Top 1200 Hundred Times Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Hundred Times quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
Love has a hundred gentle ends.
History has rewritten itself so many times I'm not really sure how it was to begin with -- it's a bit like trying to guess the original color of a wall when it's been repainted eight times.
I remembered the times I'd second-guessed myself or questioned my own ability. The times when a little voice in my head worried that I didn't have the know-how or the experience to reach for an exciting opportunity.
A sage is the instructor of a hundred ages. — © Ralph Waldo Emerson
A sage is the instructor of a hundred ages.
I train three, four, five times a week, protein six times a day, resistance training for at least 45 minutes... it's so very boring. It's really painful. It's laborious.
Let a hundred flowers bloom.
I'd like to do a hundred different films.
I've never necessarily chosen to be a bachelor. I've had girlfriends throughout the last 20 or 30 years. It's just that there were times when I met people that fascinated me and times I didn't.
I think that human beings are capable of the worst things possible and they show that there were times, and there probably are times, that it is human to be inhuman.
Sometimes you try different things when you play the best ones many times and you lost a few times, so you have to change sometimes.
I start to crack at four hundred to one.
I wrestle in a big way with August Wilson's work in that I at times admire it and at times feel infuriated by it, which is weirdly more influential than loving someone entirely.
You are always happy when you make a hundred.
How many times have I failed before? How many times have I stood here like this, in front of my own image, in front of my own person, trying to convince him not to be scared, to go on, to get out of this rut? How many times before I finally convince myself, how many private, erasable deaths will I need to die, how may self-murders is it going to take, how many times will I have to destroy myself before I learn, before I understand?
Great men are usually the products of their times and one of the men developed by these times takes rank with the greatest railroad leaders in history. — © John Moody
Great men are usually the products of their times and one of the men developed by these times takes rank with the greatest railroad leaders in history.
It were a blessed sight to see That child become a willow tree, His brother trees among. He'd be four times as tall as me, And live three times as long.
Baseball was one-hundred percent of my life.
But I despised men who accepted their fate. I shaped mine twenty times and had it broken twenty times in my hands.
I despise 'animal welfare.' That's like saying, 'Let's beat the slaves three times a week instead of five times a week'.
Her thoughts ran away to her girlhood with its passionate longing for adventure and she remembered the arms of men that had held her when adventure was a possible thing for her. Particularly she remembered one who had for a time been her lover and who in the moment of his passion had cried out to her more than a hundred times, saying the same words madly over and over: "You dear! You dear! You lovely dear!" The words, she thought, expressed something she would have liked to have achieved in life.
Is twenty hundred kisses such a trouble?
The best times I had on film sets were the times the director let me express myself, but those were rare.
When we first begin fighting for our dreams, we have no experience and make many mistakes. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and get up eight times.
He needed his solitude at times, but he wasn't a hermit. He did a lot of socializing. Sometimes I think it was like he was storing up company for the times when he knew nobody would be around.
We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. We just need to keep battling. We're a team that has stuck together through the good times and the bad times. Our reward is near.
One foole makes a hundred.
One's too many, and a hundred's not enough.
If you can think of all the times in your life, some of the happiest times were probably when you were laughing. And some of the worst times in your life you were being laughed at.
You know, where I come from, an antique, to be called an antique, it has to be at least a hundred years old. That's a law: before you can call something an antique, it has to be a hundred years old. In L.A., something that's been around for a couple of weeks is an antique. It's true! People are like, Look at this old-fashioned iPod. Look at this! It's the size of a man's hand! Ha ha ha ha. Back then-back then, people thought Mel Gibson was just acting crazy. It was a very different time.
I am social at times and sometimes, I want my privacy. There are days when I am at my chirpiest best and there are times when I wish to be left alone.
When people know and care about their neighbors, they show up for each other in tough times and work together more effectively to boost quality of life in all the times in between.
Mostly, we authors must repeat ourselves - that's the truth. We have two or three great and moving experiences in our lives - experiences so great and moving that it doesn't seem at the time anyone else has been so caught up and so pounded and dazzled and astonished and beaten and broken and rescued and illuminated and rewarded and humbled in just that way ever before. Then we learn our trade, well or less well, and we tell our two or three stories - each time in a new disguise - maybe ten times, maybe a hundred, as long as people will listen.
I will find you," he whispered in my ear. "I promise. If I must endure two hundred years of purgatory, two hundred years without you - then that is my punishment, which I have earned for my crimes. For I have lied, and killed, and stolen; betrayed and broken trust. But there is the one thing that shall lie in the balance. When I shall stand before God, I shall have one thing to say, to weigh against the rest." His voice dropped, nearly to a whisper, and his arms tightened around me. Lord, ye gave me a rare woman, and God! I loved her well.
The first hundred years are the hardest.
Never trust anyone under one hundred!
A right result, at this time, will be worth more to the world, than ten times the men, and ten times the money.
Absolutely, one hundred percent, not guilty.
One hundred fights and I will stop.
The Constitution is never tested during times of tranquility; it is during times of tension, turmoil, tragedy, trauma, and terrorism that it is sorely tested. — © Mike Honda
The Constitution is never tested during times of tranquility; it is during times of tension, turmoil, tragedy, trauma, and terrorism that it is sorely tested.
A hundred suspicions don't make a proof.
The same costume will be Indecent ten years before its time, Shameless five years before its time, Outre (daring) one year before its time, Smart (in its own time), Dowdy one year after its time, Ridiculous twenty years after its time, Amusing thirty years after its time, Quaint fifty years after its time, Charming seventy years after its time, Romantic one-hundred years after its time, Beautiful one-hundred-and-fifty years after its time.
To protect women in times of war, we must first make sure women receive equal rights in times of peace.
I never said it. Honest. Oh, I said there are maybe 100 billion galaxies and 10 billion trillion stars. It's hard to talk about the Cosmos without using big numbers. I said "billion" many times on the Cosmos television series, which was seen by a great many people. But I never said "billions and billions." For one thing, it's too imprecise. How many billions are "billions and billions"? A few billion? Twenty billion? A hundred billion? "Billions and billions" is pretty vague. When we reconfigured and updated the series, I checked-and sure enough, I never said it.
When angry, count to a hundred.
If there is one regret that I have had in my life, it is that I never fathered any children. There are times, when I look at what Fergus and Beryl have produced, when I consider myself fortunate, but there are also times when it breaks my heart.
I'm not an easy person to love. There are lots of times when I'm a very good boyfriend, but there are times when I'm useless. I mean, I'm a mess around the house. I talk nonstop. I become obsessed with things.
From a hundred rabbits you can't make a horse.
The New York Times will tell you what is going on in Afghanistan or the Horn of Africa. But it is no exaggeration that The New York Times has more people in India than they have in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is a borough of two million people. They're not a Bloomingdale's people, not trendy, sophisticated, the quiche and Volvo set. The New York Times does not serve those people.
The bad times I can handle. It's the good times that drive me crazy. When is the other shoe going going to drop?
Strength times strength times strength times strength times strength times strength means power. — © Oprah Winfrey
Strength times strength times strength times strength times strength times strength means power.
The Constitution is never tested during times of tranquility; it is during times of tension, turmoil, tragedy, trauma, and terrorism that it is sorely tested
All this is, is a nine hundred dollar hammer.
One's too many and a hundred's not enough.
One joy dispels a hundred cares.
There may be some tough times here in America. But this country has gone through tough times before, and we're going to do it again.
I'd like to live to a hundred.
Scott Fitzgerald is a sound you like to hear at certain times of the day, say at four in the afternoon and again late at night, and at other times it makes you slightly sick.
A 'human right' is, by definition, timeless. It cannot adhere to some societies and not others, at some times and not at other times.
I have made cassoulet more times than is advisable - first in culinary school, once with a friend for a dinner party, and at least half a dozen times in the BA Test Kitchen.
To me, fashion is like a mirror. It's a reflection of the times. And if it doesn't reflect the times, it's not fashion. Because people aren't gonna be wearing it.
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