Top 1200 Hot Tub Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Hot Tub quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
If u hot and make hot ish, Imma make sure and get down with ya! Break bread or fake dead - everyone else move out tha way!
We don't want to be hot; we want to last - because eventually hot gets cooled down.
When all candles are out, all cats are grey, All things are then of one color, as who say. And this proverb faith, for quenching hot desire, Foul water as soon as faire, will quench hot fire.
I don't like hot takes any more than I like hot cakes. — © Jim Nantz
I don't like hot takes any more than I like hot cakes.
Sure, yes, there are smoking-hot girls. But my girlfriend's smoking hot, my wife, whatever.
Everyone wants to work with the big new producer or the hot new singer. The key is to find them before they're hot.
I was a commodity, like a hot dog. It was like hot dogs and Betty Hutton.
I can't live without my beauty products. I love to be in my bathroom with my candles lit, morning, noon and night. I like taking hot baths and hot showers, using my body scrubs and lotions.
Though Diogenes lived in a tub, there might be, for aught I know, as much pride under his rags, as in the fine-spun garments of the divine Plato.
My love of buttered popcorn has never been a secret. It runs deeper than a bottomless jumbo tub, free refills and all. It's my favorite food.
I love going to the movies and getting Raisinets, a big tub of popcorn and a Coke. That's definitely a guilty pleasure because I can't be doing that all the time.
I like growing things. I like hot food. I had time on my hands. Now I have Phil Rudd hot chilli sauce.
No one rises so high as he who knows not whither he is going. Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking. Do not trust the cheering, for those persons would shout as much if you or I were going to be hanged.
Blue as the evening sky, blue as cranesbill flowers, blue as the lips of drowned men and the heart of a blaze burning with too hot a flame. Yes, sometimes it was hot in this world, too. Hot and cold, light and dark, terrible and beautiful, it was everything all at once. It wasn't true that you felt nothing in the land of Death. You felt and heard and smelled and saw, but your heart remained strangely calm, as if it were resting before the dance began again. Peace. Was that the word?
Some were scattered about the ring, one or two went in the sawdust tub, one I spat out as I fell, and I am thundering sure I swallowed a couple — © Johnny Basham
Some were scattered about the ring, one or two went in the sawdust tub, one I spat out as I fell, and I am thundering sure I swallowed a couple
Look, let me just say it: He was hot. A nonhot boy stares at you relentlessly and it is, at best, awkward and, at worst, a form of assault. But a hot boy . . . well.
But when you're writing a script - for me anyway - you have to sort of create an enforced innocence. You have to divest yourself of worrying about a lot of stuff like what movies are hot, what movies are not hot, what the budget of this movie might be.
Here are some who like to run. They run for fun in the hot, hot sun.
Youth, then, once ballyhooed as the epicenter of fun, hot dogs, hot sex, and marvelous dope-smoking good times, is now defined as follows: that period before death, characterized by smooth skin and ill-formed ideas.
If it's not messy and it doesn't drip over the sides, it's not a holiday hot chocolate -it's just an average hot chocolate.
In his tub-thumping speech at the 2008 Republican National Convention, Romney sounded like the hedge-fund tycoon he is.
I can look at age curves and try to learn from that and say, 'All right, maybe I need to adjust some workouts or spend more time in the cold tub.'
People do not respect music anymore... They go by what's hot... If you're hot, you deserve 4 or 5 Grammys... Madonna is a genius and she only has 2 or 3 Grammys... What is that about?
There are lots of things I won't eat but would like to, such as croissants or ice cream - if I started, I'd scoff the whole tub.
I have a zillion bottles of hot sauce. I love Trader Joe's jalapeno. The whole right side of my fridge is filled with hot sauce.
Vampires always order hot drinks. They aren't going to drink them; but they can feel the warmth and smell them if they're hot, and that is so good.
Hot girls have so many options. Sitting at home alone any night of the week and searching the Internet for a dude is on zero hot girls' agendas. So they're definitely not coming after you.
My wife is so hot so I don't care it I lose every stage of the 2015 Tour to Kittle. Yea, he's got cool hair but my wife is super hot.
There are times when I'm not eating buns if I'm on a low carb diet. I'll have hot dogs and romaine lettuce, but if I'm at a baseball game, I'm always eating a hot dog.
While you might see a cat on a hot tin roof, a dog on a hot tin roof would be yowling its head off.
Okay," Kincaid said. "Anyone have any questions?" "Why do they sell hot dogs in packages of ten but hot dog buns in packages of eight?
It's very hot and humid in Houston. Being in L.A. for 10 years, that kind of spoiled me a little bit, so every time I got back home, I'm like, 'Damn it's hot out here.' But I love it.
Hot oil! We need hot oil!... Forget the water balloons!
I wouldn't touch a hot dog unless you put a condom on it! You realize that the job of a hot dog is to use parts of the animal that the Chinese can't figure out how to make into a belt?
I'm actually thinking about getting back to being a bath tub. I don't think anyone's ever quite segued into that.
The Santa Anas blew in hot from the desert, shriveling the last of the spring grass into whiskers of pale straw. Only the oleanders thrived, their delicate poisonous blooms, their dagger green leaves. We could not sleep in the hot dry nights, my mother and I.
Yes, U.S. travelers dress better. The British are always so conspicuous in hot climates. They don't seem to wear shorts. American men seem to be comfortable wearing hot-weather clothing.
Parties don't thrill me. I like sitting at home with a tub of Chunky Monkey ice cream watching Big Brother or Friends.
Abortion and gay marriage are the political hot-buttons of the day. There are lot of things going wrong in the world, hate is running amok, so why just focus on these two hot-buttons and not everything else?
Hart is still like that little tub of vaguely milklike gunk that comes with airline coffee. It is labeled a "nondairy" product. Fine: we know what is is non, but what is it? — © George Will
Hart is still like that little tub of vaguely milklike gunk that comes with airline coffee. It is labeled a "nondairy" product. Fine: we know what is is non, but what is it?
Give me one coach in any sport that's not always on the hot seat. You're just as good as your last game... You're always on a hot seat.
A barrel of laughs should be enough, but it's not. A good review is official and endures. A bad one is like a tub of Flora. It spreads easily and lasts for the whole festival.
What I love is Mexican hot chocolate, like a spicy hot chocolate - adding cayenne pepper to the Hershey's cocoa and making a spicy-sweet treat.
I do not believe in eating fish hot. People always insist on hot fish, but that leaves it dried out.
What we really need is for me to get hot and stay hot. When I go, this team really takes off.
I'm all about the cold tub. I'm big on the ice bath, being able to soak in there and let your body heal.
Hot yoga is something that I forced myself to get into. When I first did it, I thought, 'How on earth am I going to get through an hour and a half of this?' because I was so hot.
If a hitter gets hot, I wouldn't take a hot hitter out of the lineup.
You feel better in the short run when you have a tub of ice cream, but in the long run, you don't.
Playing golf is not hot work. Cutting sugar cane for a dollar a day - that's hot work. Hotter than my first wrist watch. — © Chi Chi Rodriguez
Playing golf is not hot work. Cutting sugar cane for a dollar a day - that's hot work. Hotter than my first wrist watch.
Diogenes found more rest in his tub than Alexander on his throne.
Did you get checked out?” “Yeah, by a hot blond who sat in the corner of the bar and made googly eyes at me.” “I meant by a doctor.” “No, but a balding yet bizarrely hot paramedic said I’d be fine." “Oh, and he’s an expert?” “At flirting.
I'm way hot," he muttered. "But I don't feel sick. Just — way hot." Fang
The kundalini rises and the kundalini is hot, it's a hot energy. Sometimes you feel it cascading up your spine, and it's kind of searing or it's tingling, it almost feels sexual.
My two secrets to staying healthy: wash your hands all the time. And, if you can't, use Purell or one of the sanitizers. And the other is hot peppers. I eat a lot of hot peppers. I for some reason started doing that in 1992, and I swear by it.
Kewell should have been yanked off the pitch at half time and put in a hot bath, a boiling hot bath.
I think we shot the ball very well tonight, we just didn't get stops when we needed to. They hit 11 3-pointers in the third quarter. Sometimes when one person gets hot, everybody's hot.
Beware the cute, hot guy who kind of reminds you of the parent you don't get along with: your cold, distant father who left when you were a kid or your hot-tempered mother whom you could never please.
We must not only strike the iron while it is hot, but strike it till it is made hot.
No electricity, no hot water, no heat - at times, we struggled. We'd wake up in the morning and wash with water we heated on a hot plate. And we'd go to bed at night wearing skull caps, sweat shirts, and gloves.
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