Top 1200 Holiday Card Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Holiday Card quotes.
Last updated on October 15, 2024.
I just released an op-ed in the "Washington Post" that talks about providing an I.D. so that everyone can have an I.D., primarily, the social security card, a picture would be put on that card, and a president can certainly by executive order make this happen so that people will not need a special I.D. They`ll have one to vote.
I don't use a debit card. The safest thing is a credit card because you're using the bank's money. If someone accesses your information, they are stealing the bank's money, not yours.
When you're sick, you present your medicare card, not your credit card. — © Jack Layton
When you're sick, you present your medicare card, not your credit card.
I got a business card because I wanna win some lunches. That's what my business card says: Mitch Hedberg, Potential Lunch Winner. Gimme a call, maybe we'll have lunch. If I'm lucky!
Overspending is as certain a part of the holiday season as overeating. But pushing away from both the table and the cash register at least a little bit sooner can make the post-holiday hangover hurt a little bit less.
A shop bought card saying Get Well Soon. Didn't seem to fit the bill. This hand made card hopes that pretty soon... ...You'll be galloping up that hill.
Credit card companies and banks usually aren't shy when they're trying to sell you something. Heck, Wells Fargo didn't even bother to ask consumers before signing them up for as many as two million checking and credit card accounts.
I think a book is your calling card, your business card.
I am the heavyweight champion of the world, and the greatest heavyweight you have seen for a long while. With Tyson on the card, it is definitely an added bonus because Lewis-Tyson on the same card would be a great doubleheader. This is what the fans want to see.
You can be poor, middle class, or rich - it doesn't matter. The black card will still confer upon you an entire history of oppression, even if you've never been oppressed. Flash the black card, and most white people will cower.
I have my way of dealing with lows in my career: I just go on a holiday. Coping with a failure of a film is like coping with a break-up. It's sad and heart-breaking, and it's not like I got over it right after my holiday; it took me some time.
Holiday? Is like, what? I'm a hyperactive girl, so it may be boring for me to be on the beach doing nothing. I just need to find a place for three weeks and work but sleep in the morning, maybe write a little bit, have a glass of red wine. That's my perfect holiday.
I got my green card and everything through my work, even before marriage or anything like that, so you really have to follow the rules and do everything the right way to be able to accomplish that, so it was big... I had my green card for so long.
Forced to define 'irrational subconscious,' I would say that it is a small padded room inside all of us, where the only furnishing is a small card table, and the only thing on the card table is a revolver loaded with flexible bullets.
Once I got my card, I had a goal to make the top 64 and to try and keep my Tour card for the following year and to progress nicely. But to progress at the rate I have, and to feel as comfortable as I am starting to feel - I have to pinch myself.
I didn't want my daughter to grow up in that intense attention - wherever we went, we'd get paparazzi. There are bigger, better superstars in America, so I thought, 'I'll go there for a quick holiday, and relax.' And my holiday just turned into me loving it and wanting to stay there longer and longer.
Chicago is a big town for magicians and card hustlers. So when I was very young, a fellow sat me down and taught me the Three-Card Monte. And that kind of put me in a - pointed me towards easy money.
When you lose your Visa card, you get a new card with a new number, and any new charges with the old number are blocked. Why can't we do the same with Social Security numbers?
When you default on a secured debt, the creditor takes the asset that backs up that debt. When you convert credit card debt to mortgage debt, you are securing that credit card debt with your home. That's a risky proposition.
My favorite holiday look would be either red velvet or sequins. That's always gonna be my go-to for a holiday look! It's a classic; it always works. It goes perfect with the occasion and the weather. It's a feel.
Libraries are community treasure chests, loaded with a wealth of information available to everyone equally, and the key to that treasure chest is the library card. I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet is my library card.
When I was young, people lived paycheck to paycheck. Today, it seems like they live from credit card payment to credit card payment.
I quite often carry a little card with me and I write things on the card - things that I'm grateful for and things that I would like to positively happen around today.
The concept of doing holiday episodes is a huge part of what's fantastic about doing TV. And viewers agree; you see the numbers going up for holiday episodes.
If you pay your credit card off every month, get a rewards card. One that gives you airline miles or that will give you 1 percent cash back at least on every purchase.
For the fundamentalist who wants to believe every word of the Bible, however, life is a house of cards, with each card a tenet of faith. If you remove one card, the entire house collapses.
I carry cash around with me all the time as I like buying dancers I'm working with snacks and drinks, but I also use my Amex card and a Coutts Visa card, which I always pay off in full every month. I hate the idea of being in debt.
The criticism from the other side of [race] debate - and these are not necessarily I think defenders of [Donald] Trump, but they're certainly quick to say, you know, if you're going to live by the race card, you die by the race card.
It's a great incentive to work long hours. I limit the holiday to two weeks and then get the hell back to the office. If I had my choice I wouldn't take holidays but my wife insists on time with the kids. That's enough. Prior to getting married I never took a holiday.
I’m not playing the race card. I’m playing the rice card.
We cannot put Connecticut's future on the credit card. The state has had a problem putting costs on Connecticut's credit card that it simply can't afford to pay.
I'm always surprised that I get called to work. I always feel the way I felt when I was 24 or 25 trying to get a job. I'm amazed I have my SAG card and my Equity card.
Conversion must mean more than just being a 'card-carrying' member of the church with a tithing receipt, a membership card, a temple recommend, etc. It means to overcome the tendencies to criticize and to strive continually to improve inward weaknesses and not merely the outward appearances.
When I graduated from college in early 2010, I decided that I needed to create a calling card, some kind of business card that people can link to my name and face. So I did this 'Mad Men Theme Song...With a Twist' music video. I released it just as I moved to L.A.
The flat tax would be so simple, you could fill it out on a post card. A post card that would say, in effect, having a wonderful time; glad most of my money is here.
We should make it as easy as possible to be able to get a legal work visa - not citizenship, not a green card. Just a work visa, with a background check and a Social Security card so that applicable taxes would get paid.
One of the symptoms of approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important, and that to take a holiday would bring all kinds of disaster. If I were a medical man, I should prescribe a holiday to any patient who considered his or her work important.
I routinely get e-mails from readers who are disgusted because they feel the race card is played too much and inappropriately. (By the way, can someone put the phrase 'race card' in a cryogenic chamber and never thaw it? It demeans what is still a real struggle).
One of my officers said to me that Trinidad and Tobago is seen like an ATM card... you come in with the card and you come back out with cash. It cannot happen anymore. It just cannot happen.
I live hour by hour, day by day. I can't even plan a holiday. I go on holiday, like, the day after I book it. — © Caroline Flack
I live hour by hour, day by day. I can't even plan a holiday. I go on holiday, like, the day after I book it.
Nobody had a credit card when I was a kid. No one had credit card debt. But these big companies and banks wanted to know how to get more money out of people - get them charging things.
When I was young, people lived from paycheck to paycheck. Today, it seems like they live from credit card payment to credit card payment.
In football, you get criticised if you are sent off. It's my style of play, and nobody can make me change that. Even if I get another red card, then that happens. You become cleverer, maybe look more, and since my red card, I think things have improved.
When you are part of a cartel, you don't have a Costco card that says, 'I'm a card-carrying member of the cartel.'
In our twenties, when there is still so much time ahead of us, time that seems ample for a hundred indecisions, for a hundred visions and revisions—we draw a card, and we must decide right then and there whether to keep that card and discard the next, or discard the first card and keep the second. And before we know it, the deck has been played out and the decisions we have just made will shape our lives for decades to come.
If you need medication in our country, we want to make sure you use your health card, not your credit card. That means a national publicly delivered single payer pharmacare for all.
Part of my passion for all things Christmas is seeing my holiday stuff again every December. I suppose I do have more than most folks, so the reunion each winter keeps me in the holiday spirit for a full year. And there are always a few pieces out in my house whatever the month.
I think holiday spirit can mean many things and I think holiday spirit is just sort of your state of happiness during the holidays. You could say the same thing about spring spirit or summer spirit.
I use debit cards for everyday purchases, as I don't believe in credit cards. But this has caused problems, especially with American touring, because I refuse to have a credit card - and in America you can't pay for anything on a debit card.
Social Security Number Cards by themselves were never intended to be personal identity documents because they cannot confirm that a person presenting a card is actually the person whose name appears on the card.
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I don't have to do anything except bring wine and go to my sister's all day and go to the movies with the family. So, actually, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, but there's not much comedy material on Thanksgiving. Melatonin really isn't that funny.
Halloween is my husband's favorite holiday. That is his absolute favorite holiday. He loves Halloween. I'm not gonna say I don't like it, I just don't like being scared.
I worry that every time I lay down my credit card of choice, it says something about me. About my social standing or how I see myself. The very colour of your card is an indication of where you stand in the wealth stakes.
When I graduated from college in early 2010, I decided that I needed to create a calling card, some kind of business card that people can link to my name and face. So I did this 'Mad Men Theme Song... With a Twist' music video. I released it just as I moved to L.A.
I like it when you buy something and pay with a credit card, they put your credit card on the receipt, but only the last four numbers. Aha! I'm really good at guessing twelve numbers. I can't guess 16 numbers, so thanks for the assistance!
My music video for 'Go Fish' is really fun. Just like the card game, if you're dealt a crappy hand, play it the best you can and you can always pick another card and try again. It's my little message.
The rudest possible gift is a gift card. It means you think the person is stupid and has no interests. The only good gift card is Bitcoin. You practically have to be a hacker to know about it.
There are many ways to manipulate chip cards. For example, a number of years ago when American Express issued the first chip card, criminals would take a small hammer with a little device and bang the chip to destroy it without hurting the physical appearance of the card.
A family holiday to Jamaica in 2004 - my uncle was getting married out there, and it was the first holiday I'd had in Jamaica, which is where my father is from. My friends and I stayed in a really plush hotel, The Ritz-Carlton, so we had a great experience.
Like other undocumented people in this country, I want a green card, and I want a driver's license, and I want a passport. What, to me, is the immigration bill? It's a green card, a driver's license, and a passport. That's what it's about to me, tangibly. That I could see my mom. That I could drive. Is there anything more American than driving? That I could get a green card and be able to - right now, I'm just like freelancing and working as an independent contractor. It's hilarious. I'm unhirable.
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