Top 368 Honors Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Honors quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
With 'Shinobi,' we hope to make a film that honors the essence of the games.
IMPOSTOR n. A rival aspirant to public honors.
A quarrelsome man deserves no honors. — © Nachman of Breslov
A quarrelsome man deserves no honors.
Honors achieved far exceed those that are created.
God honors you when you take a stand for what is right.
When I accept an apology it means that the part in me that honors our relationship honors the part in you that honors our relationship.
I don't poo-pooh anyone's knighthood or other honors.
The game honors toughness
This country was built on the backs of dudes who drank on buses. What we do honors them.
Nature is not the number-one mystery, I’ve learned. It’s the heart that takes top honors.
I just don't think it honors God to create mediocre art.
Everyone honors the wise.
Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them. — © Aristotle
Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them.
The honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action.
Life is like college; may I graduate and earn some honors.
Man only honors what he conquers or defends.
I did make National Honors Society in high school.
It's not the honors and not the titles and not the power that is of ultimate importance. It's what resides inside.
He is truly great that is little in himself, and that maketh no account of any height of honors.
Honor is better than honors.
A nation will prosper to the degree that it honors it's teachers.
Individual honors and scoring championships are great, but my No. 1 goal is to win the Stanley Cup.
Michael Jackson really turns my life and changed my creative process as well. "Keep On Loving You" really honors him and honors my relationship with him so much so that the family, the estate and Sony Music gave me permission to use footage from our time on tour together in my new video. I am just so, so honored that they sought to do that because they didn't have to do that at all. It's a brilliant gesture because they realized how much he meant to me. When you hear the song and watch the video, you'll get that too.
Your honors here may serve you for a time, as it were for an hour, but they will be of no use to you beyond this world. Nobody will have heard a word of your honors in the other life. Your glory, your shame, your ambitions, and all the treasures for which you push hard and sacrifice much will be like wreaths of smoke. For these things, which you mostly seek, and for which you spend your life only tarry with you while you are on this side of the flood.
Offerings to propitiate the dead then were regarded as belonging to the class of funeral sacrifices, and these are idolatry. Idolatry, in fact, is a sort of homage to the departed, the one as well as the other is a service to dead men. Moreover, demons dwell in the images of the dead. ... this sort of exhibition has passed from honors of the dead to honors of the living; I mean, to quaestorships [financial overseers]and magistractes, to priestly offices of different kinds. Yet, since idolatry still cleaves to the dignity's name, whatever is done in its name partakes of its impurity.
The name of our proper connection to the earth is 'good work,' for good work involves much giving of honor. It honors the source of its materials; it honors the place where it is done; it honors the art by which it is done; it honors the thing that it makes and the user of the made thing.
My honors are misunderstanding, pesecution and neglect, enhanced because unsought.
Even a poor man can receive honors.
If you are a woman who honors God right where you are, you are in ministry.
What is called honors and dignities, and even honor and dignity, is generally fool's gold.
All the honors of men in a state of sleep are as nothing.
Envy honors the dead in order to insult the living.
Without virtue it is difficult to bear gracefully the honors of fortune.
The honors of this world, what are they but puff, and emptiness, and peril of falling?
He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher.
Let a prize lower my position, if it causes me to be read; that I prefer immediately to all the honors.
To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors.
Every society honors its live conformists and its dead troublemakers. — © Mignon McLaughlin
Every society honors its live conformists and its dead troublemakers.
Honors are very fleeting, just as fame is; cherish friendship more.
One of the greatest honors of a Catholic and Christian is to meet the Holy Father.
I did well in school. I had lots of honors, so I thought I was quite smart.
The opportunity to represent my country at the Olympic Games is one of the greatest honors I've experienced in my career.
I graduated with all honors, and I was about to take the LSATs, and I was working at a law firm, and I hated it.
The Nobel Prize is given as a personal award but it also honors the field of research in which I have worked and it also honors my students and colleagues.
I don't like honors. I'm appreciated for the work that I did, and for people who appreciate it, and I notice that other physicists use my work. I don't need anything else. I don't think there's any sense to anything else.... I've already got the prize. The prize is the pleasure of finding the thing out, the kick in the discovery, the observation that other people use it. Those are the real things. The honors are unreal to me. I don't believe in honors... I can't stand it, it hurts me.
I read in a newspaper that I was to be received with all the honors customarily rendered to a foreign ruler. I am grateful for the honors; but something within me rebelled at that word 'foreign'. I say this because when I have been in Canada, I have never heard a Canadian refer to an American as a 'foreigner'. He is just an 'American'. And, in the same way, in the United States, Canadians are not 'foreigners', they are 'Canadians'. That simple little distinction illustrates to me better than anything else the relationship between our two countries.
Hereditary honors are a noble and a splendid treasure to descendants.
Men make their choice: one man honors one God, and one another. — © Euripides
Men make their choice: one man honors one God, and one another.
Maybe it's a little crazy, but it's good to have it, but I just don't like [prizes or honors].
Honors to me now are not what they once were.
I didn't think Barca could go for me, I have no honors, I don't have a great CV.
I want my career to be judged by what I did on the field. I appreciate the honors.
Faithfulness and character are noble qualities that God honors.
Society honors its living conformists and its dead troublemakers.
The honors Hollywood has for the writer are as dubious as tissue-paper cuff links.
I don't believe in honors - it bothers me. Honors bother: honors is epaulettes; honors is uniforms. My papa brought me up this way.
Pleasures are transient, honors are immortal.
Death and life have their determined appointments; riches and honors depend upon heaven.
Individual honors come with team success.
Wealth, honors, pleasures, is not so eagerly to be desired as the forgiveness of our sins.
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