Top 1200 Hungry Lion Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Hungry Lion quotes.
Last updated on September 30, 2024.
In 1968, I became a vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry, and unhappy like we do.
Don't wait until you get hungry to eat. Eating throughout the day is best. And obviously sleep is important.
Though every nation must do its part to address climate change, developed nations are responsible for the lion's share of carbon pollution in the atmosphere, and they have an obligation to help developing nations transition to a sustainable future.
In the middle of nowhere, along a quiet stretch of road, the diner dreamt of the hungry dead. And of two men. — © A. Lee Martinez
In the middle of nowhere, along a quiet stretch of road, the diner dreamt of the hungry dead. And of two men.
People are hungry for God. What [a] terrible meeting [it] would be with our neighbour if we give them only ourselves.
Temptations, when we meet them at first, are as the lion that reared upon Samson; but if we overcome them, the next time we see them we shall find a nest of honey within them.
I can't think of any issue that is more important than working to see that no schoolchild in this world goes hungry.
The thing that everyone remembers about 'Bambi' is that moment. 'The Lion King,' took it to quite an extreme because it was an action sequence: his father was killed in a wildebeest stampede - I related, because mine was, too.
When I was in the studio doing 'Hungry Eyes,' we had to make it an '80s record, but we wanted it to feel like the '60s.
We are perfectionists. We are hungry to work all the time. We are entertained by every aspect of business and we never want to stop working.
A man who has never been hungry may possess a more refined palate, but he has no idea what it means to eat.
'Hairspray' was a movie turned Broadway musical turned Hollywood remake, and that is the 'Lion King' circle of life as we know it in Times Square, the creative loop that swings for the stars and sometimes crashes into the upper deck.
Oftentimes people ask me, 'Why is it that you're so focused on helping the hungry and diseased in strange parts of the world?'
The rude awakening I got was that this country can determine the fate of anyone by using propaganda on a public that is hungry for lies. — © Bushwick Bill
The rude awakening I got was that this country can determine the fate of anyone by using propaganda on a public that is hungry for lies.
Yeah, well, if ifs and buts were candy and nuts, then we’d never go hungry. (Syn)
Armed with my sword and wand, I was all set for a stroll through the swamp to look for a hungry monster. Oh, joy!
Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I think viewers are hungry for shows in which people say something meaningful.
It is difficult for me to imagine what "personal liberty" the unemployed can have who go hungry and cannot find utilization of their labor.
I eat at this German-Chinese restaurant and the food is delicious. The only problem is that an hour later you're hungry for power.
People hear 'East Palo Alto' and they think, 'Oh, you're from Stanford.' They don't understand. It's like 'The Lion King:' You've got Pride Rock, and then you've got where the hyenas are. It ain't too far, but it's a completely different world.
I just really love the game. I'm very hungry, and I'm looking forward to playing in the best league in the world.
'Infinity Blade' has proven that iPhone owners are hungry for high-end games with cutting-edge graphics.
Tyria's a big world. We get a grand tour in 'Ghosts of Ascalon.' We're in Divinity's Reach, we're in Lion's Arch, we're in Ebonhawke, we're in the Dragon's Land, we're in Ascalon. We're basically hitting a lot of the major human and charr locations.
I grew up in a small hotel with many rooms, so when I became aware of 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,' I inspected all the wardrobes, sure one had to be a portal to another world. I was also a true believer in faeries, and perhaps still am.
I own a private yacht, private jet and a private lion.
To be honest, I'm in love with denim. It hasn't been my go-to Lion Babe look, but it's very much my 'everyday Jillian look.' I am in denim every single day.
'George' exploits John Kennedy Jr.'s cult of celebrity at a time when Americans are hungry for icons, not heroes.
As long as the writer cannot write for the two billion men who are hungry, he will be oppressed by a feeling of malaise.
They said if you are in China you have to be sold, you have to get married. And something that still saddens me is that I actually didn't care, I was so hungry.
Dieting isn't my thing, I love food too much and also have such a fast metabolism I always seem hungry.
Really skinny actresses make me hungry. I see them and think, 'Honey, you need to eat!'
Print is definitely more nutritious. When I leave a website, I'm hungry again an hour later - especially the Chinese websites.
When the fixture list is released, while you're on holiday, wherever it is in the world, it reminds you and it makes you hungry to play again.
People who do not need to please are irresistible because they radiate wholeness, a rare delicacy in a world of hungry hearts.
For an hour or more he was neither human nor vampire, just a howling, hungry creature of dark delights.
Really skinny actresses make me hungry - I see them and think, Honey, you need to eat!
A guy I interviewed for Hard Times says, "What do I remember about the Great Depression? That I was hungry, that's all." Elemental things.
So much of what I say gets sensationalized and journalists have to report on scandal because that's what people are hungry to read about.
The way you slam your body into mine reminds me I’m alive, but monsters are always hungry, darling. — © Richard Siken
The way you slam your body into mine reminds me I’m alive, but monsters are always hungry, darling.
When people are hungry, when a mother or father is facing a child that they can't feed, you can't ask that family to lay down their arms.
You've got to stay humble and hungry. Just keep working and thank God you have a chance to play in the NBA.
Let every emotion be capable becoming an intoxication to you. If what you eat fails to make you drunk, it is because you are not hungry enough.
Remove all the junk from one's house. Then one doesn't have to deal with the temptation. If you get hungry enough, you will eat that apple.
For better or worse, the United States enjoys the lion's share of public and media attention. We influence much of the conversation on social and public media by sheer volume.
What we are effectively doing, I say this to the young people of America whom my colleagues represent, is leaving our children and grandchildren the tab for fighting a war, letting them pay for the lion's share of it by simply adding it to the national debt.
The lion of anger shall give place to the lamb of meekness; the raven of uncleanness shall fly before the dove of purity; the vile serpent of deceit shall be trodden under the heel of truth.
I don't look at it like I've had a lot of success. I'm always hungry to do more, break records, and things of that sort.
There is a young and impressionable mind out there that is hungry for information. It has latched on to an electronic tube as its main source of nourishment.
A leader's first duty is to look after his or her people, especially those who are sick, hungry, or thirsty. — © Michael Monroe
A leader's first duty is to look after his or her people, especially those who are sick, hungry, or thirsty.
I can't make you understand because you don't know the meaning of fear. You have the heart of a lion and an utter lack of imagination and I envy you both of those qualities. You'll never mind facing realities and you'll never want to escape from them as I do.
I'm just not convinced that Jesus is going to say, "When I was hungry, you gave a check to the United Way and they fed me.
I was hungry a coupla' times but for the most part I ate every day... I got to go to school for free.
The success of 'Hidden Figures' proves that people are interested in, hungry for, stories about transcendent human experiences.
Every idol, however exalted, turns out, in the long run, to be a Moloch, hungry for human sacrifice.
As long as we focus on the outside, there will always be that empty, hungry, lost place inside that needs to be filled.
The lioness giveth birth to cubs which remain three days without life. Then cometh the lion, breatheth upon them, and bringeth them to life.
There's no doubt that 'Lion' is an audience pleaser. I mean, I went to a lot of research screenings all over, in London and America and Australia, and the results were ridiculous, and the crowds were... they just loved the movie, so for me, my job is done.
As a mother, you have that impulse to wish that no child should ever be hurt, or abused, or go hungry, or not have opportunities in life.
My first novel is loaded with food references largely because my cupboards were bare, and I was writing hungry.
You have to be either naive or power-hungry to get into politics. I wouldn't consider it myself. I am too well-informed.
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