Top 1200 Human Diversity Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Human Diversity quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
The rich diversity of the world's cultures reflects a corresponding diversity in the wilds that gave them birth.
Diversity is such an interesting word. I feel like when people hear the word 'diversity,' they think that it means only people of color, when in reality, diversity is all-inclusive; it means everyone.
We're looking at such enormous complexity and variety that it makes a mockery of "celebrating diversity." In the L.A. of the future, no one will need to say, "Let's celebrate diversity." Diversity is going to be a fundamental part of our lives. That's what it's going to mean to be modern.
You don't have true freedom until you allow a diversity of opinion and a diversity of voices. — © Don Lemon
You don't have true freedom until you allow a diversity of opinion and a diversity of voices.
I think, certainly, Barack Obama has created an opportunity for America to understand that diversity is a blessing, diversity is a strength. It isn't necessarily something to be concerned about. And I think, at the end of the day, we're going to learn that this country operates best when it celebrates and surrounds itself and appreciates diversity, and doesn't shun it.
I think overall, from a deputy, from an undersecretary standpoint, the goal of a good leader is to get diversity across there. Geographical diversity is important. Industry diversity is important: you can't have all corn growers... Not only that, you've got gender diversity, you've got racial diversity.
It's the diversity of intelligence, the diversity of creativity, that is so very much necessary to creating whole solutions.
Diversity, it is good. This country has been built by diversity. But diversity in sharing of values? For me, it's not good.
Diversity hasn't a thing to do with why this country is great. Diversity is not a factor in any way when defining or explaining America's greatness.
I think that diversity is key for the next American entrepreneurs. They want to be a part of this society where there is so much diversity they have to have people from all the experiences.
Ignorance fears diversity as an invading enemy, while wisdom welcomes diversity in an alliance of friendship.
It is ironic that those who seek to blend and destroy individual racial identities are the biggest enemies of diversity, while simultaneously claiming to support diversity. The end result of that form of diversity is the exact opposite of their stated goal: the destruction of individual identities and ultimately, the destruction of diversity.
Expulsion and genocide, though both are international offenses, must remain distinct; the former is an offense against fellow-nations, whereas the latter is an attack upon human diversity as such, that is, upon a characteristic of the "human status" without which the very words "mankind" or "humanity" would be devoid of meaning.
Of all forms of diversity that should be celebrated on university campuses, none is more important than supporting, nurturing, and promoting intellectual diversity. — © Gad Saad
Of all forms of diversity that should be celebrated on university campuses, none is more important than supporting, nurturing, and promoting intellectual diversity.
It's not diversity that is going to destroy us, but fear of diversity.
If society becomes comfortable with cloning and sees value in true human diversity, then the whole Neanderthal creature itself could be cloned by a surrogate mother chimp - or by an extremely adventurous female human.
Great attention gets paid to rainforests because of the diversity of life there. Diversity in the oceans is even greater.
America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity - the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired.
It's really sad to me that we even have to talk about diversity in the fashion world today. That I would love to change. Diversity should be normal.
I don't accept subtractive models of love, only additive ones. And I believe that in the same way we need species diversity to ensure that the planet can go on, so we need this diversity of affection and diversity of family in order to strengthen the ecosphere of kindness.
When you look at America and its diversity, it's not a coincidence it's the best country on earth. Subtract that diversity, and it wouldn't be the greatest nation.
It is diversity that makes any natural system robust, and diversity that stabilizes culture against the eccentricity and arrogance that have so often called themselves reason and science.
I think we're at a really rich and fertile time in the zeitgeist about paying attention to diversity of all kinds - racial diversity, gender diversity, making room for a continuum that is more inclusive.
With the athletes, there's a lot of diversity. But when you look at the management, coaching and the boards, there's not that much diversity there. I think it's diversity within those roles that's needed.
I think it's important to always have diversity, in our Congress or anywhere, but you also need diversity not just for women of color who are most underrepresented, but diversity in different walks of life.
There is a diversity of thought and philosophy, diversity of languages and dialects, diversity of political spectrum, and there's a diversity of taste for food. I don't label or characterize Jews in any way.
Foreigners have no idea of the diversity of India and its culture. We hope to be able to give them a glimpse of that diversity.
Diversity is not one in the room. Diversity is not two in the room. Diversity is not three in the room. True diversity is half the room.
I think diversity in television is important. It's not about trying to fill a quota or satisfy some idea of diversity, but I think what diversity brings to any daypart is more eyeballs, just more opportunity.
While Justin Trudeau uses the slogan, 'Diversity is our strength,' he has demonstrated time and again that he does not extend that diversity to thought or conscience.
Creating harmony amidst diversity is a fundamental issue of the twenty-first century. While celebrating the unique characteristics of different peoples and cultures, we have to create solidarity on the level of our common humanity, our common life. Without such solidarity, there will be no future for the human race. Diversity should not beget conflict in the world, but richness.
People, human beings with all their creative diversity, are the makers of history.
Londoners say, 'We're so proud of our diversity and tolerance,' but what if that diversity ends up making us intolerant?
I have a hard time accepting diversity as a synonym for justice. Diversity is a corporate strategy.
NYC doesn't have a big sign saying "You must love diversity and the rights of all people." And that's not what makes you love diversity in NYC or anywhere. What makes you love diversity is because you live in it and you experience it.
No circumstance in the natural world is more inexplicable than the diversity of form and color in the human race.
The key, I always thought, to my career would be diversity - a diversity of not only the type of work that you do but the mediums.
Pluralism isn't just diversity; it's something we create out of this diversity.
Ultimately, America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity, the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired. — © Robert Kennedy
Ultimately, America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity, the very diversity which our heritage of religious freedom has inspired.
The diversity is the risk of war, the necessity of diversity is mutual respect
We're supposed to be bringing out-of-the-box thinking and innovation, and you cannot do that unless you've got diversity... It's everything from gender to ethnicity to geographic diversity.
Obviously, there is diversity, but Europe is a union of diversity.
The drive behind what I do is really to make sure that people don't go to bed hungry. It's not just that I have a love of diversity, it's the importance of the uses of that diversity.
For me, diversity whether you think of it as race or gender, it's not a trend, it's a human movement, it's a human feeling, it's a human desire.
For me, diversity is not a value. Diversity is what you find in Northern Ireland. Diversity is Beirut. Diversity is brother killing brother. Where diversity is shared - where I share with you my difference - that can be valuable. But the simple fact that we are unlike each other is a terrifying notion. I have often found myself in foreign settings where I became suddenly aware that I was not like the people around me. That, to me, is not a pleasant discovery.
There's a lack of diversity amongst executives in the position of greenlighting a film who feel that their stories are being told. If there's a diversity at the executive level, then we'll have diversity of the storytelling process.
Diversity for the sake of diversity is not an accomplishment or a step forward. It's what you bring to the table.
The diversity of Europe is its strength. But for a single currency to work, over a region with enormous economic and political diversity, is not easy.
Diversity for diversity's sake is nothing more than affirmative action and can make no claim to being part of America's greatness. — © Rush Limbaugh
Diversity for diversity's sake is nothing more than affirmative action and can make no claim to being part of America's greatness.
The trouble is that Millennials and many recent products of the public schools believe that America was made great, if they're even taught that it's great, if they're taught that it's great, you know what they're told is the reason? Diversity. There's diversity all over the world. You can go to places where there is diversity out the wazoo, folks. You can go to places all over the place world and you can find the most diversity, you can find perfect diversity, however you find it. You will not find a United States.
The fact is that the diversity in this political class serves the same interest as diversity in any arena, which is it stirs the competitive pot.
That diversity of production styles and diversity of lyrical structure - I miss that.
The Senate needs a lot more diversity, and I bring quadruple diversity.
'Diversity' is like, 'Ugh, I have to do diversity.' I recognize and celebrate what it is, but that word, to me, is a disconnect.
I cannot affirm God if I fail to affirm man. Therefore, I affirm both. Without a belief in human unity I am hungry and incomplete. Human unity is the fulfillment of diversity. It is the harmony of opposites. It is a many-stranded texture, with color and depth.
Enforced by genetics, sexual reproduction, perspective, and experience, the most manifest characteristic of human beings is their diversity. The freer an economy is, the more this human diversity of knowledge will be manifested. By contrast, political power originates in top-down processes-governments, monopolies, regulators, and elite institutions- all attempting to quell human diversity and impose order. Thus power always seeks centralization.
I would like to do a series about sequencing the human genome, and also analyze more human diversity among other ethnic groups - a 'Faces of America 2.'
Diversity is not a virtue. Diversity is a good only to the extent that it advances other virtues, justice or inclusiveness of others who have previously been excluded.
You can see the diversity that pieces in the anthology represent, and then the interconnections-obvious and less obvious-between various stories or between various modes of storytelling. Diversity generates need for conversation, conversation generates common interests, as well as differences. Literature, as a human project, is all about that.
The two most important forms of diversity when it comes to innovation are visible diversity (typically skin color, age, gender, etc.) and underrepresentation (anytime someone is less than 15% of the majority group). Other forms of diversity are also relevant but these are the ones that psychologically play the most role in how someone engages with the innovative process.
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