Top 1200 Heavenly Beings Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Heavenly Beings quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
We human beings are spiritual beings. We have soul. We have spirit. We have mind. We have consciousness. We want fulfillment, we want happiness, we want satisfaction, we want joy. We want imagination. We want art, culture, music.
My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous structures that we know, and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such beings.
Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes. — © Thomas S. Monson
Heavenly Father loves you—each of you. That love never changes.
Though we cannot understand "the meaning of all things," we do "know that God loveth his children" because He has said, "Behold, this is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Heavenly Father is able to accomplish these two great goals-the immortality and eternal life of man-because He is a God of creation and compassion. Creating and being compassionate are two objectives that contribute to our Heavenly Father's perfect happiness. Creating and being compassionate are two activities that we as His spirit children can and should emulate.
Prayer is the soul's breathing itself into the bosom of its heavenly Father.
A composer knows that music is written by human beings for human beings and that music is a continuation of life, not something separated from it.
"Bhagavad Gita" is an examination of consciousness and the desire of human beings and the quest that we have as human beings to understand ourselves; that it was a map, you might say, for exploring the territory that leads us to find out things about ourselves.
Genius is the father of a heavenly line, but the mortal mother, that is industry.
As I recognized the beauty of the earth, I knew that my Heavenly Father loved me.
Nothing is more contrary to a heavenly hope than an earthly heart.
The Bible is the sceptre by which the Heavenly King rules His Church.
I was 17 when Peter Jackson asked me to be in 'Heavenly Creatures.'
The heavenly-harness'd team
Begins his golden progress in the east. — © William Shakespeare
The heavenly-harness'd team Begins his golden progress in the east.
Nothing compares with the satisfaction of pleasing the heart of our heavenly Father.
Angels boast ethereal vigor, and are formed from seeds of heavenly birth.
Death? Translated into the heavenly tongue, that word means life!
Let family worship be short, savory, simple, plain, tender, heavenly.
Glory to Women! They weave and entwine heavenly roses into an earthly life.
When we finally know we are dying, and all other sentient beings are dying with us, we start to have a burning, almost heartbreaking sense of the fragility and preciousness of each moment and each being, and from this can grow a deep, clear, limitless compassion for all beings.
Words are mere sound and smoke, dimming the heavenly light.
Human beings are human beings. They say what they want, don't they? They used to say it across the fence while they were hanging wash. Now they just say it on the Internet.
If you are not vegan, please consider going vegan. It’s a matter of nonviolence. Being vegan is your statement that you reject violence to other sentient beings, to yourself, and to the environment, on which all sentient beings depend.
I would be heavenly if baby you'd just rescue me now
Dickens is a lover of human beings; a relisher of human beings.
Form displays the relation [to beings] itself as the state of original comportment toward beings, the festive state in which the being itself in its essence is celebrated and thus for the first time placed in the open.
Fish play in the water birds play in the sky ordinary beings play on the earth sublime beings play in display.
In a sense, human beings are human beings. Their feelings of aloneness, of brokenness, their feelings of hurt and disappointment, are universal. It's the ways they choose to act on their feelings that separates them.
Who loves not music and the heavenly muse, That man God hates.
Our Heavenly Father loves you. He has created you to be successful and to have joy.
I think he is condemned by himself to loneliness. God is One: he was, he is, he will be always One. One is so lonely. Maybe that is why he created human beings--to feel less lonely. But as human beings betray his creation, he may become even lonelier.
We don't have to be perfect to experience the blessings and gifts of our Heavenly Father.
Human beings were human beings anatomically for several hundred thousand years, wandering around, hunting and gathering. And then suddenly, at the same time they started painting in caves they started multiplying.
The brutal, soul-shaking truth is that we are so earthly minded we are of no heavenly use.
The more we remember that we are part of the networks as human beings, the more we can act as human beings and not as corporate functions.
Sometimes beings come forth from that realmless realm. Light incarnates and wanders around through the samsara, kind of looking at itself in various countless forms. We call beings that come from that realm "enlightened".
History leaves no doubt that among of the most regrettable crimes committed by human beings have been committed by those human beings who thought of themselves as civilized. What, we must ask, does our civilization possess that is worth defending? One thing worth defending, I suggest, is the imperative to imagine the lives of beings who are not ourselves and are not like ourselves: animals, plants, gods, spirits, people of other countries, other races, people of the other sex, places and enemies.
To stand by the beds at sunrise and see the flowers awake is a heavenly delight.
My heavenly citizenship makes the whole world a foreign mission field. — © Roland Smith
My heavenly citizenship makes the whole world a foreign mission field.
We are traveling on with our staff in hand... We are pilgrims bound for the heavenly land.
Humility, that low, sweet root, from which all heavenly virtues shoot.
As order is heavenly, where quiet is had, so error is hell, or a mischief as bad.
Indians in America are yet to be considered human beings, even though the Pope issued a papal bull in 1898 that declared us to be human beings. But to show you the institutional racism, the sports teams are still using the Indians as mascots.
I don't go and ask my friends for favours. They are real, true, incredible amazing human beings with good hearts. They have evolved as human beings. I have evolved as a human being and I have let this wall down that I had.
When the United States fought in Vietnam, it was organized modern technology versus organized human beings, and the human beings won.
I think one can achieve a very pleasant lifestyle by treating human beings, fellow human beings, very well.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not connote freedom to err. It passes my comprehension how human beings, be they ever so experienced and able, can delight in depriving other human beings of that precious right.
Human beings take social stances, and if you’re respectful of all human beings, you have to decide what you’re going to do and why you’re going to do it.
Pure felicity is reserved for the heavenly life; it grows not in an earthly soil. — © Edwin Hubbel Chapin
Pure felicity is reserved for the heavenly life; it grows not in an earthly soil.
It is a happy moment when our desire crosses with the will of Heavenly Father.
Anxious care is out of place in a heavenly Father's presence.
Religion, if in heavenly truths attired, Needs only to be seen to be admired.
Knowledge of the sciences is so much smoke apart from the heavenly science of Christ.
Beings are owners of their actions, heirs of their actions; they originate from their actions, are bound to their actions, have their actions as their refuge. It is action that distinguishes beings as inferior and superior.
I like to speak on matters which matter to human beings, and almost everything matters to human beings.
The entire heavenly realm is within us, but to find it we have to relate to what's outside.
We embrace two-legged beings, and can warm to four-legged beings, too, but for most people, six legs is pushing it. Most don't need multi-eyed, antennaed face time.
Here hyacinths of heavenly blue, shook their rich tresses to the morn.
The sound of a million butterflies flapping their wings is indescribable. It's very heavenly.
God's heavenly plan doesn't always make earthly sense.
I think that all things, in their way, reflect heavenly truth, the imagination not least.
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