Top 268 Heterosexual Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Heterosexual quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Well, for me as a heterosexual man, the woman is still the mystery of life.
I wish you would notice that you are heterosexual.
I don't think that gay and lesbian relationships are identical to heterosexual relationships. I do think that heterosexual weddings, or at least most of them, are sort of camp pantomimes about male and female sex roles, even if the couple is marrying as individuals and equals.
A gay man has no business leading on a heterosexual woman. — © Lorna Luft
A gay man has no business leading on a heterosexual woman.
I didn't know if I was heterosexual or homosexual.
If some heterosexual wants to be gay, so what? Let him go. It's less competition for the heterosexual single guys.
Every generation is born into, for the most part, a heterosexual family.
Another argument, vaguer and even less persuasive, is that gay marriage somehow does harm to heterosexual marriage. I have yet to meet anyone who can explain to me what this means. In what way would allowing same-sex partners to marry diminish the marriages of heterosexual couples?
The white Christian heterosexual married male is the epitome of everything right with America!
Oh, you mean I'm a homosexual! Of course I am, and heterosexual too, but what's that got to do with my headache?
Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies.
I have decided to give up heterosexuality. I have decided that, while the project of altering the balance of power within heterosexual relationships is still a valid one, it is no longer one I can espouse--so to speak. There is no revolutionary hope for the heterosexual, and I have therefore decided to love myself and become a lesbian.
Being in a heterosexual relationship for a woman is always implicitly a little bit humiliating.
Heterosexual love,. is in sync with cosmic forces. Not everyone has the stomach for daily war with nature. — © Camille Paglia
Heterosexual love,. is in sync with cosmic forces. Not everyone has the stomach for daily war with nature.
Once you're heterosexual and comfortable with that, you don't need to take out an announcement every day.
Russian law on banning nontraditional relationships basically says you cannot have any portrayal, neutral or positive, of homosexual relationships or nontraditional families, period. And you also cannot have negative portrayals of heterosexual relationships. So along the way, the law completely quashes any kind of public discussion on domestic violence. No discussion of relationships at all, unless you want to showcase a heterosexual love story, that preferably involves reproduction.
Male supremacy is centered on the act of sexual intercourse, justified by heterosexual practice.
Women hold the power because we have the vaginas. If you're in a heterosexual relationship and you're a female, you win.
All the songs on Yankee Hotel Foxtrot are the encapsulation of heterosexual love. I have different records for gay sex.
The word heterosexual is an adjective, the word homosexual is an adjective. They describe an activity. Of course there's a homosexual activity; of course there's a heterosexual activity. But there's no homosexual person. There's no heterosexual person. Everybody is everything.
I'm a heterosexual. I don't know why I'm like this. I was just born this way.
Wearing a dress shows I can be as feminine as I want. I'm a heterosexual...big deal, but if I was a homosexual, it wouldn't matter, either.
I would like you to rise each morning and know that you are heterosexual and that you choose to be heterosexual - that you are and choose to be a member of a privileged and dominant class, one of your privileges being not to notice.
There is so much frustration in the heterosexual male community manifesting in different ways, whether it be aggression or sexism or racism. I'm not saying all heterosexual men are that way, but you do see a lot of it.
Why can't a heterosexual guy tell a heterosexual guy / That he thinks his booty is fly?
I believe that all of us are born heterosexual, physically created with a plumbing that's heterosexual, and created with the instincts and desires that are basically, fundamentally, heterosexual.
There is no such thing as a heterosexual male, only men who haven't met Oscar Wilde yet.
For other people who are involved in unrepentant sin whether it's the sin of homosexual sexual expression or gluttony or pride or heterosexual sexual expression outside of a monogamous heterosexual marriage or any other thing - are those people in danger of losing their salvation over those issues? Would Rob Gagnon and other people make as big a deal about that as they are with this? I don't think so.
Our national media refuses to report that even the Supreme Court did not say marriage was a human right in all cases nor did it say that the heterosexual definition violated anyone's right or that the heterosexual definition of marriage was unconstitutional.
As I grew older - and even when I was younger - it had puzzled me why I continued and continue to be heterosexual.
The only gay people who remain in the closet are those who choose to, who don't want to publicly declare their sexuality, which is true of heterosexual people as well. I don't walk around with a button or a T-shirt that says "I am a heterosexual." I don't think sexuality defines a person. It's one small part of who you are, in my view. You are many things, and I never felt that people were defined by their sexuality solely. Although God knows, as a minority, gay people have taken serious lumps for their sexual preferences. As has every minority.
Heterosexual marriage is the heart of our civilization.
I don't want to be labeled as either a pansy or a heterosexual. Labeling is so self-limiting. We are what we do - not what we say we are.
I'm not always in that good with middle-aged heterosexual men.
People are not heterosexual or homosexual, just sexual.
Romance is a universally unspoken language understood by all living organism on this planet except heterosexual men.
I might be responsible for as many gay marriages as I am for heterosexual divorces.
Science is something that you have facts. They can be tested. They can be checked. Heterosexual AIDS, another one.
I decided to be heterosexual because I felt like that's the life God intended me to live. — © La'Porsha Renae
I decided to be heterosexual because I felt like that's the life God intended me to live.
I am a heterosexual who is completely cool with folks who aren't, and I hail from Plum Borough, Pa.
Few gynecologists recommend to their heterosexual patients the most foolpoof of solutions, namely, misterectomy.
If Michaelangelo were a heterosexual, the Sistine Chapel would have been painted basic white and with a roller.
And if the professional rapist is to be separated from the average dominant heterosexual (male), it may be mainly a quantitative difference.
There is no such thing as a homosexual or a heterosexual person. There are only homo- or heterosexual acts. Most people are a mixture of impulses if not practices.
And then there are encouragements to use heterosexual pornography or heterosexual images to encourage heterosexual attraction. I find it a golden idol, honestly, where we have been hypocritical to ask people to resolve this issue in a way that we haven't encouraged other people with other struggles to resolve. I'm looking at offering biblical holiness, not an unrealistic expectation for people that will leave them disappointed.
In heterosexual love there's no solution. Man and woman are irreconcilable, and it's the doomed attempt to do the impossible, repeated in each new affair, that lends heterosexual love its grandeur.
There is probably no heterosexual alive who is not preoccupied with his latent homosexuality.
I'm really not an avowed heterosexual. I'm no more proud of it than of being white or tall.
I'm about as privileged as you can get. I'm a white, male, heterosexual front man of a rock band. — © Dan Reynolds
I'm about as privileged as you can get. I'm a white, male, heterosexual front man of a rock band.
Contrary to popular belief, a good number of transvestites-both male and female-are also heterosexual. Just because they want to get dressed up like the opposite sex does not necessarily mean they want to go to bed with the same sex. Some have successful heterosexual marriages & enjoy the most delightful shopping experiences.
Remember, the serpent is still living in the Garden of Eden. Only the heterosexual couple was expelled.
Monogamous heterosexual love is probably one of the most difficult, complex and demanding of human relationships.
The world's most effeminate heterosexual, Daniel Johns
The world of the heterosexual is a sick and boring life.
I'm very heterosexual, so dating women is something I'm not ashamed of. But my love life is not as exciting as it is reported to be.
I was born of heterosexual parents. I was taught by heterosexual teachers in a fiercely heterosexual society. Television ads and newspaper ads — fiercely heterosexual. A society that puts down homosexuality. And why am I a homosexual if I'm affected by role models? I should have been a heterosexual. And no offense meant, but if teachers are going to affect you as role models, there'd be a lot of nuns running around the streets today.
Frankly, [the definition of woman] is a problem that the lesbians do not have because of a change of perspective. 'Woman' has meaning only in heterosexual systems of thought and heterosexual, economic systems. Lesbians are not women.
Now that the Sanctity and Holiness of heterosexual marriage has been destroyed, are they going to cancel The Bachelor?
I am the heterosexual Truman Capote.
I think most men, heterosexual and homosexual, enjoy being considered sexual objects.
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