Top 1200 Hearing Your Voice Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Hearing Your Voice quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I think the biggest thing is voice. Whose voice is it? Who gets to control the narrative?
Love is enough: though the world be a-waning, And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining.
You been hearing about how bad I am since you were a little kid with mess in your pants! Tonight, I'm gonna whip you till you cry like a baby. — © Muhammad Ali
You been hearing about how bad I am since you were a little kid with mess in your pants! Tonight, I'm gonna whip you till you cry like a baby.
It's about being a voice in the community. There's so many ways to be a voice, and that's what I'm figuring out.
Listen to your inner-voice: Surround yourself with loving, nurturing people. Fall in love with your art and find yourself. Music is the great communicator.
Always eyes watching you and the voice enveloping you. Asleep or awake, indoors or out of doors, in the bath or bed- no escape. Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters in your skull.
We all have that inner voice that is wise, even if we don't always follow it. It's that voice I'm trying to listen to.
I love hearing stories about, you know, people who are overcoming challenges in their life. And when you experience hardships, you can either fold or rally, and just by a paradigm shift in your belief system.
The ideal leader is one who hears the voice of God, and beckons on as the voice calls him and them.
I do have a bit of a gravelly voice; people have told me I've got a good voice for radio.
I wonder from these thousand of "me's", which one am I? Listen to my cry, do not drown my voice I am completely filled with the thought of you. Don't lay broken glass on my path I will crush it into dust. I am nothing, just a mirror in the palm of your hand, reflecting your kindness, your sadness, your anger. If you were a blade of grass or a tiny flower I will pitch my tent in your shadow. Only your presence revives my withered heart. You are the candle that lights the whole world and I am an empty vessel for your light. Rumi - "Hidden Music
My parents are avid supporters of me, and just hearing my name and the word 'Grammy' in the same sentence would be a dream come true. I mean, that's something you put on your tombstone.
A loud voice cannot compete with a clear voice, even if it's a whisper. — © Barry Neil Kaufman
A loud voice cannot compete with a clear voice, even if it's a whisper.
My voice likes rock music. My problem is, I can do a lot of things, but I have to find my own voice.
Don't let fear of failure discourage you. Don't let the voice of critics paralyze you - whether that voice comes from the outside or the inside.
It's important to have your own voice.
To be honest, I think I have a nice voice. A good voice... and I loved recording.
The White House isn't the only platform with a voice. ABC has a pretty big voice, too.
The web is democratising and also the voice of people who don't think they have another outlet. And that voice can be punitive.
Your voice is worthwhile. Have faith in it.
I cannot switch my voice. My voice is not like an elevator going up and down.
The voice of the Spirit is described in the scriptures as being neither loud nor harsh, not a voice of thunder, neither a voice of great tumultuous noise, but rather as still and small, of perfect mildness, as if it had been a whisper, and it can pierce even the very soul and cause the heart to burn. The Spirit does not get our attention by shouting.
When you get to the end of a TV series, you feel totally out of sorts as an actor. You feel unfit; your voice box has collapsed on you because you've spent all day muttering into a microphone that's two inches from your head, and you feel desperate to spread your wings and do a bit of real thesping.
You have to fight. You know, you don't want to fight, but you have to fight to make your show your own, to make your voice be heard. You just have to sometimes.
[You should] see everything about your life as a lesson. Ask, "Am I empowering myself?" Even for a tiny thing, like if you're in the grocery store and you're thinking, "Should I buy that?" And your gut says, "You know you can't eat that." If you decide not to listen, you've harmed yourself by blocking your intuitive voice.
'Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God' (Rom. 10:17). That is whence faith comes. It is not for me to sit down and wait for faith to come stealing over me with a strong sensation, but is for me to take God at His Word.
I know I have a voice, and I want to use that voice as much as I can to bring things forward.
Your voice can change the world.
You can't find your voice if you don't use it.
I have the voice of a social activist and I have the voice of the Pakistanis as well. So I can't be bothered about what people think.
When you do a voice in an animated film, you don't see the finished product at all. You're not animating. You're not doing the voice on the finished product. You're doing the voice long before.
I tried singing in a deeper voice by lowering my voice that used to be more delicate.
I mean it's - it is hard to find a voice on talk radio that is not a conservative voice.
I don't like my voice, and I don't enjoy my singing voice; I do what I do to bring pleasure and diversion to the fans.
It's funny - it's called 'The Voice,' but I sure as hell didn't have the best voice on the show. I'll admit it.
Well, what I tried to do is to just listen to my voice, because my voice is my boss. She decides.
Man, you don't know how I felt that afternoon when I heard that voice and it was my own voice.
What I voice, I voice though my art, if that's not too vainglorious a word. But I don't think it is. — © Brendan Gleeson
What I voice, I voice though my art, if that's not too vainglorious a word. But I don't think it is.
The human voice can never reach the distance that is covered by the still small voice of conscience.
My singing voice is very specific to me. That's my natural voice when I sing.
The voice is something very mysterious. It's difficult to say what is inside a voice that moves people.
You find yourself by losing yourself. By not thinking about yourself all of the time. When I am in a slump with my writing, I'll go and walk for a week. Walk and not see a human being. Something happens after four or five days which is quite wonderful. It is an ancient thing. Your sense of smell. Your hearing. They come back.
The voice of passion is better than the voice of reason. The passionless cannot change history.
Loafe with me on the grass—loose the stop from your throat; Not words, not music or rhyme I want—not custom or lecture, not even the best; Only the lull I like, the hum of your valved voice.
Your soul’s desire are with you at birth like a hidden treasure chest of possibilities for you to discover as you grow and evolve into the person you were meant to be. Give voice to what you long for in the deepest place in your heart.
People say Malala's voice is being sold to the world. But I see it as Malala's voice reaching the world and resonating globally. You should think about what is behind Malala's voice. What is she saying? I am only talking about education, women's rights, and peace.
I hate 'The Voice.' I think everyone thought 'The Voice U.K.' would be like the U.S. version, and it's not.
The Tea Party has an important voice in the country and now they have a voice in the U.S. Senate. — © Mike Lee
The Tea Party has an important voice in the country and now they have a voice in the U.S. Senate.
Excuse my voice - I don't have the thundering voice I used to have to get players going on the ice anymore.
Be not scared to use your voice.
I guess when I really think about it, God's voice sounds a lot like my voice.
The voice of a kid can be so much more touching than an adult voice.
The paparazzi and the press have given me a voice. No matter how I got the voice, it's there.
I consider my voice to be a centrist moderate voice among the nine Democratic candidates.
What a frequency What a voice. I love Bilal. I couldn't imagine a music world without his voice.
It is against the spirit of our non-discriminating times to openly prefer one sort of music to another, so let's just say that hearing grand orchestral music in a public place is exhilarating in a way that hearing popular music never can be, if only because, in a popular music age, a full orchestra is less familiar to our ears.
Your voice matters, so protect it.
It's the face and the body and the thing that we hide inside that can keep us from the world, but my voice is my voice.
I was short and I had a really high voice, and now my voice is low and I'm tall.
I think that, by and large, the predominant voice we hear in rock music is a white male voice.
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