Top 1200 Hundred Times Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Hundred Times quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Indonesia's diversity is formidable: some thirteen and a half thousand islands, two hundred and fifty million people, around three hundred and sixty ethnic groups, and more than seven hundred languages.
Fortunately I've got a weak character, so I never did decide to dedicate myself to only one of my professions. And I'm very glad. After all, if I'd rejected chess or music then my life wouldn't have been two times, but a hundred times less interesting.
Be about ten times more magnanimous than you believe yourself capable of. Your life will be a hundred times better for it. — © Cheryl Strayed
Be about ten times more magnanimous than you believe yourself capable of. Your life will be a hundred times better for it.
The difference is slight, to the influence of an author, whether he is read by five hundred readers, or by five hundred thousand; if he can select the five hundred, he reaches the five hundred thousand.
Look at me as many times as you wish, but you won’t get to know me! Since you have last seen me, I’ve changed a hundred times!
The technology involved in making anything invisible is so infinitely complex that nine hundred and ninety-nine billion, nine hundred and ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine times out of a trillion it is much simpler and more effective just to take the thing away and do without it.
There is a difference between a book of two hundred pages from the very beginning, and a book of two hundred pages which is the result of an original eight hundred pages. The six hundred are there. Only you don't see them.
If you go on a journey to Mars and get into deep space, there is several hundred times, maybe 300 times the radiation.
In visual art it's better once to see, than one hundred times to hear.
Give me a good script, and I'll be a hundred times better as a director.
It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.
There were times when I had maybe a couple of hundred dollars, and times I made myself think I was on top of the world.
Children laugh an average of three hundred or more times a day; adults laugh an average of five times a day. We have a lot of catching up to do. — © Heather King
Children laugh an average of three hundred or more times a day; adults laugh an average of five times a day. We have a lot of catching up to do.
Everything growing wild is a hundred times stronger than tame things.
Throw away sacredness and wisdom and people will be one hundred times happier.
One must do the same subject over again ten times, a hundred times. In art nothing must resemble an accident, not even movement.
We are dealing with the best-educated generation in history. They are a hundred times better educated than their grandparents, and ten times more sophisticated. There has never been such an open-minded group. The problem is that no one is giving them anything fresh. They've got a brain dressed up with nowhere to go.
I would go to the deeps a hundred times a cheer a downcast spirit.
It takes a hundred times more skill to make love than to command an army.
I was feeling a bit down, I went to a therapist a few times, at a hundred bucks a pop. But then I realized that no therapy session would ever cheer me up half as much as if I was just strolling along and found a hundred dollar bill.
I should have died in ambushes a hundred times.
My father has said a hundred times, and I have paid attention, that it's stupid to let money be the reason you don't do something.
In India, I learned a proverb that says, 'Distrust the calculation seven times over, the mathematician a hundred times.'
There may be more to learn from climbing the same mountain a hundred times than by climbing a hundred different mountains.
There are often some hundred times, a thousand times, before you can really see it for the first time.
The most important thing - and I've said it a hundred times and I'll say it a hundred times - if you marry a man, marry the right one.
War is terrorism, magnified a hundred times.
It is sound judgment to put on a bold face and play your hand for a hundred times what it is worth; forty-nine times out of fifty nobody dares to call it, and you roll in the chips.
Seeing something once is better than hearing about it a hundred times. Doing something once is better than seeing it a hundred times.
Falling down doesn't matter, even if you do it a hundred times. All that matters is that you get up again.
A hundred times have I thought New York is a catastrophe and 50 times: It is a beautiful catastrophe.
Most people would guess that the sun is fifty or a hundred times brighter than the moon, but it's a half million times brighter - evidence of the amazing capacity of our eyes to adjust to light and dark.
Say your name over two hundred times and discover you are no one.
When cars have the sensory systems around them, GPS intelligence, they're looking at the world not only in visual spectrum, but infrared, ultraviolet and everything else that's going on and they've got reaction times in microseconds. Not a tenth of a second. They're a hundred thousand times faster.
On Wall Street he and a few others - how many? three hundred, four hundred, five hundred? had become precisely that... Masters of the Universe.
The word "wilderness" occurs approximately three hundred times in the Bible, and all its meanings are derogatory.
I always tell my students to go back after a hundred pages and rewrite from the beginning. It's really harder if you've already finished four hundred pages and realize the first hundred aren't working.
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once. — © Amarillo Slim
You can shear a sheep a hundred times, but you can skin it only once.
We must visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament a hundred thousand times a day.
A plagiarist should be made to copy the author a hundred times.
I have a hundred times wished that one could resign life as an officer resigns a commission.
We both believe, and disbelieve a hundred times an hour, which keeps believing nimble.
I shall repeat a hundred times; we really ought to free ourselves from the seduction of words!
It is a truism that one person who wants something is a hundred times stronger than a hundred who want to be left alone.
I'm doing the same thing and it's a hundred times bigger and a hundred times better. So if your going to make a computer game off a movie, is it going to be like "Avatar" where it's going to be a prequel before Jake even got to the planet. You've got to be smart because audiences demand that.
There are times when the actual experience of leaving something makes you wish desperately that you could stay, and then there are times when the leaving reminds you a hundred times over why exactly you had to leave in the first place.
I'm a director. My job is to think how I want to present it. If I want to say [lines] eight times or 10 times, a hundred, it's my choice. I have a certain vision. If you don't have the vision, you don't have the story, you can't be interviewed.
For the thirst to possess your love, Is worth my blood a hundred times. — © Rumi
For the thirst to possess your love, Is worth my blood a hundred times.
After you make a fool of yourself a few hundred times, you learn what works.
Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
All really good picture books are written to be read five hundred times
A thought is often original, though you have uttered it a hundred times.
I felt that thread that had come between us, tugging, tugging at my heart - so hard, it hurt me. A hundred times I almost rose, almost went in to her; a hundred times I thought, Go to her! Why are you waiting? Go back to her side! But every time, I thought of what would happen if I did. I knew that I couldn't lie beside her, without wanting to touch her. I couldn't have felt her breath upon my mouth, without wanting to kiss her. And I couldn't have kissed her, without wanting to save her.
I will try one hundred times to get up, and if I fail one hundred times. If I fail and I give up, will I ever get up? No! If I fail I’ll try again, and again and again. But I want to tell you it’s not the end.
Surface streets are probably a hundred to a thousand times more complicated than highways.
Just because an apple falls one hundred times out of a hundred does not mean it will fall on the hundred and first.
I'd look at one of my stonecutters hammering away at the rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet, at the hundred and first blow it would split in two, and I knew it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.
I've said it once and I'll say it a a hundred times, I'm forty-four years old.
Even if people say you look cool and you did well, it's extremely cringey to watch yourself rocking out. It's like listening to your own voice on an answering machine times a hundred, because you're hearing your voice through a microphone outside of a PA at a hundred decibels.
Any penalty - I've told you a hundred times - can be eliminated by concentration or good judgment.
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