Top 1200 Holding Hands Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Holding Hands quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
When you hold a graphic novel in your hands, you're holding artist blood made ink.
And togheter, holding hands, he and Annabeth fell into the endless darkness
It's clearly the case that there's not some moment in American history when every evangelical is holding hands with every Catholic who is holding hands with every mainline Methodist, or what have you. Obviously, American Christianity was deeply divided in all kinds of ways at mid-century too. But there was a kind of convergence going on. Even though Reinhold Niebuhr, the great mainline Protestant theologian, didn't think highly of Billy Graham, he and Graham still, clearly, had more in common, both theologically and in their attitudes toward religion in public life.
I didn't do the marching down the streets, jumping in front of the lines and holding hands... that wasn't me. — © Solomon Burke
I didn't do the marching down the streets, jumping in front of the lines and holding hands... that wasn't me.
Eric was holding my hands, and I was digging my nails into him like we were doing something else. He won't mind, I though, as I realized I'd drawn blood. And sure enough, he didn't. "Let go," he advised me, and I loosened my grip on his hands. "No, not of me," he said smiling. "You can hold on to me as long as you want.
Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?
They should have come out of the dugout on tippy-toes, holding hands and singing.
Real disciples absorb the fiery darts of the adversary by holding aloft the quenching shield of faith with one hand, while holding to the iron rod with the other (see Eph. 6:16; 1 Ne. 15:24; D&C 27:17). There should be no mistaking; it will take both hands!
When you're 17 in the suburbs and know only three gay people, holding hands with your girlfriend is a proclamation.
I ain't never been the type of person out at the movies and holding hands and riding around listening to R. Kelly.
How Do you spell relax?" I whispered, holding his head with my hands. I think the answer is f-u-c-k-m-e." He answered.
We walked back to iDEATH, holding hands. Hands are very nice things, especially after they have travelled back from making love.
Holding Eleanor's hand was like holding a butterfly. Or a heartbeat. Like holding something complete, and completely alive.
If you don't come walking back to the pits every once in a while holding a steering wheel in your hands, you're not trying hard enough — © Mario Andretti
If you don't come walking back to the pits every once in a while holding a steering wheel in your hands, you're not trying hard enough
When I write now, I pretend I'm holding hands with the old me. I try to make sense of all those questions for her.
When I create art, it's like holding hands with God.
The problem with holding a grudge is that your hands are then too full to hold onto anything else.
The custom of clasping hands is thought to date back thousands of years, as proof of not holding any weapons.
Honest to goodness, Brian Campbell, he was holding the Cup, and there was no one around for a minute. He says, 'Hold this for a second.' So he hands it to me - one of the best moments of my life.
I don't know whether the bird you are holding is dead or alive, but what I do know is that it is in your hands. It is in your hands.
When I see gay people holding hands or kissing in the streets, I just don't think that's right.
Holding hands at midnight 'Neath a starry sky... Nice work if you can get it And you can get it -- if you try.
But it is just two lovers, holding hands and in a hurry to reach their car, their locked hands a starfish leaping through the dark.
Opera once was an important social instrument - especially in Italy. With Rossini and Verdi, people were listening to opera together and having the same catharsis with the same story, the same moral dilemmas. They were holding hands in the darkness. That has gone. Now perhaps they are holding hands watching television.
Steadfastness, that is holding on; patience, that is holding back; expectancy, that is holding the face up; obedience, that is holding one's self in readiness to go or do; listening, that is holding quiet and still so as to hear.
True love doesn't consist of holding hands, it consists of holding hearts.
I'm not in the business of holding people's hands after I've expressed to them my needs numerous times.
..and me holding this moment that was as fragile as a bird in my hands
If you are holding hands with others, you can't hold a gun!
The Internet offers the ability for people to consume poison and radicalize entirely in private, either through a device they're holding in their hands or inside their house.
They haven't made love for years but sleep holding hands
To be a good personal manager, you have to be on the case, holding pop stars' hands.
No publication is a staple of life. It's not bread and water. You have to make it noteworthy in people's minds and even in their hands as they're holding it.
Change is not in the hands of government, not in the hands of a leader or guru, and not in the hands of the powerful or wealthy. It is in our hands: the hands of each and every one of us.
Trails need to be wider so people can walk while holding hands.
West Hollywood blew my mind: gay men walking down the street, kissing and holding hands. I'd never imagined there was a place like that.
Holding hands, for example, is a way to remember how it feels to say nothing together.
You will be safe in His arms 'cause the hands that hold the world are holding your heart.
The lovers, appearing happy, walk, holding hands. Though it appears everything is perfect, only they know the truth. — © Ayumi Hamasaki
The lovers, appearing happy, walk, holding hands. Though it appears everything is perfect, only they know the truth.
I was holding my mum's hands and praying. Will people accept me with my pimples and hoarse voice?
You are holding in your hands not only a book of readings and instruction for the journey, but one monastic's heart of love held out to a searching world.
I used to be very hands-on, but lately I've been more hands-off and I plan to become more hands-on and less hands-off and hope that hands-on will become better than hands-off, the way hands-on used to be.
She was terrific to hold hands with. Most girls if you hold hands with them, their goddam hand dies on you, or else they think they have to keep moving their hand all the time, as if they were afraid they'd bore you or something. Jane was different. We'd get into a goddam movie or something, and right away we'd start holding hands, and we wouldn't quit till the movie was over. And without changing the position or making a big deal out of it. You never even worried, with Jane, whether your hand was sweaty or not. All you knew was, you were happy. You really were.
How sad now never to see men holding hands, while everywhere one looks they are holding guns.
I looked at other couples and wondered how they could be so calm about it. They held hands as if they weren't even holding hands. When Steve and I held hands, I had to keep looking down to marvel at it. There was my hand, the same hand I've always had - oh, but look! What is it holding? It's holding Steve's hand! Who is Steve? My three-dimensional boyfriend. Each day I wondered what would happen next. What happens when you stop wanting, when you are happy. I supposed I would go on being happy forever. I knew I would not mess things up by growing bored. I had done that once before.
I hear footsteps and Four's hands wrap around my wrists. I let him pry my hands from my eyes. He encloses one of my hands perfectly between two of his. The warmth of his skin overwhelms the ache in my fingers from holding the bars. "You all right?" he asks, pressing our hands together. "Yeah." He starts to laugh.
If my hands are fully occupied in holding on to something, I can neither give nor receive.
Hell would freeze over before I saw my parents happily holding hands and ice skating.
Something that I saw in Sochi that I didn't get the opportunity to have in Vancouver was the team holding hands with arms in the air and medals around their neck. — © Mirai Nagasu
Something that I saw in Sochi that I didn't get the opportunity to have in Vancouver was the team holding hands with arms in the air and medals around their neck.
A young man in Bangladesh can't even hold hands with a young woman. Without marriage there is no kissing, no holding hands, no going anywhere. So young boys can only go to the brothels for sex before marriage.
And it was this image that was stamped on the hearts and minds of all who were present that day. Of Froi of the Exiles holding the future of Lumatere in his hands.
If they cut off both hands, I will compose music anyway holding the pen in my teeth.
You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty.
Every day is beautiful when you're holding hands with your best friend.
The family of Keith Scott viewed the police video and it`s worth repeating that afterward the family made a statement through their lawyers which reads in part, "It is impossible to discern from the videos what, if anything, Mr. Scott is holding in his hands. When he was shot and killed, Mr. Scott`s hands were by his side and he was slowly walking backwards."
When the ball dropped in 1999, I was holding dough and champagne in my hands and holding my kids.
There are times when friendship feels like running down a hill together as fast as you can, jumping over things, spinning around, and you don't care where you're going, and you don't care where you've come from, because all that matters is speed, and the hands holding your hands.
How often one sees people looking far and wide for what they are holding in their hands? Why! I am doing it myself at this very moment.
Like my mother said, you can't go back to holding hands
Manicures: Which are basically just holding hands with a stranger for forty-five minutes whilst listening to Enya.
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