Top 1200 Healthy Body Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Healthy Body quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I think valuing what your body can do over how your body looks is the No. 1 advice I would give to young women about how to have healthy body image. It's not, 'Do these pants fit?' It's 'Can I do a split?'
A healthy body breeds a healthy mind.
You need to be aware, educated, and willing to do whatever it takes to remain healthy and keep the body healthy. — © Rich Piana
You need to be aware, educated, and willing to do whatever it takes to remain healthy and keep the body healthy.
I mind my body by eating whole, healthy foods. I learned from Nutrisystem to eat consistently all day; otherwise, your body hoards fat. Of course, I also mind my body when it occasionally whispers, 'Marie, you need some chocolate.'
You cannot have a healthy body without drinking a great deal of water. But remember, you can't just drink a glass of water and tell a glass of water to please go straight to your skin and moisturize your complexion. Water has to be there all the time, doing what it does naturally in a healthy body.
It is not the soul alone that should be healthy; if the mind is healthy in a healthy body, all will be healthy and much better prepared to give God greater service.
I do think moms should be given a break, all across the board. And I think that the most important thing is that you're healthy. After I had my little girl, I wanted to be healthy for her and have a healthy body image so that she hopefully grows up to see that her self worth isn't defined by how thin she is.
Having a healthy body and healthy mind is always something I think about.
When I was 27, I felt old. I didn't feel healthy. I just wasn't taking care of my body, and I had a body that wanted me to take care of it.
According to physiological law, all natural, normal functions of the body are achieved without peril or pain. Birth is a natural, normal physiological function for normal, healthy women and their healthy babies. It can, therefore, be inferred that healthy women, carrying healthy babies, can safely birth without peril or pain.
Neighborhoods and communities are complex organisms that will be resilient only if they are healthy along a number of interrelated dimensions, much as a human body cannot be healthy without adequate air, water, rest, and food.
Sit mens sana in corpore sano (a healthy mind in a healthy body)
Sorry, there´s no magic bullet. You gotta eat healthy and live healthy to be healthy and look healthy. End of story.
The most important thing for me to teach my children is about health and fitness. It's about taking care of your body and eating foods that are good for you and getting the right exercise that you need... It's just about living a healthy life for longevity and a healthy heart.
I was putting too much stress on my body and not living a healthy life style, I wasn't taking care of myself. I was able to turn that around by having a belief in myself and trusting God and then doing what it took to get healthy again.
I think sometimes less is more. I don't think it helps to overdo exercising - I think you need to do it to keep your body healthy and fit, but there is a fine line between, you know, healthy and obsession. You have to build your foundation first. Your brain has to sort of connect to your body.
It's the fact that no matter how bad it's gotten, the body wants to be healthy. The body wants to bounce back. When you do these changes, you do these small changes every single day, and you trust the process of what you're doing. You really do make lasting changes onto your body.
Just keep taking care of my body and all of that. Take care of your body, stay healthy. You'll be alright. — © Jadeveon Clowney
Just keep taking care of my body and all of that. Take care of your body, stay healthy. You'll be alright.
I don't believe in dieting, I don't believe in having certain moments in your life where you're healthy and then moments when you're like, "I'm going to eat whatever I want." It's just finding what works for your body and always eating healthy.
A healthy mind breeds a healthy body and visa versa!
I am a fitness lover; I believe a healthy body leads to a healthy mind and that's why I believe in being regular with exercise every day.
Fortunately, I'm very healthy, and my body is still intact. It hasn't aged very much, I feel like a very young 56. I exercise regularly, and when I do, I always learn new things about my body.
I believe that both people in a marriage should be concentrated on health, and you should be inspiring each other. How to make your mind healthier, how to make your body healthier. Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy soul.
I've tried to maintain a healthy image but not necessarily a size because as women, we're all different sizes. I go for being the healthy size; whatever that is for you. It's important to embrace that and love your body for what it is. Each woman has her own body.
I believe that a healthy lifestyle isn't just a regular exercise routine or your eating habits, but a synergy of a healthy mind and body. To fuel my body, I am relentless about never eating anything that isn't of this Earth. I have no interest in putting stuff in my body that's made in a lab. Movement is vital. Whether it's running, cross training, hiking with the dogs, or walking the streets of New York, I am constantly active.
For all aspects of memory, keep yourself physically fit. My catchphrase is, 'Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy body, healthy mind.' Your memory needs oxygen as fuel, so why not feed it often?
I don't pamper my voice. It's part of my body. If my body is rested and healthy, my voice is rested and healthy.
It is sad to see anyone neglecting their body no matter who they are and what they do. You simply cannot be healthy or look great on the outside if you are not healthy on the inside.
I believe that a healthy lifestyle isn't just a regular exercise routine or your eating habits, but a synergy of a healthy mind and body.
Wellness is associated with happiness. When you're happy, you're feeling good in your mind and body. That ties into being healthy, eating well, and exercising regularly. It also ties into being excited about things - like getting up in the morning and having a healthy breakfast.
I don't work out as much as I should, but I do believe that it's a healthy mind as well as a healthy body that keeps me fit, sound and calm.
Pray for a healthy mind in a healthy body.
Worry, hate, fear-together with their offshoots: anxiety, bitterness, impatience, avarice, unkindness, judgmentalness, and condemnation-all attack the body at the cellular level. It is impossible to have a healthy body under these conditions.
A healthy body means a healthy mind. You get your heart rate up, and you get the blood flowing through your body to your brain. Look at Albert Einstein. He rode a bicycle. He was also an early student of Jazzercise. You never saw Einstein lift his shirt, but he had a six-pack under there.
Eating healthy nutritious food is the simple and right solution to get rid of excess body weight effortlessly and become slim and healthy forever.
Using the combined, integrated force of the mind and body is more efficient than using one without the other. Since the body can only exist in the present, that's where the mind should be too (unless we deliberately choose to contemplate the past or future). At the same time, the body needs to be healthy and in optimum operating condition so that it can respond effectively to the mind's directives.
A sick body with a good heart is more beneficial to future lives than a fit, healthy body that is used for self-cherishing.
Health is an announcement of agreement between your body, mind and spirit. Honor your body, keep it in good shape. When you are not healthy, look to see which parts of you disagree. Your body will demonstrate the truth to you. Notice what it is showing you, listen to what it is saying.
Health is so important now, it's ridiculous - the body has become frightening, this thing that will kill you if you don't keep really healthy. The body is the enemy now. — © Jenny Hval
Health is so important now, it's ridiculous - the body has become frightening, this thing that will kill you if you don't keep really healthy. The body is the enemy now.
My dad was always super-active and got me in the gym at a young age. He wanted me to be health-conscious. 'Healthy body, healthy mind'; that's what he preached to me.
What does it mean to be healthy? You may think that being healthy means that you are not sick, but being healthy is far more than that. If you feel okay, or average, or nothing much at all, you are not healthy.
I learned a long time ago that the last thing any woman should be thinking about is being 'skinny' or 'thin.' To me, those words imply weakness, fragility, the inability to stand firm in a storm. If you want to change your body, aim for 'athletic.' An athletic body is healthy, strong, and built to thrive. An athletic body can take many shapes.
Women in general, we tend to shrink ourselves and not have as much confidence as we should in presenting ourselves and our body types. It's OK to be fit and healthy and comfortable within your body, whatever frame you have.
Healthy body, healthy mind and healthy spirit. A Votre Sante.
When your body, mind and soul are healthy and harmonious, you will bring health and harmony to the world- not by withdrawing from the world, but by being a healthy, living organ of the body of humanity.
Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong; that hardy spirits and tough minds usually inhabit sound gods.
I'm not a particularly healthy eater. But I am 100 per cent fit and healthy and I am the right weight for my body type.
I believe that a healthy body breeds a healthy mind. I am 74 years old now and my wife, Niso, is 38 years younger than me. She absolutely insists that I take regular exercise with her.
Mental health and physical health are one in the same for me - they go hand in hand. If you aren't physically healthy, you won't be mentally healthy either - and vice versa. The mind and body is connected and when one is off, the other suffers as well.
I believe that a healthy mind is essential for a healthy body.
Everything in moderation. I keep a healthy body, a healthy look. It's important not to be obsessive about anything - fitness, training, eating - because then you end up focusing on only that. And you can't obsess about anything when you're on the road.
People assume that they will retire at 60 and die when they are 70. If you can think positive, live a healthy life, listen to your body and follow a regime, then you can live for 100 years, healthy and happy.
You can be in excellent physical shape, with low cholesterol, a healthy body weight and good overall physical fitness - but that doesn't necessarily mean you're healthy.
Sports are fundamental for growing in a healthy way: they represent fair competition, strength, and exercise, which enhance the body's healthy balance and strengthen the mind.
I really enjoy eating healthy. My body feels better, I perform better. So even outside of a camp, I'm just always keeping ready and taking care of my body. — © Cody Garbrandt
I really enjoy eating healthy. My body feels better, I perform better. So even outside of a camp, I'm just always keeping ready and taking care of my body.
For all aspects of memory, keep yourself physically fit. My catchphrase is, Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy body, healthy mind. Your memory needs oxygen as fuel, so why not feed it often?
A healthy body really does make for a healthy mind.
A healthy mind and body are essential. No excesses. Proper food. The body is like a Rolls-Royce. With care, it could last 200 years. It's a dynamo; the more you use it, the more you recharge it.
My mantra is 'healthy body, healthy mind.'
Getting healthy means listening to my body - and no longer comparing myself with other people at the gym. Getting healthy means being satisfied with small, sustainable, incremental changes to my diet and lifestyle.
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