Top 1200 How To Forgive Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular How To Forgive quotes.
Last updated on September 29, 2024.
Be thankful for every day. Learn from mistakes. Don't dwell on regrets. Forgive with love. Gain strength from every struggle.
When God designs to forgive us he changes our hearts and turns us to obedience by His Spirit.
Listen to me." He grabbed my arms, holding me there. " I couldn't find you. And I will never forgive myself for that. Ever. — © Ally Carter
Listen to me." He grabbed my arms, holding me there. " I couldn't find you. And I will never forgive myself for that. Ever.
Children begin by loving their parents; after a time they judge them; rarely, if ever, do they forgive them.
Since God has given me a cheerful heart, He will forgive me for serving Him cheerfully.
I learned a long time ago that some people would rather die than forgive. It's a strange truth, but forgiveness is a painful and difficult process.
Sweet, can I sing you the song of your kisses? How soft is this one, how subtle this is, How fluttering swift as a bird's kiss that is, As a bird that taps at a leafy lattice; How this one clings and how that uncloses From bud to flower in the way of roses.
I would forgive my mom, but she's going to have to admit she did some things that were wrong.
When I forgive other people, I let them go, I free them from my ignorance. And as soon as I do, I feel lighter, brighter and better.
But grief makes a monster out of us sometimes . . . and sometimes you say and do things to the people you love that you can't forgive yourself for.
In music, if you hit a wrong note, people forgive you. In magic when something goes wrong, the entire art is destroyed.
As I get older I've come to realize that the best way to "get even" with someone is to forgive - and then forget.
Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right. — © J. K. Rowling
Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right.
Never forget a Favor, Never forgive a Slight!
Let us be very gentle with our neighbors' failings, and forgive our friends their debts as we hope ourselves to be forgiven.
God desires to reveal to us that His capacity to forgive is bigger than our capacity to sin.
Blow your own horn loud. If you succeed, people will forgive your noise; if you fail, they'll forget it.
Good advice is one of those injuries which a good man ought, if possible, to forgive, but at all events to forget at once.
To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.
When you don't forgive you permit your enemies to live rent free in your head -evict them today.
I wanted to learn how the business worked. I wanted to see how people got drafted, how players got traded, how they got picked up in free agency, how the salary cap worked, how do you manage an organization, how do you negotiate contracts. The Bulls gave me an excellent opportunity to answer all the questions that I wanted to ask.
Only the big souls can forgive the big crimes!
If you are resentful, you keep the thing alive. So the way to go on is to get rid of it, in order to forgive in order to forget.
I will never forgive Joe for that awful operation he had performed on Rosemary. It is the only thing I have ever felt bitter toward him about.
He'd forgiven who he needed to forgive, let go of what he needed to, and accepted himself as he was. Archibald Alexander Leach, Cary Grant, and all.
He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for everyone has need to be forgiven.
How many slams in an old screen door? Depends how loud you shut it. How many slices in a bread? Depends how thin you cut it. How much good inside a day? Depends how good you live 'em. How much love inside a friend? Depends how much you give 'em.” ? How Many, How Much by Shel Silverstein “Tell the truth, or someone will tell it for you.
God forgive me for having thought it possible that a schoolmaster could be out and out a rational being.
Two works of mercy set a person free: Forgive and you will be forgiven, and give and you will receive.
To forgive heals the wound, to forget heals the scar.
The quality of the work when I was 16... I've had my issues with it, but I've learned to forgive myself because I was 16 years old.
I never forget. I never forgive. I can wait. I find it very easy to harbor a grudge. I have scores to settle.
The American people are a very generous people and will forgive almost any weakness, with the possible, exception of stupidity.
The things two people do to each other they remember. If they stay together, it's not because they forget; it's because they forgive.
There are curveballs that are thrown at you, and you just have to get over it and forgive... if you believe you're perfect, and you don't believe in forgiveness, you're not meant to be married.
If you never condemned you would never need to forgive.
Accustom a people to believe that priests, or any other class of men can forgive sins and you will have sins in abundance.
I am now willing to forgive myself . . .  for believing I could offer something to others before I have offered it to myself. — © Iyanla Vanzant
I am now willing to forgive myself . . . for believing I could offer something to others before I have offered it to myself.
When a person is carrying their sin, it can be quite a load...I don't know what else to do with your sin but confess and ask God to forgive it.
To excuse what can really produce good excuses is not Christian charity; it is only fairness. To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable in you.
Pass us by, and forgive us our happiness
We may not be worthy to be forgiven, but He is worthy to forgive us.
We are supposed to forgive everyone; everyone includes ourselves.
It is certainly a good thing always to forgive with generosity, but it is no doubt just never to forget the wrongs received: they belong to the route that leads to inner maturity.
First, forgive. Second, forget by choosing not to dwell on that which is forgiven and in the past. We have no right to keep in front of us what God has put behind Him.
We know how to be doctors, nurses, lawyers. We know how to be tweeters. We know how to be everything. But how do you just be people? How do you be present with one another? How do you be honest with one another? How do you be compassionate towards one another, forgiving towards one another? We know what to do. We don't know what to be, how to be.
And what can I tell you, my brother, my killer, what can I possibly say? I guess that I miss you, I guess I forgive you, I'm glad you stood in my way
I'm not a spiteful man, never been. I always forgive. The final decision isn't mine, but God's. God knows what He does. — © Neymar
I'm not a spiteful man, never been. I always forgive. The final decision isn't mine, but God's. God knows what He does.
Therapy is the boat across the river, but most don't want to get off. Don't blame, forgive, All healing is self-healing
I really want to say, 'Thank God I'm alive.' I want to forgive the people who caused my suffering. I did.
Forgiveness is the best charity. (It is easy to give the poor money and goods when one has plenty, but to forgive is hard; but it is the best thing if one can do it.)
The biggest lesson I've learned throughout the first season of 'Workin' Moms' is that you have to give yourself permission to forgive yourself.
When I'm doing sports, I always think of how it's related to singing, and when I watch tennis, I learn a lot for my singing: how the players are focused, how they use their technique, and, in the case of Roger Federer, how effortless it is and how beautiful it is to watch - like bel canto, in a way. That's how singing should be.
A lack of forgiveness is a waste of time and it's very enriching to forgive and move on but those are things that come with time.
A woman will sometimes forgive the man who tries to seduce her, but never the man who misses an opportunity when offered.
God's message extends beyond borders. Anyone in the world can learn to forgive those who have injured them, however great or small that injury may be.
And for all these people alike, the key to healing turned out to be the same. Each had a hurt he had to forgive.
You can spill drinks on me, even spit on me. I'll just laugh about it. But If you dare to hurt my friends... I WON'T FORGIVE YOU!
Whenever we forgive, in small ways at home, or in great ways between nations, we free ourselves from the past.
If you believe in God you get to the point where (you feel) "Yeah, you know what, God forgave my sins but I still have to forgive myself."
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