Top 161 Heartless Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Heartless quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Love can be so heartless when you turn out the light, a mutual surrender in the heat of the night.
They call you heartless; but you have a heart and I love you for being ashamed to show it.
I have been the victim of heartless malice. — © Taylor Caldwell
I have been the victim of heartless malice.
Even the most innocent person, when cornered, is capable of a heartless crime.
'Heartless' is a rare commercial film where I have a substantial role.
With the first 'Heartless,' I was just tryna get my feet wet in the game, and it was like, 'nobody wanna help me, nobody wanna show me love,' so I ain't feel the love, nowhere. That's what made me heartless.
Science is not a heartless pursuit of objective information; it is a creative human activity.
I don't like fashion. It's very heartless.
Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless.
For women to succeed in politics, business and entrepreneurial ventures they have to battle against a stereotype of being heartless and unfeminine.
Heartless zealotry, whether from the religious right or from the teachers' union on the left, is always troubling.
The family is a haven in a heartless world.
Whenever I hear anything described as a heartless assault on our children, I tend to think it’s a good idea. — © William Kristol
Whenever I hear anything described as a heartless assault on our children, I tend to think it’s a good idea.
He did not care if she was heartless, vicious and vulgar, stupid and grasping, he loved her. He would rather have misery with one than happiness with the other.
The treatment by some towards these young refugees is hideously racist and utterly heartless. What's happening to our country?
A sneer is often the sign of heartless malignity.
In art as in lovemaking, heartfelt ineptitude has its appeal and so does heartless skill, but what you want is passionate virtuosity.
Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.
If mothers are our first teachers, then having a narcissistic one teaches us that human closeness is terrifying, and the world is a heartless, inconsistent place.
Did you forget? I'm a heartless wretch!
...and thus it will go on, so long as children are gay and innocent and heartless.
I have declared war on the rich who prosper on our poverty, the politicians who lie to us with smiling faces, and all the mindless, heartless, robots who protect them and their property.
People can be so heartless and dirty.
How you can sit there, calmly eating muffins when we are in this horrible trouble, I can’t make out. You seem to me to be perfectly heartless." "Well, I can’t eat muffins in an agitated manner. The butter would probably get on my cuffs. One should always eat muffins quite calmly. It is the only way to eat them." "I say it’s perfectly heartless your eating muffins at all, under the circumstances.
Why can't you fly now, mother?" "Because I am grown up, dearest. When people grow up they forget the way." "Why do they forget the way?" "Because they are no longer gay and innocent and heartless. It is only the gay and innocent and heartless who can fly.
All children are heartless. They have not grown a heart yet, which is why they can climb tall trees and say shocking things and leap so very high that grown-up hearts flutter in terror. Hearts weigh quite a lot. That is why it takes so long to grow one. But, as in their reading and arithmetic and drawing, different children proceed at different speeds. (It is well known that reading quickens the growth of a heart like nothing else.) Some small ones are terrible and fey, Utterly Heartless. Some are dear and sweet and Hardly Heartless at all.
Heartless retouching should not be the chosen tool to represent women in the beginning of this century.
You know I love you more when you're cold and heartless.
Without a mythology, faith is impersonal and heartless.
Ah! let us love, my Love, for Time is heartless, Be happy while you may!
Those who are heartless, once cared too much.
The truth is we are all caught in a great economic system which is heartless.
The problem with certainty is that sometimes it can sound cold and heartless, although it is the most compassionate and supportive answer.
A heartless Christian must be a terrible grief to our Lord.
Consider it: Who but God could have dreamed a tale so absurd and so heartless?
The insatiable need for heartless power and ruthless control is the telltale sign of an uninitiated man - the most irresponsible, incompetent and destructive force on earth.
Perhaps this is just punishment for those who have been heartless, to understand only when nothing can be undone.
There's still a tremendous amount of homophobia in our culture. It's regrettable, it's stupid, it's heartless, and it's immoral, but there it is. — © Rupert Everett
There's still a tremendous amount of homophobia in our culture. It's regrettable, it's stupid, it's heartless, and it's immoral, but there it is.
My heart goes out to the people of the city of Boston. My thoughts and prayers are with the families who lost loved ones in such a senseless and heartless way.
When I was making Heartless, I was going through a real tough stuff stage in my career and life.
For a brief, weird minute I felt like Dorothy in Oz, walking down the street with Terric the doubtful, Shame the brainless, and heartless Zay.
A society which denies the heart its role becomes, in very short order, a heartless society.
Not all Tories are atrocious heartless fiends, I concede. But those who wield hunger as a weapon while claiming their own meals on expenses, are beyond satire.
I hear the birds singing. Listen. I hear them in their cage. The others-all our kind who know of her-they think of her as heartless, but she wasn't heartless. She was only aware of things which I didn't learn till so many decades had passed. She knew secrets that only suffering can teach.
I was sorry for her; I was amazed, disgusted at her heartless vanity; I wondered why so much beauty should be given to those who made so bad a use of it, and denied to some who would make it a benefit to both themselves and others. But, God knows best, I concluded. There are, I suppose, some men as vain, as selfish, and as heartless as she is, and, perhaps, such women may be useful to punish them.
Good heavens, I suppose a man may eat his own muffins in his own garden." "But you have just said it was perfectly heartless to eat muffins!" "I said it was perfectly heartless of YOU under the circumstances. That is a very different thing." "That may be, but the muffins are the same!
It may be true that the law cannot change the heart but it can restrain the heartless.
Never slam a car door. According to the Westchester elite, it's a heinous crime, as heartless as kicking a puppy. — © Lisi Harrison
Never slam a car door. According to the Westchester elite, it's a heinous crime, as heartless as kicking a puppy.
In life's journey, you will meet all sorts of characters. Always remember, never shed a tear for the heartless, corrupt or insensitive.
'Heartless' is something Ann and I wrote together.
Garage has been the big influence in my life. It was the first music that I started MCing to and I really used to look up to Heartless Crew.
Of all nature's animated kingdoms, fish are the most unchristian, inhospitable, heartless, and cold-blooded of creatures.
Adolescence is that time when I think, it can be- it's the cruelest place on Earth. It can really be heartless.
To be conservative at 20 is heartless and to be a liberal at 60 is plain idiocy.
Throughout the play everything possible was done to show the virtue, innocence and helplessness of the poor, and the abandoned cruelty, the heartless self-indulgence of the rich.
Did you hear that! Yuki, the heartless Yuki! Heartless Yuki has begged me with tears to let him visit my shop!
The American people have not become heartless.
All alike, you men. You only want the satisfaction of being through with us first, that's all. So far I've had the good fortune of beating you to it. So I am heartless.
By headless Charles see heartless Henry lies.
What do I haveto help me, without spell or prayer,endure this hour, endless, heartless, anonymous,the death of love?
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