Top 1200 Home Sick Quotes & Sayings - Page 8

Explore popular Home Sick quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
The traveler feels at home everywhere, because she is never at home anywhere.
You could have fooled me. Everytime I called you, Luke said you were sick. I figured you were avoiding me. Again." "I wasn't. I did want to talk to you. I've been thinking about you all the time." "I've been thinking about you, too." "I really was sick. I swear. I almost died back there on the ship, you know." "I know. Everytime you almost die, I almost die myself.
Home grown tomatoes, home grown tomatoes What would life be like without homegrown tomatoes Only two things that money can't buy That's true love and home grown tomatoes.
Nothing quite beats playing on home soil in front of a home crowd. — © Johanna Konta
Nothing quite beats playing on home soil in front of a home crowd.
Home is where the heart is, home is where the fart is. Come let us fart in the home. There is no art in a fart. Still a fart may not be artless. Let us fart and artless fart in the home.
He is inviting you - and me - to come home, to come home to where we belong, to come home to that for which we were created. His arms are stretched out wide to receive us. His heart is enlarged to take us in.
My folks still live in my childhood home, and so when I'm home with them, I usually feel the best.
Like after a nice walk when you have seen many lovely sights you decide to go home, after a while I decided it was time to go home, let us put the cubes back in order. And it was at that moment that I came face to face with the Big Challenge: What is the way home?
My hunch is that probably men are doing more both outside the home and inside the home
I can't imagine leaving the theatre altogether. My dressing room has become a home from home.
Touring is starting to feel more like home than home does.
Home to me is the world because my books have been translated into more than 30 languages. People feel they know me and the minute they talk about my life or books I feel at home. Home is where you are appreciated, safe and protected, creative, and where you are loved – not where you are put in prison.
Whenever I'm having a bad day and have an attitude, I stay home. I keep it at home.
Ireland is home. And I'd love to move home. That's always been the plan. — © Ruth Negga
Ireland is home. And I'd love to move home. That's always been the plan.
Home was where others had to gather grace. Home was what I wanted to flee.
The heart becomes sick, as the body becomes sick, and its remedy is al-Tawbah (repentance) and protection [from transgression]. It becomes rusty as a mirror becomes rusty, and its clarity is obtained by remembrance. It becomes naked as the body becomes naked, and its beautification is al-Taqwa. It becomes hungry and thirsty as the body becomes hungry, and its food and drink are knowledge, love, dependence, repentance and servitude.
For me, I am very much a champion of home cooking and home cooks.
You can go home long as you understand that home is a place where you have never been.
Home is not where you were born; home is where all your attempts to escape cease.
Home is the place you return to when you have finally lost your soul. Home is the place where life is born, not the place of your birth, but the place where you seek rebirth. When you no longer have to remember which tale of your own past is true and which is an invention, when you know that you are an invention, then is the time to seek out your home. Perhaps only when you have come to understand that can you finally reach home.
Make your home God's home and there will be light, love and abundance
Peace comes from being aligned with the present moment. Wherever you are, you feel that you are home—because you are home.
I want to clear this once and for all. I was born in Hong Kong. I grew up in Japan and China. London is not home for me. I was there only for three years before I moved to India, but that's probably why I am connected with it. London is definitely not the place I consider my home. It's India that I consider home.
Obamacare's not imploding. The main goal of Obamacare was two-fold. One was to cover the uninsured, of which we've covered 20 million, the largest expansion in American history. The other was to fix broken insurance markets where insurers could deny people insurance just because they were sick or they had been sick. Those have been fixed, and for the vast majority of Americans, costs in those markets have come down, thanks to the subsidies made available under Obamacare.
It takes a heap o' children to make a home that's true,And home can be a palace grand, or just a plain, old shoe;But if it has a mother dear, and a good old dad or two,Why, that's the sort of good old home for good old me and you.
The wish to disappear sends many travelers away. If you are thoroughly sick of being kept waiting at home or at work, travel is perfect: let other people wait for a change. Travel is a sort of revenge for having been put on hold, or having to leave messages on answering machines, not knowing your party's extension, being kept waiting all your working life - the homebound writer's irritants. But also being kept waiting is the human conditon.
If I am in Sweden, I try to get home to be with my children. I can do work after that from home.
When you have no kids, you can come home, play video games, watch TV. Now I come home and my wife is looking at me like, I want to get out the door. She's been with them all day. So, as soon as you come home, you're a human jungle gym, dancing, doing things with them.
Time is clearly not our natural dimension. Thus it is that we are never really at home in time. Alternately, we find ourselves wishing to hasten the passage of time or to hold back the dawn. We can do neither, of course, but whereas the fish is at home in water, we are clearly not at home in time--because we belong to eternity.
That's my sweetheart in there. I'm not living her. This is my home now. Your mother is my home.
Existence itself stands in need of nothing, for it lacks nothing, whereas everything else needs it, because outside of it there is nothing. Nothingness stands in need of existence, as a sick man lacks health and is in need. Health has no need of a sick man. To want nothing, therefore, characterizes the highest perfection, is fullest and purest existence.
The worst thing about being on the road is all you want to do when you get home is to stay home, but as soon as you get back, all the wife wants to do is go out because she's been stuck home all the time you've been stuck on the road.
I always go home to Buffalo in the offseason. I really enjoy my home town.
there were times when I was more at home in front of millions of people than I was at home.
I still cook at home. A lot of chefs I think don't cook at home. But I still do, I love cooking at home, I love having friends.
I am a foodie, but I prefer to be at home and enjoy home-cooked food.
And there are new kinds of nomads, not people who are at home everywhere, but who are at home nowhere. I was one of them
Any old place I can hang my hat is home sweet home to me.
I'll never forget where I came from, and that my home is forever Sweet Home Alabama! — © Paul Bearer
I'll never forget where I came from, and that my home is forever Sweet Home Alabama!
Besides, you think I'm not used to hurting? For me, it's home sweet home, my brother.
I do want to go home. That's my dream. North Korea is still my home.
I really enjoy being home because that's where family is. No matter where you're from, it's hard to beat home.
Italy is the home of art and swindling; home of religion and moral rottenness
...the dark ancestral cave, the womb from which mankind emerged into the light, forever pulls one back - can't go home can't go...back home to the escapes of Time and Memory. You Can't Go Home Again
Home? I have no home. Hunted, despised, living like an animal. The jungle is my home. But I will show the world that I can be its master. I will perfect my own race of people, a race of atomic supermen, which will conquer the world.
I have a feeling that I'll only have a home when I put a flag in my house with the person I'm going to be with. That's going to be my home. So I only see home in that sense. It's where love is going to lead me. It can be anywhere, basically, as long as you are with the person you want to be with, so you can build something together.
Being home is like a vacation to me, so I'm trying to get my home together.
My hunch is that probably men are doing more both outside the home and inside the home.
Baltimore is definitely still home. It's always going to be home for me. — © Tavon Austin
Baltimore is definitely still home. It's always going to be home for me.
Positive health requires a knowledge of man's primary constitution and of the powers of various foods, both those natural to them and those resulting from human skill. But eating alone is not enough for health. There must also be exercise, of which the effects must likewise be known. The combination of these two things makes regimen, when proper attention is given to the season of the year, the changes of the wind, the age of the individual, and the situation of his home. If there is any deficiency in food or exercise, the body will fall sick.
This is my home; I've made it my home for my whole life. I'm an old Nashville veteran.
When I'm home, my friends are all coming home from work, their lives are a little more concrete.
I have a home in Arizona. I go a couple months a year, but basically Chicago is my home.
When I went to college, I wasn't really happy at there, and I really wanted to come home. Mind you, I auditioned for 'The Wiz' the day after I came home from college. I wanted to come home and try to go to a new school.
I can make them voting machines sing Home Sweet Home.
A backyard for me is more being with the people around you, your friends. I think that's what defines your home; not your actual, physical home. When you travel a lot, what makes you feel at home is when your friends whom you know really well are there, your girlfriend.
The home phone is relatively cheap, incredibly reliable, and - if you buy the right phone - will work for years without replacement. Oh, and far as I can tell, a home phone won't give you brain cancer. In a perfect world, the hard line should have become a platform for building out an entire app ecosystem for the home. And yet... it didn't.
I visit London several times a year. It is my home away from home.
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green And none but fools do wear it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love! Oh, that she knew she were!
Goa is always leisure for me; it's become my home away from home.
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