Top 1200 Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
I didn’t write 'Guardians of the Galaxy.' I’m not even sure who they all are. I can’t wait to see the movie.
Guide the people by law, subdue them by punishment; they may shun crime, but will be void of shame. Guide them by example, subdue them by courtesy; they will learn shame, and come to be good.
How can you look at the galaxy and not feel insignificant? — © Ridley Scott
How can you look at the galaxy and not feel insignificant?
Everything dies, from the smallest blade of grass to the biggest galaxy.
We are all stars in this galaxy. All of us. No one's greater than the other.
The one I spend the most amount of time in is a Ford Galaxy, which my tour manager drives me around in and which I drive at the weekends. What I love about the Galaxy is the amount of space I get. I can get so much done in the back of it while we're on the road, it's like my mobile office! I've also got a Ford B-Max, which I'm a total evangelist about. It's got rear doors that slide. Now, I can't park, so those are the best things ever. You can park right up against a tree and still get out!
However alert we are, antiquity remains an unknown, unanticipated galaxy.
I just love 'Guardians of the Galaxy,' man.
It is a truism throughout the civilized galaxy that when you go to the police, your troubles really begin.
He didn't know why he had become president of the galaxy, except that it seemed a fun thing to be.
It is always wonderful to be a curious comet wandering in the galaxy of a good book.
Some of us find our way with a single light to guide us; others lose themselves even when the star field is as sharp as a neon ceiling. Ethics may not be situational, but feelings are. We learn to adjust, and, over time, the stars we use to guide ourselves come to reside within rather than without.
It was a story called ‘The Hero’ which I sold to Galaxy magazine in 1970, for $94. — © George R. R. Martin
It was a story called ‘The Hero’ which I sold to Galaxy magazine in 1970, for $94.
Is it not careless to become too local when there are four hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone.
To believe in a universe as young as 6 or 7,000 years old is to extinguish the light from most of the galaxy.
As you'll find in 'Guardians of the Galaxy 2,' I'm not actually a space alien.
Man is beginning to explore the galaxy. But how much remains undone on earth?
The making of documentaries for 'Humanoids From The Deep,' 'Galaxy Of Terror' and 'Forbidden World' are absolutely fascinating.
I copied everything I did in Galaxy Quest from Bill Paxton in Aliens, I owe him some credit.
Lionel Messi is not human. He is from another galaxy.
The real problem is that "limited government" invariably leads to unlimited government. If history is to be any guide and current experience is to be any guide, we in the United States 200 years ago started out with the notion of limited government - virtually no government interference - and we now have a massive quasi-totalitarian government.
I've always thought that we, as human beings, would be naive and arrogant to pretend that we're the only life form in the galaxy.
Broadly speaking, it is my conclusion that a pretty good guide to most issues of natural law is to look at those areas where you find a consensus in the Judeo-Christian tradition. I think that is roughly, not unerringly, the outline of what I would call natural law.There must be some moral values underlying any civilization; that's my guide.
To write is to carve a new path through the terrain of the imagination, or to point out new features on a familiar route. To read is to travel through that terrain with the author as a guide-- a guide one might not always agree with or trust, but who can at least be counted on to take one somewhere.
'Galaxy Quest' is a fantastic film.
I'm not so arrogant to think I'm the only guide someone needs ... but I might be the guide that someone needs.
Morality must guide calculation, and calculation must guide politics.
Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, they play on a different galaxy.
The priceless galaxy of misinformation called the mind.
By having Spider-Man exist in the same universe as the Guardians of the Galaxy... C'mon, that opens up so many possibilities!
Do your duty as an American, and as a citizen of the galaxy... Vote!
In Islam, we believe that it is God himself who is the ultimate guide - Al Hadi - one of the names of God is Al Hadi, the Guide. But at the same time, God has provided within the Islamic revelation the possibility of spiritual guidance through human beings, because then everyone can have direct access to God.
Earth is the crossroads of every possible alien. We're the McDonald's next to the highway of the galaxy.
In fact UN is more of a galaxy of organisations and agencies than one machine.
Does the moon play only silver when it strums the galaxy?
This film [ Blue is the Warmest Color] actually is the result of me talking with my producer Vincent [Maraval]. I gave him a bunch of ideas and then Vincent helped guide me and develop this particular film. I enjoy that rapport to have somebody else help guide me in my choices for the next film. The poetic way of looking at it is which project is going to choose me as a director.
The very concept of solid ground is a myth. The galaxy itself is adrift.
The conclusion is inescapable that non-luminous matter exists beyond the optical galaxy. — © Vera Rubin
The conclusion is inescapable that non-luminous matter exists beyond the optical galaxy.
God is not worn out running the galaxy. He’s not taxed at all guiding every dust particle all the time.
Carry on, then, if only for the moment that it takes a tiny galaxy to blink!
It should not surprise us that there must be other civilizations in our galaxy and throughout the entire universe.
Since the Renaissance, people have had to get used to living their life on a random planet in the vast galaxy.
If my life is motivated by my ambition to leave a legacy, what I'll probably leave as a legacy is ambition. But if my life is motivated by the power of the Spirit in me, if I live with the awareness of the indwelling Christ, if I allow His presence to guide my actions, to guide my motives, those sort of things. That's the only time I think we really leave a great legacy.
You see, to find the brightest wisdom one must pass through the darkest zones. And through the darkest zones there can be no guide. No guide, that is, but courage
Whoever wants to approach prayer without a guide, and proudly thinks that he can learn from books, and won't go to an elder, is already halfway into delusion. But the Lord helps the humble, and if there is no experienced guide, and he goes to a confessor, whoever he may be, then the Lord will cover him because of his humility.
No matter what your political persuasion, you can find a guide that makes it quick, easy and painless to exercise your right to vote. Wanna know what a certain proposition put forth by a cadre of undisclosed billionaires which cuts funding for public education, arts and infrastructure means? Use the voting guide!
The human race may be the only intelligent beings in the galaxy.
You see people literally in a different galaxy who are paying extraordinarily low rates of tax. — © Nick Clegg
You see people literally in a different galaxy who are paying extraordinarily low rates of tax.
Man is able to do what he is unable to imagine. His head trails a wake through the galaxy of the absurd.
David Beckham is not bigger than the Galaxy.
We seem to be young, in a very old Galaxy. We're like kids tiptoeing through a ruined mansion.
For many years I have been a night watchman of the Milky Way galaxy.
I had always seen myself as a star; I wanted to be a galaxy.
There are as many atoms in one molecule of DNA as there are stars in a typical galaxy.
The human brain is the most complex mass of protoplasm on earth-perhaps even in our galaxy.
What I envy most about you and everyone else heading back to school is the certainty of it all. You’ve got a prescribed set of requirements to guide you through the next few years. Focus your energy on the completion of those assignments and you’ll succeed. Guaranteed. Where’s my syllabus to guide me through life?
Arcturus is the highest civilization in our galaxy.
I get atomic, hypo-galactical... Word to mom, I'm in my own world. Galaxy rays? Powerful.
My Destroyed Universe is very similar to that of the 'Guardians of the Galaxy.'
When you look at the stars and the galaxy, you feel that you are not just from any particular piece of land, but from the solar system.
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