Top 1200 Healthy And Happy Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Healthy And Happy quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
No matter what it is, if you aren't happy striving for it, you won't be happy achieving it.
Unless you are happy with yourself, you will not be happy.
There is only one way to be happy, and that is to make somebody else so, and you cannot be happy by going cross lots; you have got to go the regular turnpike road. — © Robert Green Ingersoll
There is only one way to be happy, and that is to make somebody else so, and you cannot be happy by going cross lots; you have got to go the regular turnpike road.
I'm so happy to be Tiffany Trump, happy to be in the family I'm in.
Above all, I want to be happy, and at Barcelona, I'm happy.
I am very happy at Milan: the coach and his staff have given me a lot of confidence, and I'm also happy with the relationship with my team-mates.
If my son is happy, then I am happy.
I don't pretend to be happy all the time. I think to be human is to be happy and unhappy by turns. But I have a great capacity to enjoy myself, and it seems to grow as I get older.
Amanda [Bynes] and I are the same age so I grew up watching her and really looking up to her and for me, to see this path that's happening and to watch it, is kind of really affecting me in ways that I didn't think it would. It's weird to be in a situation where you can't help. I obviously don't know her at all but I want to bring her back and I want to make her happy and healthy for some reason and she's not there and we can't do anything to help so it kind of sucks. All we're doing is hurting it.
It was strictly forbidden to preach to other prisoners. It was understood that whoever was caught doing this received a severe beating. A number of us decided to pay the price for the privilege of preaching, so we accepted their [the communists' ] terms. It was a deal; we preached and they beat us. We were happy preaching. They were happy beating us, so everyone was happy.
You cannot become Happy, You can only Be Happy.
I would feel like my life was a success if my children grow into well-adjusted, happy, functioning members of society. Capable and happy and normal.
My theory is, 'Happy mommy, happy baby.' — © Kim Kardashian
My theory is, 'Happy mommy, happy baby.'
I'm happy - I moved into my new house, which is the first time I've owned a home on my own. It's a big step, and my brother lives with me - I'm so happy about that.
We built a foundation called the 3HO Foundation: a Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization of people. The first song I sang was, "We are the people, the people of love, let us people love today."All of those who have left, all who are with me, who shall be with me, or who shall leave me, all play a very important role in the development of 3HO-a lifestyle of the Age of Aquarius where humans shall be first and foremost purely human, and will do everything graciously.
For me, as long as my family's happy, I'm happy.
People who hold on to grudges, insist on being right, and try to change other's minds have a difficult time maintaining healthy, happy relationships. Surrendered people easily forgive. They are open to new ideas, and aren't attached to being "right." As a result, people love working and collaborating with them. Others seek them out as mediators and advisers. They are more laid back and relaxed than their rigid counterparts, which makes them highly valued by others.
You are not happy when you feel happy, you are happy when you are happy.
Happiness must be shared. Selfishness it its enemy; to make another happy is to be happy one's self. It is quiet, most easily won in moments of solitude and reflection. It comes from within.
Mine is one of the most beautiful professions in fashion: making others happy with an idea... I am happy because I did the job I dreamt of as a child.
We are really here to be happy and to make others happy.
So I am not teaching you to be good, I am not teaching you to be bad; I am teaching you only to be whole. To be whole is to be healthy and to be healthy is to be holy.
I was born with a happy heart, and I try to keep a good attitude. It's not true that I'm happy all the time because nobody is, and we all go through our things.
Even when you are feeling down, you have to live your life positively, that way, happy days and happy feelings will come to you some day.
Happy Friday Night Fam! Time to free yourself from worries and stresses and focus on all of your blessings!! Spread LOVE & BE HAPPY this weekend!
Most people believe they know what it is that would make them happy, and what it is that they should get rid of in order to be happy. Unfortunately, few actually do.
If you want to be happy, make others happy!
Seek happy nights to happy days.W
it follows that if you aren't happy with yourself, you won't be happy with others.
Happy children should not try to be artists. You have to be born with a broken heart and a sense of loneliness inside. I never had a happy moment as a child myself.
I'm happy to be busy. I'm happy to have a wonderful family.
He who, to be happy, needs nothing but himself, is happy.
Stay true to yourself because a lot of times women get so wrapped up in doing for a man that we forget to focus on us. A lot of times that is unattractive. They love us because we are independent and focused on the things that make us happy. Because when they see you happy, their happy!
At the end of the day, if you are not happy, no one can make you happy.
The time to be happy is now, and the place to be happy is here.
Jesus is happy to come with us, as truth is happy to be spoken, as life to be lived, as light to be lit, as love is to be loved, as joy to be given, as peace to be spread.
You won't be happy anywhere until you're happy somewhere.
I know if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. — © Jeff Foxworthy
I know if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
That all who are happy are equally happy is not true. A peasant and a philosopher may be equally satisfied, but not equally happy. A small drinking glass and a large one may be equally full, but the large one holds more than the small.
If you're not happy, you can become happy. Happiness is a choice.
I'm going to balance my schedule so I'm still getting everything I need and just making sure I'm happy really, because when you're happy it is easier to play darts.
Make one person happy each day and in forty years you will have made 14,600 human beings happy for a little time at least.
When people come to write about my period of office, I would be very happy if they say that I made a contribution to finding the happy medium again for the Germans.
We welcome all republican endorsements, no question. We'd be happy to have that. We'd be happy to have more fair treatment in the media. But I'm not going to find unicorns on my doorstep tomorrow either.
Poor Earthworm,' the Ladybird said, whispering in James's ear. 'He loves to make everything into a disaster. He hates to be happy. He is only happy when he is gloomy.
I wasn't happy the way I completed 'Asuran' or abandoned the film as it isn't complete. People are liking it and it's making money and I'm glad but I'm not happy with how I had to finish it.
You can become happy just by deciding to be happy.
Happy campers you have been, happy campers you are, and happy campers you will always be. — © Dan Quayle
Happy campers you have been, happy campers you are, and happy campers you will always be.
I really wanted to be as healthy as I could. It wasn't about getting my six-pack back. There are more important things in life than a six-pack, I realized. It was just so much more important to take care of my baby and take care of myself in a healthy way; so now, it's been a slow process, but I'm back in shape.
…the samurai ethic is a political science of the heart, designed to control such discouragement and fatigue in order to avoid showing them to others. It was thought more important to look healthy than to be healthy, and more important to seem bold and daring than to be so. This view of morality, since it is physiologically based on the special vanity peculiar to men, is perhaps the supreme male view of morality.
Finally, I would like to assure my many Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, and Muslim friends that I am sincerely happy that the religion which Chance has given you has contributed to your peace of mind (and often, as Western medical science now reluctantly admits, to your physical well-being). Perhaps it is better to be un-sane and happy, than sane and un-happy. But it is the best of all to be sane and happy. Whether our descendants can achieve that goal will be the greatest challenge of the future. Indeed, it may well decide whether we have any future.
Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have.
You're happy when you help others become happy.
To be happy, make other people happy.
Here's what I think I'm having trouble with: this is what happiness is. When I was a kid, I thought I'd just get happier and happier as I got older, and have more things to be happy about. I based this theory on observation of select adults. The problem with my results is that I couldn't tell the difference then between happy and fake-happy. Now I know you pretend to be just frigging ecstatic over everything, maybe because you're so glad it's not worse.
Today I will practice healthy giving, understanding that caretaking and compulsive giving don't work. I choose what I want to give, to whom, when, and how much. It takes time to learn how to give in healthy ways. It takes time to learn to receive. Balance will come.
In a creative business, if you're happy, it will come out in your work. I don't see how you can be happy if you don't like the people you're working with and if they aren't a joy to have fun with.
Sometimes it's hard to admit, though, especially if you're known as a happy person, because you feel you're letting people down if you're not being happy 24 hours a day.
There are no happy endings, there are only happy people.
Your kids are happy if you're happy. And if your love is happy, then everything works. I think a lot of people think once the children are there, it's all about the children. But you can't forget about your best friend, your lover, your husband.
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