Top 180 Hispanics Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Hispanics quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
You've got to do the same sort of outreach to Hispanics that you do to any other group. They want to see their congressman.
We want to be more relevant to the fastest-growing segment of the population - Hispanics.
After 2012, all of the Washington political consultants and all the mainstream media came to Republicans and said, 'You've got to do better with Hispanics, and the way to do better with Hispanics is to embrace amnesty.' And, look, a lot of Republicans in Washington were scared.
The party of Lincoln should be reaching out to blacks, Hispanics gays and so forth and so on. — © Michael Huffington
The party of Lincoln should be reaching out to blacks, Hispanics gays and so forth and so on.
A huge constituency, such as Hispanics, is not 100 percent Democratic.
To date, nearly 100,000 Hispanics have died with AIDS. Since Hispanics are the fastest growing minority group in the United States, our challenge is even greater.
Moreover, Hispanics' sympathy for big government represents a cultural predilection as well as an economic one.
Hispanics don't want more programs to make them comfortable in their poverty. What Hispanics really want is more opportunity: the freedom to work, leave poverty behind, and rise into the ranks of the middle class and beyond.
If Mitt Romney had got the percentage Ronald Reagan did of Hispanics, he would have defeated Barack Obama.
Mandatory minimum sentencing has disproportionately affected blacks, Hispanics and others who often don't have the financial means to fight back.
Cinco de Mayo has come to represent a celebration of the contributions that Mexican Americans and all Hispanics have made to America.
I actually support President Obama's initiatives on early childhood. He has appointed me as a commissioner to consult his administration on educational excellence for Hispanics in the U.S. We try to find ways to improve the education system for Hispanics in America, to achieve excellence.
Voter ID laws have a disproportionate impact on groups that lean democratic - including blacks, hispanics and students.
A brand new Telemundo poll says that three out of four Hispanics that vote nationwide have a negative opinion of Doanald Trump. They don't like you. — © Ted Cruz
A brand new Telemundo poll says that three out of four Hispanics that vote nationwide have a negative opinion of Doanald Trump. They don't like you.
One thing we forget about Hispanics is that they're family-unit-oriented as a culture. So it's not all wild Mexican gangs out there, as is rumored.
President Obama is committed to Hispanics and migrants.
Hispanics' welfare consumption - and their affinity for the Democratic message - will decline over time as they climb the economic ladder.
With unemployment still abysmally high, the Obama economy is crushing Hispanics' dreams for their children to live a better life.
I'd say it's even harder to cater to Hispanics than to the lesbian or gay community. We're so culturally separated: Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Mexicans, Venezuelans. We're all so different.
The Hispanic population grew by 4.7 percent last year, while blacks expanded by 1.5 percent and whites by a paltry 0.3 percent. Hispanics cast 6 percent of the vote in 1990 and 12 percent in 2000. If their numbers expand at the current pace, they will be up to 18 percent in 2010 and 24 percent in 2020. With one-third of Hispanics voting Republican, they are the jump ball in American politics. As this vote goes, so goes the future.
The policies on the Republican side have been much better for Hispanics, for minorities, but the rhetoric, unfortunately, has not.
People would write me hate letters. How dare I try to represent Hispanics when I was so white? I tried to make them see it was racism.
It is a lie that to talk to Hispanics you have to talk about amnesty. Let me tell you, the only Hispanics that are in favor of amnesty are the illegals.
It is wrong to believe that Hispanics are Democrats. Hispanics are traditionally and historically conservative, not just socially conservative, but fiscally conservative.
As a matter of fact, if we could communicate the truth, not only to the Hispanics but to the black population, all blacks should be Republican, and all Hispanics should be Republican.
It is to the advantage of Hispanics not to be taken for granted by one party and ignored by the other. Hispanics will realize their political power only if courted and engaged by both sides.
Do you know the rate of military enlistment among Hispanics is higher than any demographic in this country?
We need a leader who can lower taxes, protect small businesses, and increase job creation nationwide. I have no doubt that John McCain appreciates the important role Hispanics play not only in the economy, but in our nation's culture as well -- he has a track record with Hispanics for more than 20 years as a senator from Arizona. The American people need a strong leader who has the experience and the judgment to be the next President of the United States, and that man is John McCain.
I have great relationships with the Mexican people. You've been seeing I'm winning every single poll in these primaries when they go out, when the polls come back in with the Hispanics. I have thousands of Hispanics that work for me and over the years tens of thousands that have worked for me over the years. I will tell you that the problem our country has is that our leaders are so weak - we have so many ways of getting the money to build the wall.
Hispanics speak Spanish or Portuguese, which are languages we Americans are familiar with, so it doesn't seem to pose the same types of problems as Arabic-speaking Muslims do in Europe.
I live in Arizona, and I don't like the way they treat Hispanics there.
Now, every organization has to have a translator for the Hispanics on the teams, and that helps a lot.
Conservatives need to demonstrate in word and deed that we genuinely care about Hispanics and want them to join us.
Hispanics work hard and are willing to make tremendous sacrifices for the next generation.
Hispanics have been among the biggest beneficiaries of the Affordable Care Act.
The immigration issue is a gateway issue for Hispanics, no doubt about it.
The senators know it's important to win statewide to have Hispanics and other immigrant populations supporting them.
Hispanics still have the highest rate amongst teens with babies so at least the future housekeeping is secure.
Reaching out to Hispanics is critical to our future. The fastest-growing, and most conservative, segment of the population are natural Republicans. — © Ken Mehlman
Reaching out to Hispanics is critical to our future. The fastest-growing, and most conservative, segment of the population are natural Republicans.
Hispanics who get on government programs are doing only a little better than they were in the old country.
We must have sweeping, generous immigration reform, make existing law- abiding Hispanics welcome. Most are hard working family people.
A recent poll shows that a majority of blacks, whites, Asians and Hispanics do not think the Census should be classifying people as black, white, Asian and Hispanic.
Liberal elites and Democratic Party elders want all Hispanics to fall into a monolithic liberal agenda.
Black people love Hispanics; Hispanics love blacks. We grew up with each other. We share a lot of the same stuff.
The national polls are distorted. To get a national sample, they rely too much on Hispanics from New York and California, which is where large populations are but also where most of the radical Hispanics are.
Without hesitation, each time, my answer was our standing with Hispanics and Latinos. We must do a better job of reaching out to these communities and demonstrate to them that our party is aligned with the aspirations Hispanics have for their families and for America.
I'm proud of my background, so I hope there will be more roles where Hispanics are being portrayed
Hispanics' support for the Democratic economic agenda, both in California and nationally, stems in part from their receipt of government assistance.
Most Hispanics are concerned with the same issues other Americans are - the economy, jobs, education. Similar to Main Street America. — © Henry Bonilla
Most Hispanics are concerned with the same issues other Americans are - the economy, jobs, education. Similar to Main Street America.
People often talk about Hispanics. You know, I have more Hispanics come up to me telling me, 'Listen, I can't wait for your father to be president. He's gonna bring jobs back to the United States. He's gonna end the nonsense. He's gonna create good trade deals. He's gonna create better education. He's gonna create a better family structure.'
We have a situation where we have our inner cities, African- Americans, Hispanics are living in he'll because it's so dangerous. You walk down the street, you get shot.
I've seen very few Hispanics and blacks who have been able to work their way into the advertising end of business.
I'm proud of my background, so I hope there will be more roles where Hispanics are being portrayed.
I was speaking on the radio in South Texas [in 2016], and I was speaking to Hispanics, and I said 'You know, you probably vote Democrat because your parents always voted Democrat, and your grandparents always voted Democrat, but let me tell you something. Thirty years ago in Texas, there were two parties - liberal Democrats and conservative Democrats. Looking at your principles, your values as Hispanics, in all probability your parents were conservative Democrats. The conservative Democrats of 30 years ago are Republicans today!'
Univision's close-to-50-year relationship with Hispanics makes us one of the leading media brands in this country and the gateway to connect with this consumer.
Second-generation Hispanics marry non-Hispanics at a higher rate than second-generation Irish or Italians. Second-generation Hispanics' English language capability rates are higher than previous immigrant groups'.
I've always believed that immigration reform is important, but it won't decide the White House in 2016. The most important issue for Hispanics - just like with all Americans - is the economy. If Republicans can do a better job of articulating positive, conservative policies to grow our economy, we will do better with Hispanics.
In America they like my spicy TV alter ego, probably because there were a lot of Italians and Hispanics in the country, but the real L.A. life is a hard-working one.
Hispanics are hard working, and that's something I'm very passionate about.
In the Bronx, you have the southern Italians; in Queens, the Greeks, Koreans and Chinese; in Brooklyn, the Jewish community; and in Harlem, the Hispanics - all with their own markets.
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