Top 156 Homophobic Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Homophobic quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
The radical right is so homophobic that they're blaming global warming on the AIDS quilt.
Somebody called me a homophobe. I'm not homophobic.
I'm not homophobic. — © Alex Meraz
I'm not homophobic.
In some places it's actually very OK to be homophobic.
I am not homophobic - in no way, shape or form.
I used to do homophobic material that I didn't recognise as homophobic. It's the only stuff I really look back on and think, 'I just wouldn't do that again.'
Scientology is one of the least homophobic religions. It's not very interested in the body at all.
We as a society have created rules and laws and systems that not only are transphobic and homophobic but they’re also racist and they’re sexist. Because we’re all brought up in the middle of that, whether we want to admit it or not, we’re all on some level racist and sexist and homophobic and transphobic. It makes it difficult for other people when we turn a blind eye to it. We don’t agree with the laws that are going, but we don’t vote against them. We don’t like what our leaders are doing, but we don’t pick up the phone and call them. We don’t stand up and protest.
When you hear someone say something homophobic, it really ages them. It sounds old-fashioned.
Football clubs can be quite homophobic, both in the dressing room and in the stands. I want to show I'm an ally.
The noises Russia makes on the world stage are deeply misogynist, homophobic and racist.
The rap community has been singled out as more homophobic than other groups, but I don't think that's right. It's homophobic, all right, but no more so than the heavy-metal community or the Hollywood community or any other community.
I get trolled. The usual stuff - sometimes it's homophobic, like gay hate. — © Olly Alexander
I get trolled. The usual stuff - sometimes it's homophobic, like gay hate.
I used to be homophobic, but as I got older, I realized that wasn't the way to do things. I don't discriminate against anybody for their sexual preference, for their skin color... that's immature.
We live in a classist, racist, homophobic society into which we are very assimilated, that's all. I'm not really proud about that.
I'm not homophobic, I'm not a bigot, I'm not pandering to hatred.
I don't want to get into an argument at the bar with some old racist homophobic person.
I get a lot of abuse on Twitter. It's mostly homophobic, but what can you do? I just either ignore it or laugh.
What I'd say about that is that we must respect homosexuals in the church. I've got many homosexual friends, the issue is not in any way a homophobic reaction on my part.
I'm not a homophobic.
I'd rather go to hell than worship a homophobic God.
Today's Democrat Party believes that distinct American culture is corrupt, biased, racist, sexist, prejudicial, homophobic. There is nothing about it they want to preserve.
I didn't even have that many close LGBT friends or anything like that, but I suppose it was growing up and becoming aware of how you are in a cultural landscape that is blatantly homophobic... you turn around and say, 'Why did I grow up in a homophobic place? Why did I grow up in a misogynistic place?'
I found it incredibly disheartening that in the late '90s, suddenly pop culture became even more misogynistic and more homophobic, and so I criticized Eminem for having lyrics that were egregiously homophobic and egregiously misogynistic.
I'm absolutely, utterly, and completely certain that God wouldn't be homophobic. I'd much rather go to hell - I really would much rather go to hell - than go to a homophobic heaven.
People have labeled me homophobic. If I was homophobic, I wouldn't have friends who are gay and lesbian, so that can't be true.
I'm yet to discover any form of theocracy that isn't homophobic, that isn't bigoted to the out group.
I'm not homophobic; I'm just not gay.
I'm not homophobic. I'm not scared of my house.
I'm not homophobic, I'm not racist. I'm not against any people. All I have for people is love.
I'm not homophobic at all and I have a lot of gay friends.
Just because you're gay doesn't mean you're not homophobic.
Man created God in his image: intolerant, sexist, homophobic and violent.
There are homophobic people in my family. They're deeply religious.
I'm not homophobic in the slightest. I have lots of gay friends.
You could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic - you name it.
I'm 100 million percent not homophobic. I despise that label being attached to me.
We cannot go back to a racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic type of society. — © Bernie Sanders
We cannot go back to a racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic type of society.
Tracy Morgan apologizes for his homophobic rant, still no apologies for the sketch about the guy living under the street.
I could never be homophobic in any kind of way, dude. I'm such a free bird.
In the U.K. there is still work to be done, particularly in schools, stopping the homophobic bullies in the playground and introducing unbiased discussion on gay issues in the classroom.
I think that almost all traditional institutions are sexist, and they're probably racist and homophobic, and they're all of these things. But a lot of them, like marriage, are too embedded into the culture to give up.
I'm considered homophobic and crazy about these things and old fashioned. But I think that the family - father, mother, children - is fundamental to our civilisation.
I hope that I can turn some of my fans that might be homophobic or supporters that might be homophobic and say, "You know what, we're all one people. This is love."
I mean people are sexist and racist and homophobic and violent. But I don't think of the rappers as being any more sexist or racist or homophobic than their parents. Certainly less, in all those cases, less homophobic or racist or sexist, and then less gangster than our government. It's stuff that people normally don't speak on, subjects they don't speak on, and ideas they kind of keep to themselves.
We're always learning. We're all in the process of decolonizing ourselves - removing all the parts of us that are sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist. I mean, everybody in society needs to be in this process because everybody's been brought up in a misogynist, racist, homophobic, transphobic culture.
The Russians are taunting the IOC with the homophobic laws that they pass.
I don't think I'm a gay icon. I have no axe to grind. I mean, I'm clearly not homophobic! I'm not pro or con. — © Steve-O
I don't think I'm a gay icon. I have no axe to grind. I mean, I'm clearly not homophobic! I'm not pro or con.
I think, even though homophobia still exists, there is much more of a dialogue and a taboo around being homophobic.
I'm not homophobic and I'm not anti-gay.
He is racist, he's homophobic, he's xenophobic and he's a sexist. He's the perfect Republican candidate. [California Democratic Party chairman about Pat Buchanan.]
I've known that people were racist and misogynistic and homophobic since I was very little.
I've never gone around bashing homosexuals, and I am not homophobic.
I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven.
I am a longstanding critic of British foreign policy - and an opponent of the authoritarian, quasi-imperialist, racist, homophobic politics of Putin.
The gay community hated me for being part of Odd Future. They thought Odd Future was homophobic because they tend to use homophobic slang, and they were like: 'How can you work for and support homophobes?' But they aren't homophobic; they just don't really care whether you're offended or not.
And I'm not homophobic.
For a woman to be a lesbian in a male-supremacist, capitalist, misogynist, racist, homophobic, imperialist culture, such as that of North America, is an act of resistance.
I was homophobic because I obviously didn't know that I was gay.
I'm not against anybody. I'm really not. I'm not a hater. I'm not homophobic. I honestly don't care what people do personally in their individual lives.
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