Top 192 Hermit Crabs Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Hermit Crabs quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
To succeed as a lawyer, a man must work like a horse and live like a hermit.
There are three species of creatures who when they seem coming are going, when they seem going they come: diplomats, women, and crabs.
The biggest problem I have doing my acting is having to interact with other people. I think if it wasn't for my wife and my kids, I'd probably be a hermit. — © John Gordon Sinclair
The biggest problem I have doing my acting is having to interact with other people. I think if it wasn't for my wife and my kids, I'd probably be a hermit.
There's nothing better for kids than a bucket and shovel at the beach. I grew up across the marsh from The Citadel. We loved buying chicken necks at the Piggly Wiggly, tying them to a string on a stick and catching blue crabs.
I adore summer entertaining. For a dinner party at the farm, I might prepare homemade fettuccine with porcini mushrooms, soft-shell crabs, spinach from the garden, and lemon tarts with fraises des bois for dessert.
You can't find a hermit to teach you herming, because of course that rather spoils the whole thing.
I tend to be a bit of a hermit. A bit monkish. I like to tune out the context.
In my dorm room, I was a hermit making music, I've always had a sense of urgency that I don't have forever to make this happen.
In sci-fi convention, life-forms that hadn't developed space travel were mere prehistory -- horse-shoe crabs of the cosmic scene -- and something of the humiliation of being stuck on a provincial planet in a galactic backwater has stayed with me ever since.
I have quit chewing tobacco and don't touch any lager beer, and I don't speak to the girls at all. I am getting to be a perfect hermit; my fiddle, my dog, and my gun I almost worship.
I grew up in the Southwest of the U.K., on the coast in Cornwall. I used to keep a marine fish tank outside the house, where we would go down to the tide pools and catch fish and crabs. I think I caught a cuttlefish once.
There's room for everybody. It's like crabs in the bucket - no pun intended, shout-out to k-os - but there's a lot of room for different types of Canadian music, cadences and influences.
There is nothing stronger than human prejudice. A crazy sentimentalism, like that of Peter the Hermit, hurled half of Europe upon Asia, and changed the destinies of kingdoms.
I kind of live a private life. I am out a lot, I have amazing friends and see a lot, so it's not like I'm a hermit. But I just know what I do for a living and that there are certain sensitivities.
Anyone who's onstage is going to attract a certain number of misguided people. But I was never very interested in groupies. Instead of thinking about the sex, I'd always think about the clap and the crabs those people have.
Turn, gentle Hermit of the Dale, And guide my lonely way To where yon taper cheers the vale With hospitable ray. — © Oliver Goldsmith
Turn, gentle Hermit of the Dale, And guide my lonely way To where yon taper cheers the vale With hospitable ray.
If a hermit lives in a state of ecstasy, his lack of comfort becomes the height of comfort. He must relinquish it.
You know that book 'Quiet: the Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking', by Susan Cain? That's like my manifesto. The older I get, the more I think I could be a hermit.
The trouble with glossy magazines is that they tend to be stuffed with articles about handbag designers - the sort of women who, with their perfectly styled lives, immaculate houses, and adoring partners, make you want to become a hermit.
I, who so love a hermit life for a good part of the day, find myself living in public, and almost losing my identity.
I need solitude for my writing; not 'like a hermit' - that wouldn't be enough - but like a dead man.
He needed his solitude at times, but he wasn't a hermit. He did a lot of socializing. Sometimes I think it was like he was storing up company for the times when he knew nobody would be around.
It may not be irrelevant to note that even very modest forms of life, like earthworms, dung beetles and fiddler crabs, have no trouble identifying the real problems they must deal with if they are to survive.
I'm kind of a hermit. it's almost easier for me to write about connection than to actually connect.
When I was a kid, we'd go crabbing, as a lot of folks do on the East Coast, and we'd catch some fresh crabs and take it home, and Mom would turn it into this unbelievable crab gravy - or, as they say, sauce.
I am such a notorious hermit - almost pathological. And, I'm not a hoarder. But that's just a symptom of things that I do feel.
A hermit is one who renounces the world of fragments that he may enjoy the world wholly and without interruption.
It's lucky that my life outside of work is so mellow; I'm really a homebody and a hermit, so I don't have to worry about blowing my voice out.
How could I fail to be a lone wolf, and an uncouth hermit, as I did not share one of its aims nor understand one of its pleasures?
I had taken a partner once before—but, damnation, no matter how many times you get your fingers burned, you have to trust people. Otherwise you are a hermit in a cave, sleeping with one eye open.
I have manic energy. What can be done about it? I don't know what to say sometimes. I'm professional in public, but I like to stay inside and be a hermit.
Mankind have such a deep stake in inward illumination, that there is much to be said by the hermit or monk in defence of his life of thought and prayer.
It doesn't seem too unusual to have a live hermit crab here in Atlantic City, but when you think I brought it all the way from Texas, it's unusual.
You are very fortunate to be assigned to duty at Fortress Monroe on Chesapeake Bay; it is just the season for soft shelled crabs, and hog fish have just come in, and they are the most delicious panfish you ever ate.
I become a hermit when I am in Los Angeles and I don't leave my apartment at all from Monday through Thursday unless I have to and I don't get much sleep.
I don't know what impression you might have of the way I live. I live in a quiet place. I do not live as a hermit, though other people would prefer it if I did.
Please don't make me sound like a crazy hermit, but I don't like crowds or noise.
The only way to avoid all frightening choices is to leave society and become a hermit, and that is a frightening choice. — © Richard Bach
The only way to avoid all frightening choices is to leave society and become a hermit, and that is a frightening choice.
Policeman: "A hermit eh? Then why's your table set for four?" Groucho: "That's nothing. My alarm clock is set for eight.
I'm like a hermit. Once I'm home, I'm home and when I ride in the car, I don't really listen to the radio as much.
I think everybody's political. The act of being alive is political. Unless you choose to be a hermit, you're automatically political because you're part of a community.
I once asked a hermit in Italy how he could venture to live alone, in a single cottage, on the top of a mountain, a mile from any habitation? He replied, that Providence was his next-door neighbor.
The second-most abundant biopolymer on the planet is called chitin, and some 100 million tons of it are produced every year by organisms such as shrimps, crabs, scorpions, and butterflies. We thought if we could tune its properties, we could generate structures that are multifunctional out of a single part.
I love stone crabs. And I love popcorn.
You can keep a bunch of crabs in a shallow container, and none of them will escape. Because as soon as one of 'em tries to climb out, the others pull him back in." -Hardy
Cancer and its aftermath changed my outlook in a profound way. I've become less of a hermit, and I travel more.
There are no small number of people in this world who, solitary by nature, always try to go back into their shell like a hermit crab or a snail.
A hermit who has been shut up in his cell in a college has contracted a sort of mould and rust upon his soul.
The object in America is to avoid contact, to treat all as foes unless they're known to be friends. Here you have a million crabs living in a million crevices. ... But the garden's greatest benefit, I feel, as not relief to the eyes, but to make the eyes sees our neighbors.
Today the artist has inherited the combined functions of hermit, pilgrim, prophet, priest, shaman, sorcerer, soothsayer, alchemist.
I'm comfortably asocial - a hermit in the middle of a large city, a pessimist if I'm not careful, a feminist, a black, a former Baptist, an oil-and-water combination of ambition, laziness, insecurity, certainty and drive.
The simplest way to prepare Dungeness crabs is to boil them in the shell and set them in front of your guests with crab crackers or crab hammers, cocktail forks, and plenty of napkins.
Since someone ate crabs, others must have eaten spiders as well. However, they were not tasty. So afterwards, people stopped eating them. These people also deserve our heartfelt gratitude.
I was like a hermit; I didn't really have a lot of homies I would kick it with. I was in high school, I was failing all my classes, and I wanted to make music. — © Cuco
I was like a hermit; I didn't really have a lot of homies I would kick it with. I was in high school, I was failing all my classes, and I wanted to make music.
I don't write poetry for the page because my inclination in that area is satisfied by songwriting. "Ornamental Hermit" was a comparatively effortless song to write, which is rare for me.
The mind can weave itself warmly in the cocoon of its own thoughts, and dwell a hermit anywhere.
I'm kind of a hermit. Left to my own devices, I won't submerge myself in anything further afield than the driveway.
I tend to stay in one place and become a hermit and not leave. Work, work, work, and collect things, create and curate a space.
People are fond of that 'crabs in a barrel' mentality, and I'm like, 'No, there needs to be more so we can create more barrels; there doesn't need to be one barrel.'
I don't think there was ever a dish that changed my life. I certainly remember a constant series of things that I had for the first time and thought, 'Where has this been all my life?' One was brie. I mean, oh my God! One was my first soft-shell crabs.
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