Top 1200 Hearing Your Voice Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Hearing Your Voice quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
Sometimes strident, often tender, never afraid and seldom without humour, Desmond Tutu's voice will always be the voice of the voiceless.
Believe in the power of your voice! Be yourself. Everyone is unique.
Sometimes you want to hear your own mother's voice. — © Sara Zarr
Sometimes you want to hear your own mother's voice.
She takes your voice and leaves you howling at the moon.
It's not always easy to identify your own voice. It comes with time.
It's an honor to be able to get in the fray and be a strong, mature voice for Coloradans, a voice uncensored and uncontrolled by the permanent political class in Washington.
It's an interesting and demanding art to do voices. I have been told so many times that I have a distinctive voice, but of course, I don't hear my own voice as others do, so I don't know.
So, open your mouth, lad! For every voice counts!
I'm known as a voice for a generation of people that don't have a voice.
I always hear I have the voice-over voice.
In my career, I have done more than a thousand voice-overs in commercials, cartoons, and radio shows, so I'm very familiar of my voice capabilities and its range.
If you listen through the screen of your desires, then you obviously listen to your own voice; you are listening to your own desires.
I found my voice was a reaction to all that voice stuff. — © Kathy Acker
I found my voice was a reaction to all that voice stuff.
Why do you seem so annoyed at what I'm saying?" "Because we're too much like each other. I loathe your face, which is a caricature of mine, I loathe your voice, which is a mockery of mine, I loathe your pathetic syntax, which is my own.
A lone voice isn't as important as a collective voice.
Epidemics of "bad" voice can kill your reputation overnight.
I don't have a great voice or even a good voice.
We the voice of the young world. We the voice of the people.
While the sun God will may your day, sing as a song in search of a voice that is silent, and the one God will make for your way.
It's great to get to make something in your own voice.
The voice is not only indicative of man's character, but it is the expression of his spirit. Other sounds can be louder than the voice, but no sound can be more living.
When you're hearing somebody and you're not seeing them, your brain naturally creates a version of them. Then you feel closer to them because you've created them.
It's 100% important to have a dialog with yourself going all the time. That's an ego talking to you, beckoning you to do more, but it's not the voice that you need to have in order to solidify the trust relationship. You have to be really transparent with yourself and say, "What can I do now?" What can I really do and how do I bring that into the world. In other words, those self-talk, we have to constantly be auditing, is our voice inside our best friend? If it's not, you have to make it your best friend.
Well as I say, don't believe everything that you read and don't be afraid to think and it is alright to understand what has gone before but don't just rely on copying but develop your internal voice and your own internal means of interpreting.
There's a bit of a difference in the way he sounds. Samuel E. Wright lent his voice and personality to the animated film with his booming voice. I have a high-tenor voice. Instead, I have to figure out a way to convince the audience to come along with me and accept this new texture and tambour to the way Sebastian sounds. I have a great dialect coach.
When I was a staff writer on 'NYPD Blue,' it was truly my job to hear David Milch's voice for that show and to deliver episodes that embodied that voice.
In the world of the Middle East at the moment, the debates are shrill. But ... the wisest voice of all of them may well be the voice of this mute thing, the Cyrus cylinder.
I find that touring keeps your voice in great shape.
With narration, you have to be very accurate with your voice. It's a good exercise to do.
Some people have different beliefs and aren't going to agree with everything you do. There's nothing you can do to change their minds. All you can do is have your own voice and believe in your own beliefs.
You'd have a good voice, if it ever came out of your throat.
You're much more believable if you talk in your own voice.
The people's voice is odd, It is, and it is not, the voice of God.
Your voice is wild and simple. You are untranslatable Into any one tongue.
Just like a prayer, your voice can take me there.
Remember to write for yourself, not for a market and give yourself time to develop your own style, your own voice. It takes a lifetime. Enjoy it!
Independent publishing gives everyone a voice, and those with a voice to which people inherently want to listen will find a way to the top.
I wanted to be Whitney Houston at first, and when I started taking voice lessons, my voice teacher kind of geared me more towards opera. — © Megan Hilty
I wanted to be Whitney Houston at first, and when I started taking voice lessons, my voice teacher kind of geared me more towards opera.
The voice of honest indignation is the voice of God.
People that fel alone or outcast that hurt, kids that feel bullied or lost, remember that you have a voice and you should use that voice to survive and persevere.
When you open your mind up, and you go into a creative state, you can't just switch if off. When you have an idea, a creative impulse, and then you ignore it, it can keep you up when you just want to go to your bed - which is why it's great to have voice recorders on your phone!
Why we started the agency to begin with is to tell stories, and the tools that we're using are constantly changing. Every tool will be right for a different sort of situation, but in the end, it's going to be about your view, your voice, and how you put that all together.
If you feel strongly about something and you want to voice your opinion, I feel it's your right, so, that's how I look at it because that's how life is.
Every now and then we get one voice which stands out, a really unique voice we embrace, like a Josh Thomas.
I went through an evolutionary process of learning to have a voice and how to use it, knowing when to step in. I don't always get it right, for sure. However, it's better to speak your mind than hold your tongue and wish you had said something.
It's important to do anything you can to support the causes that you care about. I think something as small as posting articles on social media or having important conversations with your friends are ways of getting your voice out there!
You can't treat your voice badly and expect it to stay around.
The people's voice, as I say, is the voice of God. — © Emmerson Mnangagwa
The people's voice, as I say, is the voice of God.
I sort of dreamed about directing before my career as an actor took off. I've directed stage before in so many capacities on tours. I put that together. You have to. Otherwise, it's your statement. It's your voice, and that has to come through.
The next voice you hear will undoubtedly be your own.
If you really want to find your voice, your goal is to journey toward inner wholeness--which is what life is about anyway. It involves self-acceptance and genuine self-respect. from Unleash the Writer Within
My singing voice isn't like my speaking voice.
Those who seek to improve our country through peaceful protest and protected speech, I want you to know that your voice is important. Do not be discouraged by those who use your lawful actions as a cover for their heinous violence. We will continue to safeguard your constitutional rights and to work with you in the difficult mission of building a better nation and a brighter future.
You'd have a good voice, if it ever came out of your throat
So how did I find my voice? Motherhood. There is nothing like having your child dealt an injustice, no matter how small, that gives you all the courage in the world to stand up and put your foot down.
I did musicals. It's funny, because I can hide behind a character and a voice, but when I have to bring myself and my own voice to it, it's very nerve-wracking.
If you don’t use your voice, there’s someone waiting behind you who will.
Once we get out into a kind of an open world, we really do learn about ourselves and for me it's a lesson in discovering yourself, discovering your inner resources and then literally, in the movie, finding your voice.
All over the sky a sacred voice is calling your name.
The voice of the dead was a living voice to me.
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