Top 234 Hoover Dam Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Hoover Dam quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
God is a great underground river that no one can dam up and no one can stop.
Men may dam it and say that they have made a lake, but it will still be a river. It will keep its nature and bide its time, like a caged animal alert for the slightest opening. In time, it will have its way; the dam, like the ancient cliffs, will be carried away piecemeal in the currents.
The ideas embodied in the New Deal Legislation were a compilation of those which had come to maturity under Herbert Hoover’s aegis. We all of us owed much to Hoover — © Rexford Tugwell
The ideas embodied in the New Deal Legislation were a compilation of those which had come to maturity under Herbert Hoover’s aegis. We all of us owed much to Hoover
We were among Hoover's conduits to the American people.
All Coolidge had to do in 1924 was to keep his mean trap shut, to be elected. All Harding had to do in 1920 was repeat Avoid foreign entanglements. All Hoover had to do in 1928 was to endorse Coolidge. All Roosevelt had to do in 1932 was to point to Hoover.
I compete with the 'Welcome To Las Vegas' sign for the number one non-gaming tourist attraction in Las Vegas. I get more visitors than the Hoover Dam.
I love hoovering. People go to therapists; I've got a Hoover.
The bigger the dam of patience, the worse the flood when the dam breaks.
But I never get attracted to fans cause the eager beaver could be the collapse of a dam
Regret, already sogging me down, burst its dam. It seeped into my legs, it pooled in my heart.
Ive decided to sell my Hoover… well, it was just collecting dust.
For an economy built to last we must invest in what will fuel us for generations to come. This is our history - from the Transcontinental Railroad to the Hoover Dam, to the dredging of our ports and building of our most historic bridges - our American ancestors prioritized growth and investment in our nation's infrastructure.
Evolution is a theory with more holes than a Dutch dam of swiss cheese. — © Eoin Colfer
Evolution is a theory with more holes than a Dutch dam of swiss cheese.
I have a problem with cleaning. It's my release. I get up at 6 A.M. and clean and hoover and mop everything. Then I feel better.
Reduce the number of lawyers. They are like beavers - they get in the middle of the stream and dam it up.
Like water leaking through a dam," said Piper. "Yeah," smiled Percy. "We've got a dam hole." "What?" Piper asked. "Nothing," he said. "Inside joke.
Never having to hoover, cook, clean or do any task I don't want to would be heaven.
We didn’t admit it at the time, but practically the Whole New Deal was extrapolated from programs that Hoover started.
I spilled some vodka on the carpet, and I vacuumed it up, and the vacuum got drunk. I had to take the Hoover to detox.
I think, in a career, you have several breaks that lead to a big break. Small things here and there all add up to cracking away at the dam. Then the dam breaks.
A private meeting with Hoover is like sitting in a both of ink.
You might as well try and dam Niagara Falls with toothpicks as to stop the reform wave sweeping our land.
"Let us find the dam snack bar," Zoe said. "We should eat while we can." Grover cracked a smile. "The dam snack bar?" Zoe blinked. "Yes. What is funny?" "Nothing," Grover said, trying to keep a straight face. "I could use some dam French fries." Even Thalia smiled at that. "And I need to use the dam restroom."... I started cracking up, and Thalia and Grover joined in, while Zoe just looked at us "I do not understand." "I want to use the dam water fountain," Grover said. "And..." Thalia tried to catch her breath. "I want to buy a dam T-shirt."
I need to use the Dam Bathroom, I need to use the Dam Snack bar, I want a Dam Tee-Shirt.
There's no doubt in my mind that we'll have a mania in gold. And because the gold and especially silver markets are so tiny, the rush into them will be like trying to push the contents of Hoover Dam through a garden hose. Our positions will go absolutely ballistic.
The Democrats are going to change the name of the Hoover Dam. That is the silliest thing I ever heard of in politics . . . Lord if they feel that way about it, I don't see why they don't just reverse the two words.
There's nothing wrong in our dam management and such allegations are baseless.
I was working with Bryan Cranston in 'All the Way.' We were about to make an entrance together - I was Hoover, he was LBJ - and he says to me, 'You should play the brother in 'Better Call Saul.' I was like 'What?' and it was time to go on. I'm doing the scene, and I can't think of what Hoover's supposed to say.
I had not been very kind to J. Edgar Hoover. And the field agent had written on - it was sent directly to Hoover - that - the director should see this - `And, besides, Hentoff is a lousy writer.' And I thought that went a bit far.
[ J. Edgar]Hoover, I'm sure, felt that he was right in everything he did and even the things that we don't like about his character.
It's an incredible education [for the movie J. Edgar Hoover] . It was like I did a college course on J. Edgar Hoover but not knowing and understanding the history and reading the books, but understanding what motivated this man was the most fascinating part of the research.
He wondered what kind of blueprint beavers had for creating such a structure-or did they simply start aimlessly weaving stuff together until they had a dam? Did they even think about creating a dam? Maybe dams were simply accidents that resulted from their fooling around, much like the Army Corps of Engineers' accomplishments.
I'm so happy, I think I'll dress up like J. Edgar Hoover and sing show tunes.
Why, did you know that if a beaver two feet long with a tail a foot and a half long can build a dam twelve feet high and six feet wide in two days, all you would need to build Boulder Dam is a beaver sixty-eight feet long with a fifty-one-foot tail?" "Where would you find a beaver that big?" grumbled the Humbug as his pencil point snapped. "I'm sure I don't know," he replied, "but if you did, you'd certainly know what to do with him.
You are free when you gain back yourself,” Madame Wu said. “You can be as free within these walls as you could be in the whole world. And how could you be free if, however far you wander, you still carry inside yourself the constant thought of him? See where you belong in the stream of life. Let it flow through you, cool and strong. Do not dam it with your two hands, lest he break the dam and so escape you. Let him go free, and you will be free.
Americans seem sometimes to believe that if you are a thinker you must be a frowning bore, because thinking is so dam serious.
Lawyers are like beavers: They get in the mainstream and dam it up.
What the hell has Hoover got to do with it? Besides, I had a better year than he did. — © Babe Ruth
What the hell has Hoover got to do with it? Besides, I had a better year than he did.
I spend a year at the Hoover Institute at Stanford, researching market approaches to air pollution control.
Hoover's Music Store in Springfield, Missouri - I would listen to records there for hours.
Home is my Bethlehem, my succoring shelter, my mental hospital, my wife, my dam, my husband, my sir, my womb, my skull.
The Quaker loves an ample brim, A hat that bows to no salaam; And dear the beaver is to him As if it never made a dam.
At one level it's clear that the dam has broken. There's an inevitable move to use the Internet as a distribution medium and that's not going to stop.
This is our history - from the Transcontinental Railroad to the Hoover Dam, to the dredging of our ports and building of our most historic bridges - our American ancestors prioritized growth and investment in our nation's infrastructure.
I just kind of had my own impressions growing up with Hoover as a heroic figure in the 40s - actually the 30s, 40s, and 50s and beyond - but this was all prior to the information age so we didn't know about Hoover except what was usually in the papers, and this was fun, because this was a chance to go into it [ during filming 'J. Edgar Hoover' ]
Computers shouldn't be unusable. You don't need to know how to work a telephone switch to make a phone call, or how to use the Hoover Dam to take a shower, or how to work a nuclear-power plant to turn on the lights.
I know, but I had a better year than Hoover.
What the hell has (Herbert) Hoover got to do with it? Anyway, I had a better year than he did. — © Babe Ruth
What the hell has (Herbert) Hoover got to do with it? Anyway, I had a better year than he did.
My role models were Amelia Earhart and Eleanor Roosevelt, and my major crush was J. Edgar Hoover.
The summer of 1830 I... blasted the tunnel through the rock to take water from the dam above the falls for the mill... In 1831 we lowered the tunnel four feet, and built a new dam across the creek.
I don't remember a Rob Van Dam versus Mick Foley hardcore match. There should have been one.
One of these days the dam of Gods mercy will give way to his justice.
The election of Hoover...should result in continued prosperity for 1929.
I'm about as Chinese as Herbert Hoover.
Tragedy can break the heart but not the dam of the tearducts while schmaltz can dissolve the most hardened sophisticate.
The beaver told the rabbit as they stared at the Hoover Dam: No, I didn't build it myself, but it's based on an idea of mine
And I think that's important, to know how the water's gone over the dam before you start to describe it. It helps to have been over the dam yourself.
It doesn't make you bad losing to Rob Van Dam... it just makes you like everybody else.
We're interested in complex characters and he's a complex character, [J. Edgar] Hoover. I like these types of dramas. I've made a few of them and I'm also interested in power structures so it just has elements that fascinate me, and the more you learn about Hoover, the more polarizing you realize he is.
The Theory of Evolution has more holes in it than a dam made out of Swiss cheese.
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