Lord's use but indulge to satisfy their personal desires. We should understand that the body is for the Lord and not for ourselves; hence we should refrain from using it for our pleasure. Food ought not hinder our fellowship with God since it is to be taken purely to preserve the body in health.
I have been hit by the Americans and tortured. I have been beaten on every place of my body, and the signs are all over my body.
The most important thing is if you keep your body in good shape, you know what you have to do for your body.
Feel the energy of your inner body. Immediately mental noise slows down or ceases. Feel it in your hands, your feet, your abdomen, your chest. Feel the life that you are, the life that animates the body. The body then becomes a doorway, so to speak, into a deeper sense of aliveness underneath the fluctuating emotions and underneath your thinking.
Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense.
I am aware that I have come to the end of my martial times, but training with pain I want no longer. My body is battered by countless trainings. I collected nine operations; the body has become prone to injury.
Asanas maintain the strength and health of the body, without which little progress can be made. Asanas keep the body in harmony with nature
Now, if some panic hits me, you have to sort of be friends with your body, it's like your body will work against you.
I don't preach body positivity - I'm just okay with the body I'm in and say, 'I love me, so you should love you.'
You need to challenge your body in different ways, but I think the best way is to go for a run and stretch out your body.
The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body.
The body can take you wherever your mind goes. If I can do it in my mind, I think my body will follow. — © DeMarcus Cousins
The body can take you wherever your mind goes. If I can do it in my mind, I think my body will follow.
Instead of experiencing through the physical senses, I was now bobbing behind the body like a buoy at sea, cut loose from sensory solidity, separated from and witnessing the body from a vast distance.
As you die continually when living. So do you live continually when dead; if not in this body, then in a body of another form.
To discover the soul living in somebody's body, we watch the surrounding of the body, and if it's messy and disordered, so is the soul.
For it is indeed consciousness that makes the body fully alive, and the body that gives consciousness a place to live.
Never believe that body is permanent. Body is like a water bubble. Mind is like a mad monkey.
The basic vehicle of the dance is the human body. When and how people dance is determined by their attitudes towards their body.
The whole world is like the human body with its various members. Pain in one member is felt in the whole body.
I use Simple face wipes and Nivea face cream. For my body any kind of body butter, the more moisturising the better.
You can bring together the body's various systems to fine tune the body and mind in order to navigate life's ups and downs in a way that minimizes stress and maximizes well-being and satisfaction.
If you listen to your body, your body will clearly tell you what kind of food it is happy with. — © Jaggi Vasudev
If you listen to your body, your body will clearly tell you what kind of food it is happy with.
These big jumps take a big toll on the body, especially a young body. So, it's kind of risk or reward, I guess.
Abortion is not health care. A woman has a right to her body, but that is not her body. What about the baby?
I guess I'm pretty lucky because in childhood I studied so many martial arts styles and I never stopped researching them, my body is very adjustable and I can turn into different expressions with my body.
When I was 27, I felt old. I didn't feel healthy. I just wasn't taking care of my body, and I had a body that wanted me to take care of it.
The actuality of all of material Nature is therefore kept out of action and that of all corporeality along with it, including the actuality of my body, the body of the cognizing subject.
The gifts of nature are infinite in their variety, and mind differs from mind almost as much as body from body.
Did you ever think that your body is holy? You are a child of God. Your body is His creation.
It's fun to change your body and find new things that your body does because of the weight.
I genuinely think I've got a nice body, I like looking at my body and I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
Prayer is like practicing the piano or ballet or writing: you have to bring your body for a very long time, in spite of your body’s frailties and conflicts and general revolt, and then one day your body is not separate any more. You’ve in a sense become the piano or the dance or the word or the prayer. The prayer is in your heart. The prayer is your heart.
The body is made by the thought that lies behind it. The body politic is thus the expression of national thought.
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