Top 1200 Hunting Season Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Hunting Season quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
Our lives are part of a unique adventure... Nevertheless, most of us think the world is 'normal' and are constantly hunting for something abnormal--like angels or Martians. But that is just because we don't realize the world is a mystery. As for myself, I felt completely different. I saw the world as an amazing dream. I was hunting for some kind of explanation of how everything fit together.
I love cuffing season. It's a very inspiring season for those who want to be inspired.
I'm an outdoor person. You'll always see me outdoors - mountain biking, going to the park, going outside throwing the football. I love being on the water. I go canoeing, kayaking, anything really. I like extreme sports too. ATVs, dirt bikes. I am a country girl. Fishing, hunting, hog hunting.
You can learn something from losses, wins, an unsuccessful season, a successful season. — © Paul Millsap
You can learn something from losses, wins, an unsuccessful season, a successful season.
As much as I enjoy hunting the abundant wildlife along the river bottom, my wife and I also take great pleasure in sharing the hunting opportunities on our ranch with so many from our community each year. We understand that community service and shared enjoyment of our great lands is the true Montana tradition.
I think when you do a season of television you go into it going I'd like the season premiere needs to be amazing. The season finale needs to be amazing.
It's been a tough season for all of us, but all we can do is keep fighting and showing character to the end of the season
I actually hated hunting the first time I went when I was a kid. My dad took us deer hunting. We sat there for 30 minutes, and I felt like I was losing my mind. But in college, I fell in love with it. Football became a full-time job, and I needed an escape. I needed something that would mellow me out.
The Word of God isn't for one particular season. It's for every season. But in its specific application, it's best read from Thanksgiving to Christmas.
. . perhaps the greatest satisfaction on the first day of the season is the knowledge in the evening that the whole of the rest of the season is to come.
I'll take account of things at the end of the season. Now I'm expecting a good finish to the league season.
If my career was a basketball season, I'm in the pre-season still. I'm not blowing everybody out by 40 - there's so much work to be done, and there's no time to really sit and look back and be proud of what I've done yet, because it's the pre-season still.
It's very hard to get people, because it's just one of those things. I mean, everybody is working. And then during the off- season, it's easy, but we don't have the people during the off-season, because the club closes during off-season, so lot of people don't want a part-time job.
Everybody has their due season. And it's all about what you do in your season.
preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. — © Paul the Apostle
preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching.
I think people always expect that when you have a good season and expect the next season to be better, and the season after better and better.
As you know, when Star Trek was canceled after the second season, it was the activism of the fans that revived it for a third season.
Every off-season you look at what you can improve on. So you come in for the new season fresh and ready to go again.
The software programs that make our body run ... were evolved in very different times. We'd like to actually change those programs. One little software program, called the fat insulin receptor gene, basically says, 'Hold onto every calorie, because the next hunting season may not work out so well.' That was in the interests of the species tens of thousands of years ago. We'd like to turn that program off.
The Conservation Buck Challenge was designed to engage and mobilize the hunting community to preserve the outdoor experience for future generations. Our members will be ambassadors for ethical hunting, respect for private property rights, support for conservation funding and programs that give our children the chance to learn the valuable lessons of nature.
Winter was nothing but a season of snow; spring, allergies; and summer...It was the worst. That was swimsuit season.
Hillary Clinton has not done an interview with me during the campaign season. I spoke to her years ago but not this I don't want to misspeak.
Some things that started in pre-season and then, you know what, the season gets started, you kind of forget about it and then move on to football, and it's strictly football until the season finishes.
Listing the polar bear under the Endangered Species Act could harm bear conservation efforts by eliminating revenues from the carefully-regulated sport hunting of polar bears by Americans and the importation of polar bear meat and trophies into the U.S. As hunting by non-Americans would replace hunting by Americans, nothing would be accomplished in terms of reducing the number of polar bears killed, but the revenue currently generated by American sport hunters for conservation and research efforts would be eliminated.
I think housework is far more tiring and frightening than hunting is, no comparison, and yet after hunting we had eggs for tea and were made to rest for hours, but after housework people expect one to go on just as if nothing special had happened.
He who has in due season become rich, unless he saves in due season, will in due season starve.
It's really interesting, for an actor, that you can continue to do season after season and not play the same role.
If you establish a democracy, you must in due time reap the fruits of a democracy. You will in due season have great impatience of public burdens, combined in due season with great increase of public expenditure. You will in due season have wars entered into from passion and not from reason; and you will in due season submit to peace ignominiously sought and ignominiously obtained, which will diminish your authority and perhaps endanger your independence. You will in due season find your property is less valuable, and your freedom less complete.
Anyone who thinks hunters are just 'bloodthirsty morons' hasn't looked into hunting. If you wait through long, cold hours in the November woods with a bow in your hands hoping a buck will show, or if you spend days walking in the African bush trailing Cape buffalo while listening to lions roar, you're sure to learn hunting isn't about killing.
There is definitely global warming, and man is definitely contributing to it. Go out to, say, Montana and talk to some pretty conservative people, hunters and fishermen. They know that in the trout stream they fished when they were growing up, the trout are stressed because the water temperature is going up. They know the hunting season has been delayed because the snows are coming later, and therefore the elk aren't coming down from the mountains.
Each season has its own beauty. To practice meditation is to open the mind so that all of them may be enjoyed. When each season comes we should enjoy it; & when it goes, we should let it go and open our mind to the next season.
You always get better as the season goes on, as far as conditioning and the flow of the season.
I take it season by season. I don't like looking too far ahead, because you never know what can happen.
We have been saying this, both pre season and before the season started
I want to continue to improve season after season, which I think I've done.
You have to get the second season by acquiescing to a third season.
Even though they won't finish in the top four this season, they will still be of the contenders next season.
Prophets are so dangerous because they cry in season and out of season, politely and impolitely, loud and long.
As I accepted the change of the golden hair of my childhood to the reddish-brown hair of my youth without regret, so I also accept my silver hair-and I am ready to accept the time when my hair and the rest of my clay garment returns to the dust from which it came, while my spirit goes on to freer living. It is the season for my hair to be silver, and each season has its lessons to teach. Each season of life is wonderful if you have learned the lessons of the season before. It is only when you go on with lessons unlearned that you wish for a return.
I wanted to train more for the outdoor season than the indoor season, so I changed my training totally. — © Genzebe Dibaba
I wanted to train more for the outdoor season than the indoor season, so I changed my training totally.
I'm a season kind of guy - not the preseason but the regular season.
I don't understand what's happening in 'Mr. Robot' all the time, and I'm really actually intimated for the second season. I'll have to rewatch the first season, I think.
Every season can be allergy season, depending on what you're allergic to.
If you wait through long, cold hours in the November woods with a bow in your hands hoping a buck will show or if you spend days walking in the African bush trailing Cape buffalo while listening to lions roar, you’re sure to learn hunting isn’t about killing. Nature actually humbles you. Hunting forces a person to endure, to master themselves, even to truly get to know the wild environment. Actually, along the way, hunting and fishing makes you fall in love with the natural world. This is why hunters so often give back by contributing to conservation.
On a local level, hunters in states around the country have provided billions of dollars for conservation efforts. Money collected from hunting license sales, taxes on ammunition and firearms and other hunting equipment often goes directly to properly maintaining land and conservation efforts.
I can definitely tell you what viewers can expect from Season 2 [of 'Zoo']. It picks up right where Season 1 left off - the gang facing this wall of animals charging at a car. And so, it'll be satisfying in that way. The cliffhanger in Season 1 just kind of went to black screen. It picks up right where that left off. And from there on, the stakes just continue to rise in the season, and I think it's really adrenaline-filled.
I never want to be playing the same thing, even season to season.
If you score 20 goals one season, then you have to promise yourself that in the following season you will get 25.
The first season [of Jessica Jones] exceeded my expectations already, so I'm just waiting to see what will happen in the second season.
It is very important to me to maintain a consistent workout regimen during the season. The Bulls staff does a great job with providing me with a weekly workout, and these kept me energized throughout my rookie season. In the off season, I try to increase my strength and add new dimensions to my game.
I enjoy doing both of them very much, concert work particularly, and the division varies from season to season. — © Sarah Caldwell
I enjoy doing both of them very much, concert work particularly, and the division varies from season to season.
It is a great thing to know the season for speech and the season for silence.
It's easy to have a good season but if you want to have a great season you have got to win a major tournament.
What you have to remember is that baseball isn't a week or a month but a season - and a season is a long time.
The first season of a show is kind of like an extended pilot. You're only really on the map if it goes a second season.
Words are often seen hunting for an idea, but ideas are never seen hunting for words.
Whenever I donate a hunting trip for the Children's Leukemia Foundation, Ronald McDonald Cancer House, all these children's charities, I offer the anti-hunters an opportunity: if you donate more to the children's charity than the hunters donate we won't go hunting.
Summer is the sweet spot of the movie-going season -- and it's also peak season for Six Flags theme parks.
I don't think any guy goes into a season worrying about the next season.
'Married with Children,' we were good until the fifth or sixth season, and then we limped into the 11th season.
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