Top 1200 Hearing Aids Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Hearing Aids quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
If anything, hearing another poet is a sacred experience I enter, but I can honestly say this does not influence my own work.
Hearing 'no' a lot of times usually tells you either you're crazy or you're on the right track, and you don't know which one it is until you finally launch.
I started crying, because there's nothing like hearing that the artist who originally did the song likes your version. — © Kelly Rowland
I started crying, because there's nothing like hearing that the artist who originally did the song likes your version.
The conscious mind is not at the center of the action in the brain; instead, it is far out on a distant edge, hearing but whispers of the activity.
You're shocked, Mr. Burton, at hearing what our gossiping little town thinks. I can tell you this - they always think the worst!
I received a call for getting selected in 'Cartel' on December 4, my birthday. I was on cloud nine and absolutely overjoyed hearing the news.
This earth, burnished by hearing the name, is so certain of love,?that the sky bends unceasingly down, to greet its own light.
My inbox [showed me] how much pain there is in the world. I appreciated hearing from people, but it was hard to know I couldn't do anything.
Women and girls face a whole host of issues. We start with health, so we work very deeply on maternal deaths, making sure that a mom doesn't die in childbirth, making sure that she has access, for instance, to AIDS medication.
You don't want to hear about how much money I donate to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America or to AIDS awareness or to give out scholarships. You don't want to hear about that.
Concerts are never real music, you have to give up the idea of hearing in them all the most beautiful things of art.
To win like that, in Scottish kit, in the U.K., beating the Olympic champion, hearing Scotland the Brave on the podium, I was very emotional.
What I particularly liked about Nineties hip hop was it had a certain reverence for the groove that I hadn't been hearing in a while. — © Michael McDonald
What I particularly liked about Nineties hip hop was it had a certain reverence for the groove that I hadn't been hearing in a while.
I am disappointed because nobody is talking about food and agriculture. They're talking about the diets of children, but they're talking about Band-Aids. We're not seeing a vision.
There's a joke in the's got a fairytale ending, and this is a spoiler: Donald Trump does contract HIV. I think people are upset about that, mainly because they feel the reputation of AIDS has been destroyed by associating it with Donald Trump.
I remember being turned on to The Beach Boys, hearing 'Surfin' U.S.A.,' I guess, in 1960. But The Beatles really did it to me.
My family and I are heartbroken after hearing the news that more than 100 innocent children and teachers have lost their lives...
After hearing from my colleagues, I have decided to run for Speaker of the House. Let's work together to make a difference for our country.
The last time I was in there to set up for a surgery, I was sitting in the waiting room ... watching television. And a special came on the news about a guy who got AIDS from re-used medical equipment in the VA. It was the same procedure I was fixing to get. I'm gone. Deuces. I walked out, man.
It's made a lot of people richer from hearing Earl Scruggs. And I just think we're all very lucky to have him in the world.
Personally, I'm tired of hearing the whole have-you-no-decency routine from people who have made quite clear that they possess none themselves.
I think it's [the AIDS fight] the most important and most pressing one - I think it's a global emergency and I think in a way we all have to address it and engage with it because I think it's the biggest threat to the human race that we have ever faced.
I can't hear myself. I can stare at my double chin all I want, but hearing this androgynous voice, you can't even tell what sex I am.
....there is a difference between hearing and listening. You can't always help what you hear. But you can control what holds your interest, what you choose to dwell on.
When you're listening to the radio, you're hearing dance beats, all the bells and whistles, and 'Say Something' makes you quiet and forces you to listen.
Inequality within the deaf and hard of hearing community is something I feel really passionate about and always will do.
I answered that one learns to live, not by hearing of other lives, but by living; for words are infinitely less important than acts.
In my first week as a U.S. senator, I had the privilege of participating in the Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
I am always hearing from Israelis, 'Oh, CNN is anti-Israel,' or 'BBC is against us.' But no, they are reporting facts.
Great sadness can be off putting, hard to comprehend, especially if it hasn't been your experience. It's amazing for me to know now that AIDS, for instance, is something a lot of people don't "get," whereas it entirely shaped my social life since the time I was twenty until I was almost forty.
The danger in having modern music tied to a period piece is that hearing something may take you out of the moment.
The reason to get in touch with the culture is not to adopt it but to engage it for the same reasons a missionary does... to gain a hearing for the gospel.
When you are up close to an opera singer, hearing this incredible volume of noise coming from a human being - its beyond belief.
I was blown away by the control and the range that I was hearing. I'm listening to Pavarotti and thinking, What the hell have I been doing with my voice all these years?
Every time when they would call my name I kept hearing 'New York Knicks' instead of 'Seattle SuperSonics.
The reports from the scientific world are that, there is very sadly an escalating impact of HIV and Aids in South Africa. And it’s from what I have read assuming distinct characteristics which were atypical of how this phenomenon had developed in the States and therefore this meant that we look at what it is that results in all of this, specific to our country.
Some say that I'm their favorite, but I aint hearing none of that. I'm about my team, hoe, Young Money running back
We're all used to hearing the word 'authentic' a little too often these days, but in Senator Gillibrand's case, it's entirely accurate. — © Anna Wintour
We're all used to hearing the word 'authentic' a little too often these days, but in Senator Gillibrand's case, it's entirely accurate.
Very few people around the world know that cancer kills more people than HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined - until we get everyone to realize that, it will be tough to get them to act.
It's no fun getting older. I might be wearing beautiful diamond earrings but they can't take away the pain of losing my hearing.
My work with AIDS patients started right at the beginning of the epidemic, totally unplanned and spontaneous, as all my work had proceeded in the previous two decades, if it were not already my whole life-style! In the early eighties, we knew very little about this peculiar disease.
There's not any religion or any culture or any race or any generation that cannot get AIDS or HIV. We all have to take responsibility for ourselves and get tested to know our status, and spread the word.
Like the effects of industrial pollution and the new system of global financial markets, the AIDS crisis is evidence of a world in which nothing important is regional, local, limited; in which everything that can circulate does, and every problem is, or is destined to become, worldwide.
I would hate to have "Holiday in Cambodia" become as tiresome to other people as hearing "Like a Rock" in a Chevrolet commercial.
I stated at Justice [John] Roberts' hearing, the court's injected itself into many of the political debates of our day.
I have terrible hearing trouble. I have unwittingly helped to invent and refine a type of music that makes its principal proponents deaf.
Over the years I have become convinced that we learn best - and change - from hearing stories that strike a chord within us.
Number of people have said to me, after hearing your thinking, their mind becomes much more happier. — © Dalai Lama
Number of people have said to me, after hearing your thinking, their mind becomes much more happier.
Only he who bestirs himself can advance spiritually. The fool who uses extraneous aids for this, in the form of the ready-made opinions of others, only walks his path as if on crutches, while ignoring his own healthy limbs.
I am often disgusted at hearing young people I know, declare that they are afraid of doing this or that, because they MIGHT be killed.
We are using the neurons, our identity, to constantly maintain our identity. Whether you are awake, asleep, or dreaming, this process is carried on. But, it is wearing you out.That is why I say the tragedy that is facing mankind is not AIDS or cancer, but Alzthiemer's disease.
When I write, I can become this ecstatic, crazy fellow, hearing the voices and just loosening up and letting them grow.
When you are up close to an opera singer, hearing this incredible volume of noise coming from a human being - it's beyond belief.
Of the One O'Clock Lab Band after hearing their performance, and sitting in with them at the White House: "I wish it were mine".
As a group, the fashion industry has been one of the strongest in the effort to fight HIV and AIDS. There are many groups dedicated to fighting this disease; GMHC's Fashion Forward is just one of them. But I think everyone in this industry fights it in their own way.
an autobiography held out the promise of hearing truths that only friends confess to one another but are knowledge you need to live.
I hate to admit this, but some days hearing about other people's problems actually cheers me up.
Nothing aids which may not also injure us. Fire serves us well, but he who plots to burn His neighbor's roof arms his hands with fire.
Hearing the faraway sounds of children at recess makes me understand that I am no longer life's main character.
Our intention is not to create cloned human beings, but rather to make lifesaving therapies for a wide range of human disease conditions, including diabetes, strokes, cancer, AIDS, and neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
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