Top 1200 Horse And Rider Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Horse And Rider quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
A horse loves freedom, and the weariest old work horse will roll on the ground or break into a lumbering gallop when he is turned loose into the open.
You know, actors lie all the time. 'Can I ride on the horse? Are you kidding? Of course! I was born on a horse!'... It's the same with motorcycles.
I'd like to play a horse, many people think I already have. Either end of the horse would be fine. — © Dawn French
I'd like to play a horse, many people think I already have. Either end of the horse would be fine.
So often at home in the West Village, I'm like, 'Why aren't I allowed a horse?' I would keep a horse in a stable in my apartment, and I would fit him with rubber shoes, and we'd just roll him out. If I needed to go to a meeting somewhere, I'd just get on my horse and go across town.
He is, as you say, a remarkable horse, a prodigious horse, although as you very justly observe, a suspicious and untractable character.
There is a horse here-the furthest north of any horse, and he eats fish and travels on snowshoes.
Make it a habit to praise the horse when the horse yields.
...But why discourse Upon the Virtues of the Horse? They are too numerous to tell Save when you have a Horse to Sell.
Having a [teenage] daughter is like riding a young horse over an unknown steeplechase course. You don't know when to pull up the reins, when to let the horse have its head - or what.
If a government commission had worked on the horse, you would have the first horse that could operate its knee joint in both directions. The trouble is it couldn't have stood up.
The horse that wins the Derby is usually the best horse.
I say again, if I cannot draw a horse, I will not write THIS IS A HORSE under what I foolishly meant for one.
The ox longs for the gaudy trappings of the horse; the lazy pack-horse would fain plough. [We envy the position of others, dissatisfied with our own.] — © Horace
The ox longs for the gaudy trappings of the horse; the lazy pack-horse would fain plough. [We envy the position of others, dissatisfied with our own.]
I've never been sentimental about my horse. The horse doesn't give a damn about you. If you want to know the truth - horses are dumb.
The old horse is coming back in a high lope. Thousands of people are riding a horse today that five years ago couldn't sit in a Ford with all the doors locked.
I have a secret passion for horse riding. I haven't done it for ages, but I used to have a horse. I love it; it's one of my favourite things.
That's what I want, that kind of recklessness where the poem is even ahead of you. It's like riding a horse that's a little too wild for you, so there's this tension between what you can do and what the horse decides it's going to do.
I grew up in the prolonged survival of the great age of the horse, with harness and saddle and sleigh bells and horse pictures, not as antiques but the facts of our lives.
The Arabian horse will not plough well, nor can the plough-horse be rode to play the jereed.
I rode a horse once when I was young, and I fell off. I never wanted to ride a horse again.
If economists wished to study the horse, they wouldn’t go and look at horses. They’d sit in their studies and say to themselves, "what would I do if I were a horse?"
Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you're on a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. Of course, there are other strategies. You can change riders. You can get a committee to study the dead horse. You can benchmark how other companies ride dead horses. You can declare that it's cheaper to feed a dead horse. You can harness several dead horses together. But after you've tried all these things, you're still going to have to dismount.
Yeah, pretending to ride a horse is actually a lot harder than riding a horse.
The horse, the horse! The symbol of surging potency and power of movement, of action.
A cavalryman's horse should be smarter than he is. But the horse must never be alowed to know this.
If I had a horse buck with me now, I’m a little disappointed. It’s not the end of the world, but I’m a little disappointed if I couldn’t keep the horse out of trouble, whereas it used to be a source of pride, and now it’s sort of source of shame if I let the horse get lost.
If I had a choice of having a woman in my arms or shooting a bad guy on a horse, I'd take the horse. It's a lot more fun
To confess that you are totally Ignorant about the horse, is social suicide: you will be despised by everybody, especially the horse.
Actors always lie about horse-riding, and it ends terribly. I can horse-ride... ish.
Some people play a horse to win, some to place. I should have bet this horse to live.
Is he on his horse? O happy horse, to bear the weight of Antony!
I am not entirely against horse racing. I even had a share in a horse syndicate with a few mates.
Someday you'll have to show me how you did that," Asharak was saying. "I found the experience interesting. My horse had hysterics, however." "My apologies to your horse.
Horseshoes are lucky. Horses have four bits of lucky nailed to their feet. They should be the luckiest animals in the world. They should rule the country. They should win all their horse races, at least. 'In the fifth race today, every single horse was first horse threw a shoe came in third...the duck was ninth...and five ran.'
It isn't important who is ahead at one time or another, in either an election or a horse race. It's the horse that comes in first at the finish that counts
The Romneys have a horse competing in the Olympics. Ann Romney's horse failed to win a medal in the dressage event today, which is a shame because if there's one thing that family needs, it's more gold.
The educated horse is a thinking horse, and it seems that he understands every now and then something happens that he must chalk up as a mistake and be done with it.
Why, I'd horse-whip you if I had a horse. — © Groucho Marx
Why, I'd horse-whip you if I had a horse.
I’ve always wanted to do the right thing by a horse, that’s never changed, its just that as my knowledge grew I’ve been able to offer the horse a better human being, as time has gone on.
I believe the more knowledgeable you are as a horse owner, the better leader you are and the more you’ll enjoy your partnership with your horse. That’s why I was excited to see the editors of MyHorse Daily offer these free guides packed with information on topics from deworming programs to safe fencing options. Go ahead, take a look mate, no matter your horse lifestyle there’s something for everyone.
He who has not an adventure has not horse or mule, so says Solomon.--Who is too adventurous, said Echephron,--loses horse and mule.
Horse is fine. I'll ride a horse.
A horse walks into a bar, and the barman says "Why the long face?". The horse replies: "I'm deeply troubled by the anthropomorphic aspects of my existence and the extent to which I am now protected by law."
She gave him a wan smile. "And then you came, Eragon. You and Saphira. After hope had deserted me and I was about to be taken to Galbatorix in Uru'baen, a Rider appeared to rescue me. A rider and a dragon!" "And Morzan's son," he said. "Both of Morzan's sons." "Describe it how you will, it was such an improbable rescue, I occasionally think that I did go mad and that I've imagined everything since.
Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people.
If you want to win a horse race, you need your horse to be 100%.
A fly, Sir, may sting a stately horse and make him wince; but, one is but an insect, and the other is a horse still.
When you see a horse that’s troubled, you sort of feel sorry for them, yet that doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t still ask the horse to behave and find a way to fit in and respond to you as well.
It's foolish to bet on a horse without talking to him first. I know it seems silly to ask a horse who's going to win a race - but it's no sillier than asking anyone else.
Training a horse is above all feeling and trying, according to what you feel, to help the horse and not to force him. — © Nuno Oliveira
Training a horse is above all feeling and trying, according to what you feel, to help the horse and not to force him.
It was as if my father had given me, by way of temperament, an impossibly wild, dark, and unbroken horse. It was a horse without a name, and a horse with no experience of a bit between its teeth. My mother taught me to gentle it; gave me the discipline and love to break it; and- as Alexander had known so intuitively with Bucephalus- she understood, and taught me, that the beast was best handled by turning it toward the sun.
You try to do the best with what you've got and ignore everything else. That's why horses get blinders in horse racing: You look at the horse next to you, and you lose a step.
Every time you interact with a horse, you are teaching the horse.
Through an arrow loop in the wall she saw a familiar horse and rider tearing across the camp toward the healing rooms. Brigan pulled up at Nash's feet and dropped from the saddle. The two brothers threw their arms around each other and embraced hard. Shortly thereafter he stepped into the healing rooms and leaned in the doorway, looking across at her quietly. Brocker's son with the gentle gray eyes. She abandoned all pretense of decorum and ran at him.
When I conducted a beer-rating session last year, I wrote that most American beers taste as if they were brewed through a horse. That offended many people in the American beer industry, as well as patriots who thought I was being subversive in praising foreign beers. I have just read a little-known study of American beers. So I must apologize to the horse. At least with a horse, we'd know what we're getting.
Heath [Ledger] would walk up to a horse and could like silence the horse. Just literally he'd be like, 'Shh. Shh.' And then he'd get on the horse. I'd be like, 'I'm going to get on you.' They'd be like, 'F - off!' I didn't really have that style.
If you fall asleep on horseback, the horse will stop by the rock. Art is a car. Kitsch is a horse.
They say "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." In the Marine Corps, you can make that horse wish to hell he had.
I don't even like old cars. I'd rather have a goddam horse. A horse is at least human, for God's sake.
There are about a thousand different variations on a horse neigh. Some of them sound like a horse having sex, some of them like a horse having sad sex.
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