Top 1200 Hear Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Hear quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I'm the sort of person who doesn't hear the word 'no' - I hear 'find another way to get what you want.'
The life of the sport is to participate for the fans, to hear the uproar, to hear the cheers.
It's so much easier to tell people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear. — © Phil McGraw
It's so much easier to tell people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear.
Come with uncle and hear all proper. Hear angel trumpets and devil are invited!
Believe half of what you see and only some of what you hear, unless you hear it from me.
I don't mind him not talking so much, because you can hear his voice in your heart; the same way you can hear a song in your head even if there isn't a radio playing; the same way you can hear those blackbirds flying when they're not in the sky
I'm really not a songwriter, so if I hear a song, I feel it and like it, I'll do it. But I'll make it the way I want to hear it.
It's not that I don't want to hear about that [blow job] stuff, I just want to hear about it immediately. And I want to hear about it on more comfortable terms.
Every time I hear a Garth Brooks record I tend to want to hear James Taylor.
Let us hear what the Bible says and what we as Christians are called to hear together: By grace you have been saved.
I tend to want to put my fingers over my ears and not hear all of that, not hear that there are so many fans.
Where I grew up - I grew up on the north side of Akron, lived in the projects. So those scared and lonely nights - that's every night. You hear a lot of police sirens, you hear a lot of gunfire. Things that you don't want your kids to hear growing up.
If you don't hear His voice so let Him hear yours. When prayers go up blessings descend. — © Bernard Malamud
If you don't hear His voice so let Him hear yours. When prayers go up blessings descend.
Intuition doesn't tell you what you want to hear; it tells you what you need to hear.
I love it when you hear a band, and you just go, 'Yes! I never knew it, but that's exactly what I want to hear.'
Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.
To me, our music is like Jamaican stuff - if they can't hear it, they're not supposed to hear it. It's not for them if they can't understand it.
To me our music is like Jamaican stuff - if they can't hear it, they're not supposed to hear it. It's not for them if they can't understand it.
It is enough for me to hear someone talk sincerely about ideals, about the future, about philosophy, to hear him say “we" with a certain inflection of assurance, to hear him invoke "others" and regard himself as their interpreter - for me to consider him my enemy.
Romans, countrymen, and lovers, hear me for my cause, and be silent, that you may hear.
I hear them mumblin, I hear the cacklin I got em scared, shook, panickin
Nonbelievers may hear all the notes of science, but without a theistic context and perspective they will not hear the song.
Noam Chomsky is, in some ways, a victim of this new millennium we live in because you can't pull a sound bite from that guy and understand what he is talking about. You have to hear the whole paragraph. You have to hear the whole page. You've got to hear the whole conversation if you really want to understand it and that could change your life.
The bottom line is, I hear my donors, I hear our base out there, I hear the leadership. And we're taking steps to make sure that we're even more - how shall we say it - fiscally conservative in our spending and certainly making sure the dollars are there when it's time to run our campaigns.
I don't hear anything from Trump about tax increases. I hear tax cuts from him. I hear tax reform from him.
Sometimes at night, when I wake up real late, I can hear my dad talking to God. He whispers, but I still hear him. I even hear him crying sometimes, when God says something sad.
When you hear that howl alone at night in the forest, it's one of the most frightening sounds you'll ever hear.
When you hear the voice of Rosa Ponselle, you hear a fountain of melody blessed by the Lord.
I love that you can just walk into the club and hear Young Jeezy or hear Fetty, and it's on.
It's always a blast playing the new stuff. But I feel like songs, in a way, are never finished. You get to a point where you're comfortable enough to put a stamp on it and send it out there, but even after recording it, when you're playing it live, you hear different harmonies, you hear different notes, you hear different tempos or peaks and valleys in the song.
If you listen carefully, you get to hear everything you didn't want to hear in the first place.
You don't understand music: you hear it. So hear me with your whole body.
Communication comes with practice. As a leader you must speak the truth; listen for understanding; and learn from what you hear and do not hear.
If you would have God hear you when you pray, you must hear him when he speaks.
I wish everyone could hear the soundtrack for my life that I hear in my head.
I hear my voice and I cringe, I kind of hear Philadelphia in there, my hometown.
I have no clue why, but maybe sometimes when there's someone you don't hear from, it's the person you want to hear from the most.
In an unpredictable and unpleasant world it was both unusual and very pleasant to hear what I wanted to hear. — © Marian Keyes
In an unpredictable and unpleasant world it was both unusual and very pleasant to hear what I wanted to hear.
The streams with softest sound are flowing, The grass you almost hear it growing, You hear it now, if e'er you can.
You can't hear God speak to someone else, you can hear him only when you are being addressed.
Music should be judged on what you hear, not what you think you might hear.
I do not hear in my imagination the parts successively, but I hear them gleich alles zusammen - at the same time all together.
You know, when I hear music, I just hear the whole thing.
I like you a lot and because I like you, I keep following you. To be honest, I can't hear either. No, I can hear, but I only wanted to hear what I want. That you liked me, that you wanted to be with me.
I play with feeling so I need to hear what is coming out of the amplifier to inspire me; I dont just play mechanically. I need to hear what I am doing in order to create the next note. If I dont hear it then I cant feed myself.
I'm giving my fans the songs that they want to hear from me. Why do we love to hear ourselves being downgraded. Why do we love to hear the negative situations that we see in our lives daily? I'm not trying to make sense of it, I'm not giving any solutions, I'm just tossing the question.
When I hear my first album today I hear myself reading my rhymes but I'm my worst critic.
I think it's easier than ever to hear only what you want to hear. That doesn't make a good citizen. — © Eli Pariser
I think it's easier than ever to hear only what you want to hear. That doesn't make a good citizen.
When I'm making music, I can hear all the parts, all the instruments. I can hear what it should be.
Learn to be quiet enough to hear the genuine within yourself so that you can hear it in others.
Hear only the things you should hear - be deaf to others.
As a director, it became important to hear that specific role read by that specific actor, and you hear the chemistry, or you don't hear the chemistry. So I'm not so bothered by the audition process anymore; in fact, I use it. It's a time for the actor to actually get to the know the director and the producers a little bit, too.
I tend to hear rhythm and melody, chord-progressions, long before I hear words.
Did you hear that? I didn't hear anything. Put that question another way.
I tell young singers not to listen to themselves. What I hear is not what you hear.
I just feel like sometimes people don't want to hear the truth. It's hard when you hear the truth. People want to hear what they want to hear. Sometimes I have a hard time with that because I'm very honest.
Those who cannot hear an angry shout may strain to hear a whisper.
When a family breaks you don't hear the crack of the breaking. You don't hear a sound.
As soon as people hear my voice and synthesizer together they hear Erasure.
Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh, hear!
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