Top 1200 Healthy And Happy Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Healthy And Happy quotes.
Last updated on October 12, 2024.
We need a grassroots movement and government policies and programs to change the food landscape and the built environment to give our children a chance to have happy, healthy successful lives.
I was diagnosed with a lung disorder that some people walk around with and don't even know they have. Through early diagnosis, I'm happy to share that I stay healthy with diet and exercise.
I feel great, very healthy and alive and really happy that I can remember yesterday and I can remember the day before. — © Nicole Richie
I feel great, very healthy and alive and really happy that I can remember yesterday and I can remember the day before.
A social life is just as important to me as my work life because I think if you have a healthy balance of the two, you'll be really happy.
Me, personally, I'm just happy. I have a great mother. I have two great sisters. I couldn't ask for more. I'm healthy. I do what I love.
I am working on getting the word out about the different ways that everyone can contribute to the ASPCA, and help the animals live a happy and healthy life.
Writing and acting are almost diametrically opposed in terms of being an actor it's in your interest to be in shape and to be healthy and to have a strong voice and to be flexible. As a writer you're sitting in this position for hours on end. You get up and you can't put your shoulder down. It's not a healthy existence so to speak and it's probably not healthy for the person that lives with you either, but you do the best you can.
Home life's great, man. The kids are great, happy and healthy. I've reached this sort of wonderful precipice.
So I'm not worried about the emotions I carry with me, because I'm happy that I have them; I think it's good for the work I do. The emotions that are not healthy are the ones you hold inside, like anger.
It's a myth that all Scandinavians are happy, healthy, outdoors people. It's often more a matter of class whether you can afford to take time to take care of yourself.
My secret to a long, healthy life is to always keep working. It keeps me busy and happy and gives me a reason to stay alive.
I need punk rock. It's the medicine for me, but it's bitter and sickening. If you don't need it - if you're happy and healthy - run toward that.
But if each man could have his own house, a large garden to cultivate and healthy surroundings - then, I thought, there will be for them a better opportunity of a happy family life.
Photography was a way for me to freeze time and to capture the moments that were happy and healthy. I saw a photo as a way to go back to a memory if I ever needed to.
What's making this meal actually worth eating? I think of Bridgerton' as a Happy Meal, but with secret vitamins put in there. It's like a secretly healthy, organic burger.
For me, that's the most important thing, feel myself happy when I am playing. If I am healthy and I feel myself competitive, I am happy. Then is obvious I would like to win. But I know if I am in finals of important events, the normal thing is I finally win titles.
I get to help people create lives that make them happier and healthier than they were yesterday. I knock on wood that my family is healthy and happy and love each other.
I want to be the kind of person who can do that. Move on and forgive people and be healthy and happy. It seems like an easy thing to do in my head. But it's not so easy when you try it in real life.
I am healthy, my family is healthy. That is the important thing. After that we go racing. — © Mark Webber
I am healthy, my family is healthy. That is the important thing. After that we go racing.
No one ever writes me and says, 'We have a happy hospital'. Nowhere is doing it in a healthy way. That's encouragement for me.
In America it's good to show people you are fine, you're healthy, you're sporty, you're happy to do things, to live. And in France it's more like you don't have to show you have success.
Don't get me wrong: if I was healthy, I would love to continue playing, but I'm not healthy.
When I do get free time, I spend a lot of it at home with my family and my close friends and I think that's what keeps me happy, healthy, grounded, and totally in check.
If you look at the human condition today, not everyone is well fed, has access to good medical care, or the physical basics that provide for a healthy and a happy life.
What is the use of physicians like myself trying to help parents to bring up children healthy and happy, to have them killed in such numbers for a cause that is ignoble?
Being happy, being healthy, is the most important thing.
It is so easy to be pleasant and charming and positive when life is going swimmingly well. You are winning. You are healthy. You are happy. But what happens when life throws darts at you?
In the beginning I used to say, 'I'm healthy, my cholesterol's fine, I don't have high blood pressure, I don't have diabetes.' By telling people that you see a doctor, and telling people that you're healthy, it's perpetuating the abuse against bigger bodies and the mindset that we owe it to people to be healthy.
First and foremost, I feel very lucky to have the family I have, so I would like my family to stay happy and healthy.
Having a healthy body and healthy mind is always something I think about.
I believe we all want the same thing - it doesn't matter who you are or where you're living. We all want to be healthy, happy, to live in peace and prosper. That's what I connect to.
I grew, a happy, healthy child in a bright world of illustrated books, clean sand, orange trees, friendly dogs, sea vistas and smiling faces.
But if each man could have his own house, a large garden to cultivate and healthy surroundings - then, I thought, there will be for them a better opportunity of a happy family life
Success to me is my friends and family are healthy and happy and I feel good about myself at the end of the night and I can sleep at night.
The primary aim of our schools should be to help children grow into happy, healthy and confident adults, equipped with the skills to achieve their goals in life and work.
Sit mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body)
I am not a member of Fat Liberation, nor do I think that obesity is healthy. But I do believe that in many ways my life has been a more charmed and happy one because I was always large.
My secret to a long, healthy life is to always keep working. It keeps me busy and happy, and gives me a reason to stay alive. — © Johannes Heesters
My secret to a long, healthy life is to always keep working. It keeps me busy and happy, and gives me a reason to stay alive.
I'm concentrating on staying healthy, having peace, being happy, remembering what is important, taking in nature and animals, spending time reading, trying to understand the universe, where science and the spiritual meet.
I'm an extremist. Either I'm being healthy and organic, or I want a big, juicy In-N-Out burger, I want it all now! It sure makes me happy.
I had judgments about how to have a baby that are not realistic for every woman. So I surrendered, let it go, and was willing to accept the outcome. All I really wanted was a healthy, happy baby.
Healthy can be the new good. Eating delicious should not be sacrificed because it's healthy.
Someone who has thought rationally and deeply about how the body works is likely to arrive at better ideas about how to be healthy than someone who has followed a hunch. Medicine presupposes a hierarchy between the confusion the layperson will be in about what is wrong with him, and the more accurate knowledge available to doctors reasoning logically. At the heart of Epicureanism is the thought that we are as bad at answering the question "What will make me happy?" as "What will make me healthy?" Our souls do not spell out their troubles.
I have two sensational kids who I have raised with my husband, hoping and working every day to help them become healthy, happy, and decent human beings.
In my own life, there's no amount of success or money that's more important than your child being healthy and happy. There's nothing that can put a band-aid on that.
I represent more the healthy, happy, curvy, strong woman. And that sounds much healthier to me than being 80 pounds and skinny as a bean.
I'm happy, I'm healthy, I am not looking backwards - I'm only heading towards some kind of dreams of mine and living my dreams.
My dreams for the future are simple: work, a happy, healthy family, a lovely long motorcycle ride, and continuing the struggle to awaken people to the need for serious human rights reform.
Through the marginalization of black fathers and encouragement of destruction lifestyle choices, the progressive Left has cut off one of the lifelines to raising healthy, happy, children intent on bettering themselves and their community.
I exercise every day, not because I am an actor but because exercising keeps me healthy and happy.
In the span of my own lifetime I observed such wondrous progress in plant evolution that I look forward optimistically to a healthy, happy world as soon as its children are taught the principles of simple and rational living.
I used to let other people's struggles affect my happiness. If they weren't happy, there was no way I was going to be happy. The opposite was also true: If I wasn't happy, I didn't want anyone around me to be happy.
A lot of people, sometimes they're so stuck on, 'I gotta get married, I gotta get married.' They forget that the really important thing is to have a healthy home, a healthy family, a healthy environment for your kids and to have everything going in a good, peaceful way.
If you expect to be successful, you will eventually be successful. If you expect to be happy and popular, you will be happy and popular. If you expect to be healthy and prosperous, that is what will happen... Always think and talk positively about the future. Start every morning by saying: 'I believe something wonderful is going to happen to me today.' Then, throughout the day, expect the best.
The predominant quality of successful people is optimism.... Your level of optimism is the very best predictor of how happy, healthy, wealthy, and long-lived you will be.
I have a lot to be thankful for. I am healthy, happy and I am loved. — © Reba McEntire
I have a lot to be thankful for. I am healthy, happy and I am loved.
Healthy Odisha - Happy Odisha. Let us continue our endeavour to build a prosperous and strong state.
I'm on good form. I'm an older guy. I feel healthy, I've been training, I'm looking after myself, I get up early. I look after the dogs. I'm happy.
There are times in my life when I haven't been happy. Sometimes it's not even physical, it's something else. The key is identifying why you're unhappy and doing whatever you can to fix it in a healthy way.
I don't want to think about what I'm doing in 20 years. All I want is I want to be happy, and I hope my family are healthy. And that's all, really.
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