Top 1200 Heavy Weights Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Heavy Weights quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The wonderful thing about age is that your knees don't work as well, you can't run down steps quite as easily and obviously you can't lift heavy weights. But your mind doesn't feel any different.
Every word I say has chains round its ankles; every thought I think is weighted with heavy weights.
In those days, I did what was necessary for me to win. This included training with heavy weights: a precursor for injury. So if I could do it over again I’d train with lighter weights, higher reps, no sets below 10 reps, with negatives slower than positives, and avoid injury. If I had done that, my physique wouldn’t have been quite as bulky, but with more definition and with less pain.
I don't have a favorite body part nor do I have a favorite exercise. Everyone who is honest prefers machines over free-weights, because machines are more convenient and cause less muscle pain and require less concentration and are generally less dangerous. BUT, if you like to have real gains you have to train hard and heavy, and you have to chose always the LEAST favorite exercises which actually give you the best possible results. So go for the least favorite exercises, the free weights... and go for the muscle pain!
I started lifting heavy weights and became addicted to it and before I knew it I won the title of the world's strongest man which is very cool. — © Brian Shaw
I started lifting heavy weights and became addicted to it and before I knew it I won the title of the world's strongest man which is very cool.
I've been lifting weights since I was literally 15 or 16 years old. My muscles are short and powerful and built to lift heavy weights, not to be graceful and glide around a dance floor.
My workouts are based on very heavy, fast movements using weights, the science behind it being that the faster you move a weight, the more fast twitch fibres you rip and then repair.
The truth I've discovered is that you don't have to lift enormous weights to grow muscle. By using stricter form, slower negatives, and stretching between sets you can get an incredible pump in all your workouts. Numbers are an abstraction, especially to muscles. Your body doesn't know the absolute weight of what you lift, it only recognizes how heavy it feels. The secret is to make lighter weights feel heavier.
When we went home every winter, they warned us not to lift heavy weights because they didn't want us to lose flexibility. They wanted us to be baseball players, not only home run hitters.
Strictly speaking, intensity in the weight training context refers to the amount of work required to achieve the activity and is proportional to the mass of the weights being lifted - that is, how heavy the weight is relative to how strong you are.
My training? I don't do weights. It's hard to believe, but I don't do weights.
I lift quite heavy weights, but unfortunately no one believes me.
And also it was a process of, we lifted weights as well, in an effort to train my body to then be able to lift heavier weights when I got in Australia. So that was the first couple of months.
In the preseason, in the month of October, I work out almost every day, lifting weights for 20 or 30 minutes, and then during the season I usually lift weights twice a week, sometimes a little more.
The neural network is this kind of technology that is not an algorithm, it is a network that has weights on it, and you can adjust the weights so that it learns. You teach it through trials.
I work out at least three to five days a week, mostly running and heavy weights. — © Omarion
I work out at least three to five days a week, mostly running and heavy weights.
Oftentimes, heavy weights can tear the muscle fiber causing it to bulk, but using a lighter weight for a longer duration and allowing your body to move in many different ways to target all of the muscles will lengthen them without tearing.
'Immortals' was very much a martial arts based training program - a lot of body weight stuff, very little in the way of actually lifting heavy weights, and a very, very low calorie diet.
Everybody used to always give me a hard time, 'You never really lift weights like that.' I would lift enough, but instead of lifting weights, I'm standing on a track field.
I like to keep fit, but I never lift very heavy weights...
Some people are born to lift heavy weights, some are born to juggle golden balls.
I concentrate on making everything strong, and you can't do that with just cardio. I strength-train one day - and I'm not talking heavy weights, just a little. I see my trainer one day, next day I take a yoga class or cook. I'm not someone who just opens a pantry and rustles something up.
I can bulk up very fast. I can lift heavy weights because, like most people, I started off with heavy workouts. That's stayed in my muscle memory. I feel horrible when I feel my jeans are getting tight. Workouts peace me out.
I try to do something every day. I lift weights at least three to four days per week, and I'll intersperse that with cardio. For example, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'll run and do heavy lifting, and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I'll spend two hours lifting weights, as well as something like swimming.
I do weights a few times a week. Not a lot of heavy weights. I do it just to keep my muscle toned. With the martial arts, I am doing pretty basic stuff. I do some sparring. If I get a chance, I will go swimming or running in-between. I keep in pretty good shape between films.
A lot of guys are starting to get away from trying to jerk these heavy weights and throw all these heavy weights around.
Most of the time I meet my trainer at the gym and we do a lot of everything: weights circuit with cardio, football drills, sprinting with weights on the treadmill.
I always lift weights very heavy and spend a lot of time in the weight room.
I lift heavy weights and sprint, but I am so bad at it that I develop severe injuries.
Some people are very much comfortable working out in gyms. Basically, it is all about movement. If you are comfortable moving in a gym, that is absolutely fine. But gymming does not work for me. I don't like carrying those weights and doing workouts on those heavy machines.
I just like heavy music in general - from heavy rock and heavy metal and heavy rap and heavy everything. I've always been attracted to it.
We'd always said boxers shouldn't lift weights. Now I realize some champion boxer started that rumor. I noticed if I did weights a couple of times a week, I would be able to hit that jab a lot longer. After sparring, everybody's gone, and I sneak into the weight room. Spend 40 minutes in there lifting weights.
Because I am all too human, I don't always do the right thing, so how can I expect others to perform perfectly on the issues that are my top priority? I don't mean that we shouldn't try to do our best, but judgment and recrimination are such heavy weights. I find that accepting that we are all fallible lightens my load.
I used to lift very heavy weights in my mid-twenties - I used to bench press over 300lb. The most I ever lifted was 330lb; I couldn't do that today, no way.
In my top five favorite movies is a movie called 'Heavy Weights.' I was a chunkier kid and dreamed of going to fat camp with go-karts and stuff. That was written by Judd Apatow.
The problem with traditional pie weights is you never have enough and they're expensive. Common substitutes like dried beans just aren't heavy enough to do the job. Our genius solution? Small steel balls that fit inside ball bearings and that can be purchased at any hardware store.
I like doing very high action things. Running, boxing, a lot of free weights. They're not heavy. I eat what I want, really, because I think that while you're working out you can eat better.
The house kept its own time, like the old-fashioned grandfather clock in the living room. People who happened by raised the weights, and as long as the weights were wound, the clock continued ticking away. But with people gone and the weights unattended, whole chunks of time were left to collect in deposits of faded life on the floor.
After 'Kong,' my knuckles have never recovered because I had to wear very heavy weights on my forearms and around my hips and ankles to get the sense of size and scale of the movement of the character You are telling your body that you are these things and that you're feeling these thoughts and that you're experiencing these experiences.
I believe you need to take enough rest to lift heavy weights, but if it takes you 5-10 minutes to rest and get psyched up for a big lift, I don't know if that's going to be good.
I go through phases where I'm not into jazz as much, and then I'll get heavy, heavy, heavy into it. — © Flying Lotus
I go through phases where I'm not into jazz as much, and then I'll get heavy, heavy, heavy into it.
Football is a little bit different as far as lifting weights. We lifted weights every day. It's a different type of sport. So those things, different aspects, they help you in basketball.
My mum was very conscious about fashion, and my dad was born into the tailoring tradition, so fashion has always been my life, although now, really, I wear the same thing - just in different weights - light and heavy cashmere in winter and cotton in summer. And jeans.
I lift pretty heavy for my body weight, and I don't do any of that girly stuff like cardio or any light weights. I go really heavy, and that intimidates some guys. I enjoy that.
I don't do heavy weights at all.
Women often use weights that are too heavy. I like to stay in the 3- to 15-pound range. If you're more fitness-experienced, use weights in the 8- to 10-pound range. If you're a beginner, start in the 3-pound range.
If a man seriously proposes to go in for lifting heavy weights, he should make a point of practising certain lifts every day. This daily practice is essential to the achievement of any real success.
I do heavy weights in the morning for about an hour, and then I do 45 minutes of higher-volume lifting in the afternoon. My least favorite is the legs... I do quite a few chin-ups and rows. I do mostly old-school lifting with a lot of squats.
Only recently have I been introduced to the gym and heavy weightlifting and things like that. Before that, when I grew up, I just did a lot of gymnastics and dance. I had more of an athletic background, but nothing where I was in the gym or using any kind of weights.
I have worked hard in the gym lifting heavy weights and doing a lot of exercises.
I work out every day. Mostly it's free weights and cardio. I don't do that stuff where they throw logs at you, what's it called, cross-fit. None of that. Mainly it's just me in the gym, lifting weights.
I do cardio everyday, which involves a 25-minute run or jog besides 45-minute-long weight training. I don't lift heavy weights. As far as my diet is concerned, I have seven small meals a day.
I had a trainer during 'Spiderman,' and I discovered I have deep-seated rage when I'm holding heavy weights over my head. Whatever dormant anger I have in me, that's where it comes out. That's not the kind of working out I want to do.
Me and my brother are players that spend three to four hours in the gym every day doing running, lifting heavy weights, and doing treadmill stuff. — © Alexander Zverev
Me and my brother are players that spend three to four hours in the gym every day doing running, lifting heavy weights, and doing treadmill stuff.
My mum was very conscious about fashion and my dad was born into the tailoring tradition, so fashion has always been my life, although now, really, I wear the same thing - just in different weights - light and heavy cashmere in winter and cotton in summer.
When you start to treat the light weights like heavy weights, the heavy weights will go up a lot easier.
I like to keep fit, but I never lift very heavy weights.
Doubt is the enemy of mania. It's trying to get aloft strung with weights. The moment I like writing is three sentences in, when somehow those weights drop away, and you can invent. I cannot tell you the dread I have.
I've had to learn that food is not my enemy. I work out once or twice a day and I'm lifting super heavy weights. I need fuel to keep going.
After 'Kong,' my knuckles have never recovered because I had to wear very heavy weights on my forearms and around my hips and ankles to get the sense of size and scale of the movement of the character... You are telling your body that you are these things and that you're feeling these thoughts and that you're experiencing these experiences.
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