Top 1200 Human Bondage Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Human Bondage quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
How exquisitely human was the wish for permanent happiness, and how thin human imagination became trying to achieve it.
Well, first of all," said the BFG, "human beans is not really believing in giants, is they? Human beans is not thinking we exist.
Politics ought to be adjusted not to human reasonings but to human nature, of which reason is but a part and by no means the greatest part. — © Edmund Burke
Politics ought to be adjusted not to human reasonings but to human nature, of which reason is but a part and by no means the greatest part.
Virtue and vice are concepts invented by human beings, words for a morality which human beings arbitrarily devised.
I learned a lot about human nature. So much, in fact, that human nature will be my specialist subject on 'Mastermind'.
To be 'for animals' is not to be 'against humanity.' To require others to treat animals justly, as their rights require, is not to ask for anything more nor less in their case than in the case of any human to whom just treatment is due. The animal rights movement is a part of, not opposed to, the human rights movement. Attempts to dismiss it as anti human are mere rhetoric.
Despite what everyone thinks about science fiction, ultimately, at its best, it's about human beings with human emotions.
There are only two kinds of people who do not commit any sins: Unborn human beings and dead human beings!
There is an indomitable quality within the human spirit that cannot be destroyed; a face deep within the human personality that is impregnable to all assaults.
The sum of human wisdom is not contained in any one language, and no single language is capable of expressing all forms and degrees of human comprehension.
One of the mistakes we'll make because we're human beings is to believe that your vision is a fact. That's the natural optimism of human beings.
Homo sum: humani nil a me alienum puto.I am human: nothing human is alien to me.
Country' and 'city' are very powerful words, and this is not surprising when we remember how much they seem to stand for in the experience of human communities. In English, 'country' is both a nation and a part of a 'land'; 'the country' can be the whole society or its rural area. In the long history of human settlements, this connection between the land from which directly or indirectly we all get our living and the achievements of human society has been deeply known.
...all enjoyment is dependent upon the frailty of human life and human desires ... if we were to have all we want and to live forever, all enjoyment would be gone. — © Ellen Swallow Richards
...all enjoyment is dependent upon the frailty of human life and human desires ... if we were to have all we want and to live forever, all enjoyment would be gone.
Design is directed toward human beings. To design is to solve human problems by identifying them and executing the best solution.
The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise... Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers.
Even when we lose an arm or a leg, there's not less of us but more. Human experience weighs more than human tissue.
What does it mean to be human, and what is at the human heart, and is there a soul, or is that all there is? Can an artificial being be intelligent? Is 'intelligent' the definition of humanity, or is it something deeper?
I fear human beings, because we cannot predict the swings of a human being. They are capable of doing anything. I really fear that.
Oh, the shortcomings and inconsistency of the average human being, especially when this human being is a man trying to manage women's affairs!
Acting represents all that human beings experience, and if you want it to be 'nice,' you will never be a serious communicator of the human experience.
Beer is sacred business, a mood-altering food substance that may have preserved the human species. To drink beer is to be human.
I think that human beings are capable of the worst things possible and they show that there were times, and there probably are times, that it is human to be inhuman.
The lessons we have begun to learn make me hopeful, that human beings will become friendlier, more harmonious, less harmful. Compassion and the seeds of peace will be able to flourish. At the same time, every individual is responsible to help guide our global family in the right direction. Good wishes alone are not enough; we have to take responsibility. Large human movements spring from individual human initiatives
I do think that I have a more flexible view of the interactions between people, and between human and non-human protagonists, humans and their landscapes.
There is a tendency among many shallow thinkers of our day to teach that every human act is a reflex, over which we do not exercise human control. They would rate a generous deed as no more praiseworthy than a wink, a crime as no more voluntary than a sneeze. . . Such a philosophy undercuts all human dignity. . . All of us have the power of choice in action at every moment of our lives.
A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.
Where human eyes have never seen, where human beings have never been, I build a world of abstract dreams, and I wait for you.
No human being can destroy the structure of a marriage except the two who made it. It is the one human edifice that is impregnable except from within.
Learning is a deep human need, like mating and eating, and like all such needs it is meant to be deeply pleasurable to human beings.
Human life is inherently creative. It's why we all have different résumés. … It's why human culture is so interesting and diverse and dynamic.
We are human beings, and this is the part of our human nature, that we don't learn the importance of anything until it's snatched from our hands.
The psychedelic experience is not a journey into the human unconscious, or into the ghost bards of our human civilization. It's a journey into the presence of the Gaian mind.
To be fully human is perhaps why I'm Christian, because I see in the life of Jesus a way of being fully human.
German Marxian's coined the dictum: If socialism is against human nature, then human nature must be changed.
I believe a human being - if he or she wants to remain human, then he or she must do something with what we have seen, endured, witnessed.
I'm going to tell you the most important secret of human life. The most critical need of the human soul is to be kind.
The most obscene symbol in human history is the Cross; yet in its ugliness it remains the most eloquent testimony to human dignity. — © R. C. Sproul
The most obscene symbol in human history is the Cross; yet in its ugliness it remains the most eloquent testimony to human dignity.
The strongest knowledge (that of the total freedom of the human will) is nonetheless the poorest in successes: for it always has the strongest opponent, human vanity.
The human mind has to ask "Who, what, whence, whither, why am I?" And it is very doubtful if the human mind can answer any of these questions.
Socialist is not a human but animal - because human differs from animal in this that he has moral rules, and reds, as their program states, they disobey them.
If you're a human being, you can attempt to do what other human beings have done. We don't understand talent any more than we understand electricity.
The music is really about sharing an experience. That's why we call it Stay Human. It's like we're sharing this genuine human exchange.
Every single human being is creative and maximizing that creativity is critical to happiness and economic growth. Economic growth is driven by creativity, so if we want to increase it, we have to tap into the creativity of everyone. That's what makes me optimistic. For the first time in human history, the basic logic of our economy dictates that further economic development requires the further development and use of human creative capabilities. The great challenge of our time is to find ways to tap into every human's creativity.
In all human love it must be realized that every man promises a woman, and every woman promises a man that which only God alone can give, namely, perfect happiness. One of the reasons why so many marriages are shipwrecked is because as the young couple leave the altar, they fail to realize that human feelings tire and the enthusiasm of the honeymoon is not the same as the more solid happiness of enduring human love. One of the greatest trials of marriage is the absence of solitude. In the first moments of human love, one does not see the little hidden deformities which later on appear.
'The Handmaid's Tale' is a human story, and women's rights are human rights, and it's all about equality, but at the end of the day, it's not equal.
If language is intimately related to being human, then when we study language we are, to a remarkable degree, studying human nature.
I set forth notions that are human and my own, simply as human notions considered in themselves, not as determined and decreed by heavenly ordinance.
Nothing will change until we demolish the "we-they" mentality. We are human, and therefore all human concerns are ours. And those concerns are personal. — © Sam Hamill
Nothing will change until we demolish the "we-they" mentality. We are human, and therefore all human concerns are ours. And those concerns are personal.
Alienation as our present destiny is achieved only by outrageous violence perpetrated by human beings on human beings.
I believe L. Ron Hubbard resolved the human mind, and in resolving it he has also resolved human pain - that's what I really think has happened here.
So deep and meaningful is the joy and the enthusiasm that is born in one's mind and heart by human love and helpfulness that it has the power to motivate for a lifetime. . . . You don't have to be a doctor to say or do that which puts light in a human eye or joy on a human face. Simply practice Jesus' commandment that we love one another. Go out and do something for somebody. These are the things that make happy people. Here is the one never-failing source of the joy and enthusiasm we are talking about.
Except for the grace of God, I would be nobody - and that grace is the opposite of merit - human labour, education or human wisdom.
To love another another human in all of her splendor and imperfect perfection , it is a magnificent task...tremendous and foolish and human.
No study has taken so much of human energy, whether in times past or present, as the study of the soul, of God, and of human destiny.
Like the Birth Of Venus, the song [Yello "oh, Yeah"] denotes the birth of the bro. The song just reminds me of bros looking out over lowered Ray-Bans. It birthed a negative sexual revolution. I was going to a lot of bondage clubs at the time and they did play this song. The song I associate more is that horrible Enigma song with the Gregorian chant. There's something good buried in that song and I might not hate it as much if I hadn't been a sex worker.
Human overconsumption is a greater problem than human population growth, and meat eating is a big part of that problem.
At its best, what art does is, it points to who we as human beings and what we as human beings value. And if Black Lives Matter, they deserve to be in paintings.
You'll never be a wonderful woman or even a wonderful human being until you learn to have some regard for human frailty.
I love writing about black women, but if you go beyond that, we're human beings - and because we're human beings, it's universal for everybody.
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